Did anyone else go through a phase of rapidly buying/selling/trading different guns so they could try lots of different...

Did anyone else go through a phase of rapidly buying/selling/trading different guns so they could try lots of different things?

I've been in the US for almost 6 years and just got my 40th firearm, though I've only owned 2-4 at a time. I've slowed down lately as I'm figuring out what I like, but when I first got into guns I was trading something every couple weeks. I wish I could have kept all of them but I'm not as financially irresponsible as some of you guys and won't keep any redundant firearms until I'm in a better position. I know everyone always says "don't sell/trade guns, you'll regret it", but I've only regretted a couple. Of the 36 guns I've ditched I only miss the two HK P2000s (V1 and V3), the Ruger Security Six, and the MR Micro Desert Eagle.

How about you guys? Anyone do something similar? Or do you just regret getting rid of something?

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>Did anyone else go through a phase of rapidly buying/selling/trading different guns so they could try lots of different things?
I'm doing that right now.

It's called being immature and you'll grow out of it son

What is the gun at the bottom left?

Hi point 1911

did this and bough a new toy every 2-3 months but around the 20th stopped. cause i got into ars. then that ar changed configs 6 times. eventually figured out id never find the perfect gun and decided to just master one gun before purchasing the next. now all the money goes directly into ammo.

>selling shit you dont need so you can buy things that interest you
Explain, without sounding bitter.

I've been doing that since I've been into guns and I haven't regretted it yet.
I just get bored with almost everything after a while

S&W 422

What's immature about that?

>but around the 20th stopped. cause i got into ars.

The AR and M&P15-22 are my two newest guns, so I'm hoping I don't fall down that rabbithole. Thankfully I have pretty simple tastes so I don't imagine I'll be dumping too much time and money into pimping them out.

>getting attached to objects
>calling other people immature

No. I'm not a gunslut.

There was a short period where I bought a few guns for a reason, and then sold all of them when I realized that I didn't actually need them because said reason was bunk.

Not that user, but maturity comes with knowing yourself well enough to know what suits you ahead of time pretty accurately.

When I was new to guns I did the same thing. Now I know what I like based on my experience and I don’t need to try everything under the sun in order to enjoy myself.

just remember the ar is a stinking money pit and standard a2 furniture is actually good enough. its not perfect but upgrades are only like 10-20% better while costing 10 times more. diminishing returns out the ass.

>Did anyone else go through a phase of rapidly buying/selling/trading different guns so they could try lots of different things?

No, kept them all, way too much hassle to deal with selling them to retards and lowballers

Yeah I know. The AR originally came with the A2 grip and carbine stock that are on the M&P. I shaved the finger groove off the grip and it was fine, but the stock is wobbly as fuck. I ended up swapping it for the MOE SL stuff that came on the M&P. If I didn't already have a better set of furniture on the .22 I probably wouldn't have bothered getting new stuff.

Well then I guess I was immature for not knowing my preferences in a brand new hobby with endless options.

I'm glad I stopped buying really cheap shit, because the first few years were rough. Lots of driving 20 minutes to meet sketchy dudes from Detroit who decide they want to haggle for a lower price at the sale.

I did. I tried various handguns in various calibers, of various price ranges. I'm just getting what I want now, exactly how I want it.

I own 17 guns, with number 18 on the way, and I have never sold any of them. Even ones I don't really shoot anymore, like my factory config Saiga 223, I will keep for collector's or sentimental value.

I'm guessing most of you are the same retards who will buy a $60 vidya, then trade it in to Gamestop for $20 a week later.

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Honestly, if I could get some sort of rental plan to borrow a different gun every month I would. I don't really care for owning guns in general, I prefer the experience of trying new ones.

I don’t think they were calling you yourself immature, but rather immature in the hobbie. If the former. then what they’re saying is uncalled for because they don’t know you personally.

It’s the internet, people get strange like they do in an office where people can anonymously complain to HR... odd shit comes out of the woodwork.

Fuck I would totally do this

>buy guns and never plan on selling any of them
>Have 9 since I began 2 years ago
>Running out of room to keep them
>Dont want to sell any
A-am I a hoarder?

>selling guns
don't be a faggot. Maybe the only exception should be closest of friends and family.

No. They hold value well and have a function.

No. You're normal

I'm really averse to selling things due to my slight hoarding autism, but I'm considering selling a pistol or two because I never use them and really don't care for one of them outside of sentimental reasons.

How do you feel about that SL furniture? I'm considering getting that as baby's first non-GI AR furniture.

I really like it. It doesn't feel like "slim" furniture, it's very comfortable and the texture on the grip is fantastic.

>I'm guessing most of you are the same retards who will buy a $60 vidya, then trade it in to Gamestop for $20 a week later.

Except you don't lost anywhere near 2/3 the value when selling a used gun.