thousands of dollars on firearms and SHTF prep

> thousands of dollars on firearms and SHTF prep
> BMI >30
can you truly consider yourself Jow Forums if you are also not Jow Forums?

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No you can’t.

T. /fit fag

Jow Forums hates cardio tho and SHTF preparedness is 90% cardio

Not true. Cardio is essential. Anyone on fit who is below 13% bf knows this. The posters on fit who eschew cardio are fat fucks who know fuck all and haven’t done anything.

skinny cardio fags that have some core strength and real weapons / tactics training will last longest in shtf, its just fact
t. chubs

>AT ALL an accurate descriptor of overall health
People with athletic builds skew very high on BMI simply because it's a measure of your height and weight rather than the composition of your weight.

>t. 5'10", 190lb, 17% body fat.

You laughed as I stuffed my face with carbs and sugar

You laughed as I harnessed fat and mass

Now at the twilight of the end of man, you suffer and shrivel, while I last months off my accumulated fat body.

The fuck am I gonna need to run for anyways, I'll just be holed up in my bunker beating my dick raw and eating my several years worth of junk food.

Take the bloat pill. It is the only way.

Attached: bloatlevels.jpg (2506x4720, 621K)

Cardio is only useful to military because they force you to carry around a ton of pointless shit for hours. It’s absolutely worthless after a certain point. Being a skinny faggot or fat lardass is obviously worse since not only do you not have any real cardio but zero strength. There’s a good balance thats ideal, but basically being a marathon runner doesn’t leave you in any more or less advantageous position in combat.

No, 90% of SHTF preparedness is delusion.

Most preppers think a SHTF scenario will be an end of days FFA gunfight that last years. Most likely it will be a natural disaster where weapons will hardly be fired and last a short time.

I do agree that most preppers are not physically or mentally prepared for what they believe to be SHTF. Most can't get out of their chairs, let alone hike somewhere. Many have no idea how to do simple things like basic electrical repair. They think they simply have to sit in a chair surrounded by all their firearms, ammo and canned food all while shooting at anything that moves.

nope. one must achieve Jow Forums to become a true Jow Forumsommando. What's the point in having weaponry if your fingers are too fat to properly pull the trigger? Besides, being physically honed means you can do fun shit like getting naked and hunting deer only using knives and traps.

>They think they simply have to sit in a chair surrounded by all their firearms, ammo and canned food all while shooting at anything that moves.
in a perfect world

You dont have to dedicated cardio for low body fat percentages lurker bro. Designer workouts practically eschew it besides low resistance treadmill. Just jerk off and do pull ups while maintaining a caloric deficit.

Firearms are an equalizer. A megafatass can shoot you just as dead as chad the impaler.

You're right. It's easier just to look at someone. I'm actually not being sarcastic.

WTF does sodium level indicate. I'm pretty salty, but I'm not ripped.

if he can keep his arms from shaking after running a block to catch up to me after I cut down an alley.

Being the only asian guy in my high school, I didn't have much of an asian bubble to belong to, so I ended up hanging out with the redneck/military brats, and glimpsed into the prepper world, or in their case, *physically active* prepper world.

Ended up doing track, fencing, tkd, bjj, weighted swimming, hiking and now general h2h combat shit with firearms and explosives. It's been years and I wish I kept in touch with the good ol boys that taught me so much. Miss the swamp juice chicken and PBR turkey dinners.

not if hes all fucked up and cant see straight or hold his breaths still from not having a chance to rest or from not being used to the rain for days at a time.

This may be odd to conceptualize, but most people have never experienced environmental discomfort for longer than they chose to, or had to have their stomach deal with whatever they were eating no matter what. and have likewise never experienced actual hunger once in their lives besides fasting hipsters. Thats in part "toughness" rather than physical fitness though.

Chad Longdick is more likely to reproduce before dying, Chad wins in the end.

Amen brother.

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why did I visualize my dick in that hand? I'm not even gay.

Both are vascular?

I dont think you can however bmi is flawed too. Not that it isn't a good marker for those trying to lose. It is what I used when I was 6 foot 245 and very unhealthy. I will continue to use bmi as I am only about half way down to healthy, but my friend who is helping me lose is 6 ft 220 and fit as hell. His bmi is in the overweight range

Got to run, pay the sweat god, talk shit to yourself to keep going.

Just because someone is good at cardio doesn't have to mean they have to be small. If you take an average person that wants to get stronger and faster and somehow managed to quantify his strength and speed and put it on a graph, they should both be able to be positive sloping, but his speed will decrease the stronger he gets but it doesn't mean he'll be a slug. I knew a guy who used to be able to run 3 miles in 16 minutes for his PFT, but as he got bigger, he obviously can't run that fast anymore, but he still manages to get an 85 or higher on the PFT.

