Ugh.... what could have been

Ugh.... what could have been.....

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A smoldering pile of wreckage after every Allied fighter-bomber over Europe took turns strafing something that falls between "house" and "train" on the scale of things that are easy to hit?

Yeah, just imagine if the allies dragged their feet a little longer getting to Berlin to let the Soviets do all the work.
Then just nuked it, getting rid of a part of the Red Army and Berlin all in one go.
Imagine the possibilities.

>consumes all the petrol in the whole country to travel a short distance

I too want to see an irl Mammoth tank.

Oh cool, the megatank autist is back.

Imagine if the Western Allies hadn't pussied out and had committed to Operation Unthinkable

>we could be living in a commie free world right now.

A waterlogged wreck after it breaks the eighth bridge that week?

It would have been hopelessly bogged down in mud, then bombed, strafed, assaulted, and surrounded until the crew capitulated.

>what could have been
The wrong side won the war.

They probably would have meme-bombed the west even harder and we'd be even more fucked.

How did it cross rivers? How did it transverse mountainous terrain? How would it have defended against air attack with no AA guns? How could you hide this from being spotted from the air miles away?

Questions like these show why these Nazi super weapons were the products of a desperate meth addicted madman who had lost the war before the first shot was even fired due to a fundamental disparity in industrial output

He'd have been fine if he just stopped at Poland.

Spotted the kike

>t. schlomo shekelstein

t. Trevor Roper

they would lose horribly. Read up on number of a-bombs and silverplate b-29s


Could the Soviet Union have continued to fight without materiel support from the other Allies?

Could they have suppressed partisans and unrest if they were fighting a non-crumbling opponent?

>the maus is a good idea
>the sturmtiger is a good idea
>the tiger p sets itself on fire because its too heavy, lets make it heavier
>lets declare war on the US so we can sink their ships, oh no the US are producing ships faster than we can sink them now that they have a good reason to switch to war footing
>our panther tank is 10 tons heavier than the M10 and has a completely different muzzle break and suspension, disguising them as M10s is fool proof
>these Ukrainians hate the soviets as much as we do and want to join our cause, lets treat them badly, its not like they will form a resistance movement
>lets put actual crystal meth in chocolate

>lets put actual crystal meth in chocolate
I see no problem.

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The P1000 wasn't even designed by Hitler you fucking autist lmao. It's just a blueprint and works for that never started, butthurt faggot.

why are people calling him a jew when he's right about these wunderwaffe being terribly impractical?

They'd get ground up for a bit sure, but the Soviets would eventually get nuked to dependency on the America like the rest of Europe as America churned the next production line of B-29s out and shredded the Soviet Airforce with jets.

If anything, this would have been even better for the US as it would have meant more debts from Europe in general.

Giant slow target who has trouble going through any terrain that's not perfectly flat and solid.
Why naziboos are so retarded?

Khrushchev admits in his memoirs that both he and Stalin believed they would have fallen without aid, but also that the allies were intentionally dragging their feet as to bleed the Red Army.

>If only Germany had put their effort into something extra retarded...!

Not to talk about how many transmissions it would go through.

Yeah, the Rabbi's wrong, this stupid monstrosity, among with all the other harebrained bullshit, was going to turn the tide of the war, there was nothing wrong with Germany's stores or production of ammunition, fuel, food, everything, etc.

I mean be fucking real for a second, literally every single Wunderwaffen was a big fat "Here's how Adolf can still win!"
They just barely had enough ammunition to do Poland, how the shit were they gonna pull through in any manner?

I know
It would make a great bombing target

All the B-29 plants had reached full production by the time the war ended. Bell-Atlanta even created a different variant and still caught up on production


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The Soviet Union was suffering from extreme war exhaustion, Bomber Command and the USAAC can hit most important targets in the Soviet Union from bases in Cyprus, Norway, and British India, and the fact that Soviet forces in Europe have extremely long supply lines. It wasn't one sided, and it arguably didn't actually favor the Soviets.

Because wehraboos are an evolutionary cul-de-sac.

if you say a single negative thing about based hitler and based nazis you're a jew

How do you feel knowing the only hot german women are the descendants of this thing after shitler blew his subhuman brains out?

Attached: churka.jpg (800x1169, 50K)

I'm not a Jow Forumscuck I was just saying what they think.
I personally think it's a good thing, kr*ut women are ugly as shit.

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soviet rapebabies~

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Funny how Jow Forums subhumans spaz out when someone dares to criticize their idol. Almost like they have to hide the fact, that 3rd Reich really wasn't a paradise on Earth and nat-soc isn't a compromised ideology.

Yes, that is an apt description of how Germans look


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and here's the one that isn't a soviet rapebaby.

Attached: cute germ.jpg (1139x1125, 128K)

Ugly nigger nose and a manjaw
Yep, that's a german alright

>find cute german girl online
>look at her instagram
>"I'm half polish/italian/russian/czech"


Hitlers obsession with wunderwaffe like this and the retarded railway cannon really fucked Germany over. If they spanned out shitloads of smaller tanks and fighter/bomber aircraft and focused more on mobile/effective artillery things would have wound up differently

No it wouldn't. Where was the fuel, ammunition and manpower going to come from?

They were fucked no matter what they did retard.
They couldn't even outproduce British in planes, much less USA/USSR/UK together.

It needs little tanks to patrol its deck.

>*sinks into the ground under it's own weight*
>*gets bombed*

Forget the bombers, that thing is virtually indefensible from the sides by conventional tanks of the time, let alone something like an Abrams. If some tanks get up closer, it really can't aim downward to dispatch them. I'd suggest some gun emplacements along those sides to mitigate the issue.
Also, some infantry could easily climb on board with the ladders if they wait somewhere and time it right, even with more gun emplacements on the sides they'd be harder to get entirely. A few machine guns would be a welcome addition.
Other than that, it's definitely vulnerable from below, it looks high enough for a man to stand under it, meaning he could place charges on it from below. I'm not so sure what could be done to mitigate the issue. Maybe something like scaled up lawnmower blades underneath the tank? It would have to be something that retracts so maintenance crews can replace and repair anything down there.
I'm guessing this thing wasn't intended to work on its own or in platoons, but as a mobile piece of massive artillery escorted by conventional tanks. However, precautions should always be taken in the event the escorts aren't able to do their jobs.

>Other than that, it's definitely vulnerable from below
if it blew a track from a mine, or ruptured the floor from the old "buried artillery shells" trick, that thing would be stuck in place for days
or even forever, if you machine gunned the crews who tried to fix the tracks

But it literally has an AA gun mounted on the back, user. It's good.