Where do I learn about gun physics. Have physics degree, kinda want to design guns and sheet...

where do I learn about gun physics. Have physics degree, kinda want to design guns and sheet. any books would be appreciated.

Attached: smeeth.jpg (800x533, 150K)

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What you need to learn is marketing. Guns are a fucking mature market with well-established players and you're gonna need to bring something interesting to the table.

My vote is for a break-top revolver in .357. Make it look cool and sci-fi and they will sell. Please no 6 o'clock barrel like the fail ass Rhino.

Attached: MP-412 REX.jpg (500x319, 27K)

Stop trying to get other anons to build your gun for you. I've seen you a few times now.

>implying only one user wants a personal gunsmith

Only one who keeps telling people to make him a top breaking .357. Pretty sure with that same pic before too.

There are physical limitations with big caliber top breaks. There is a reason why you don't see them.

The REX is a gay meme gun that died at the prototype stage, stop trying to make it happen and just buy a normal S&W you larping faggot

Stop trying to crush my dream bro.

Yeah the reason is that Russia can't ship the gun here because MUH RUSSIA.

Attached: c7f7cf8a7a976b651b2e28f12a13fafd.jpg (400x258, 17K)


Attached: ugIpRzXLaFxSHCT-1600x900-noPad.jpg (550x407, 46K)

Unironically? Wikipedia and your knowledge in physics. Gun blogs sometimes go into that, so look at those too. Scientific studies are also good.

Ballistic coefficient:


Ballistic trauma:


user seems to both have learned very little from his degree and believe that it makes him a structural and design engineer

>15 year old
>physics degree

What specifically do you mean by "gun physics"? Do you mean how they mechanically operate?

Attached: poosas.jpg (1949x1462, 3.02M)


The force of the detonation is literally trying to rip the break top mechanism open. At some point it just becomes impractical because the break top mechnism needs to be so beefy it becomes more of a handicap than a feature.

With a physics degree you should be able to apply for and obtain any technical job/engineering job besides the specialized fields like bioe and aero. Go to work for the oil industry if you can, I hear stability sucks but the pay is top notch. Throughout your 20s don't get married but acquire some property an ffl and a machine shop. Eventually, after making yourself an expert in the field with 10 - 20 yrs experience and work, you should be making top of the line fire-arms, be sure to network and make friends in the communty along the way.

You don't really need a degree in physics to understand how the mechanics of a gun work.


>where do I learn about gun physics.
You don't. Everything is just "yeah, the pressure curve will make so and so force with so and so bullet weight. Now what will work and be easy enough to produce and what materials can I use?"
Outside of that and machining tolerances for gas seals, there isn't much more to it. Everything is just guess and check.

what the fuck is that gun. looks like a galil had an affair with some german engineers and g3 parts, and then someone said ".556 mane"

its the indian standard issue rifle.
hence all the poop on the ground

ayyy didnt even notice that

Look up the .PDF of chinn's " the machine gun". Volume 4 is the one you'll want. Any specific ideas for your first project?

>structural and design engineer
I think you mean mechanical engineer.

>not posting the superior version

Attached: Chiappa-Rhino-.357-Magnum-4-Inch-Blue-Revolver.jpg (3487x3487, 2.8M)

Attached: Bait huluud.png (600x600, 17K)