Video related

>BMI >30
I'm dead on 30. Aww yeah.

Jesus christ, y'all are getting fucking technical for no reason. Can't run? Get better at running. Can't lift heavy shit? Get better at lifting. Fit in general but can't fight for shit? Do a mix of muay thai and bjj, or some other striking and grappling combo.
For the time u spend arguing about what the perfect amount of cardio or strength training is, you can actually do like three sets of 15 clap pushups.

>tfw 6’2” 225 lbs
Not really fit, can barely squat body weight. Trying to hit ~190 by christmas

Why would I do clap pushups when I can just get drunk and shoot my enemies in the dik?

First of all BMI is hideously flawed. Pic related is an obese man according to bmi.

If you have very low body fat, you are completely screwed in a SHTF scenario, because food will become very scare and you will have to rely on your internal stores to bridge the gap. Hence the fatty who is drought and famine resistant stands a higher likelihood of surviving till them find a food source then the no body fat people.

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What if I kill his kids

You'll die without your insulin, so it doesn't matter.

Not saying you're completely wrong but juji is roided to the gills. self admittedly too

I just started doing what Americans would know as rucking again after a couple of years out of the army. I remember now why it was such good all-round fitness, I cut out the running parts though since my goals include long term joint health. I pretty much don't do plain sneaker runs anymore, HIIT sprints, rucking and lifting with occasional swimming for a change/rest.


>implying that my body fat storage isn't going to be tactically utilized in SHTF

you're not prepared

So you just do rucking walking/hiking? Mind if I ask what weight to body weight ratio and distance you do? Been meaning to get into it.

When I do uphill HIIT sessions, I always pretend I'm Solid Snake running toward's Ocelot's Metal Gear Ray.

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The thing is 90% of people above 15% body fat are in terrible condition fitness wise, so while they have stores to draw on they're physically disadvantaged. It's swings and roundabout. If bad times were coming I could easily gain a lot of fat in under a month while I still had the opportunity, and do it without losing fitness, but an unfit fatass couldn't get anywhere near a good level of fitness in the same time. And I am far from an athlete. I'd be more than happy to eat 10,000 per day for a week or two if societal collapse was coming. I fucking love eating.

Nuh uh dude, in shtf a fat guy can be a tactical god as long as hes armed right.

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Holy fuck, user. What I'd give for a night in your bed.

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BMI is 90% accurate. Sure there are some spec ops guys with high BMI and high fitness but those are rare. Most people with high BMI are low fitness.

Muscle doesn't stop bullets.

Crossfitters will be the first to die when SHTF. Stand on a medicine ball and throwing dumbells above your head has nothing to do with real world fitness. When SHTF real survivalists will be heading for the hills while the crossfitters are doing lunge squats up a hill and dying by the hundreds.

>shtf but slowly
Who plans for this? SHTF is a nuclear strike, and they don't declare those. Will you be feeding every time there's military tension with a major nuclear power?

I cant wait to climb trees and scale mountains to survey your camp while you sit down all day eating beans

I don't know about weight ratios, we always had set kinds of weight in the military. 40-45lbs + rifle and water would be a typical one. More in the field when it's not just PT. Maybe start around 20-30lbs just to get a feel for it? If you're used to doing fitness or working something that qualifies as manual labour you will more than likely find that very light, but make sure you don't do less than a 15 minute mile pace. The pace is just as important as the weight.

I did a test one last Friday to see how my body would react to it. I did 45lbs for 4 miles in 55 minutes, I weigh about 145. It was easy, so I'll gradually increase the weight/distance/speed but as I expected various muscles were taxed by it in ways they're not used to. I had some soreness in the posterior chain, glutes particularly, and calves which needed some extra recovery time and excersizes. I definitely recommend it as fitness but build yourself up to it, there's no point in smashing yourself right away. Walking fast with a heavyish weight is not something the average body is accustomed to. You need to be able to recover to a reasonable extent so your training next day or whenever isn't negatively effected, when you do that often your routine becomes less than optimal.

It's like lifting: training to failure is good but there's different kinds of failure; regularly lifting to the point your form deteriorates and you're not targeting the muscles accurately and your body is using compensatory strength to complete the reps isn't as beneficial in the long term as excellent, challenging, reps and stopping before you deteriorate

That said it's a great type of training to use smash yourself with when you are fully used to it and need to do that kind of thing.

>tfw moved back to flatlands so can't sprint up hills anymore
Shit sucks but at the same time it really doesn't suck. Fuck hillsprints, but they're great.

If you're paying attention there are always signs. I agree there could be instantaneous shit like earthquakes. But if the government was going to collapse and martial law be declared, or something like that, there would be a little build up at least.

Anyway this is basically LARPing so not like it matters.

BMI of 23, still trying to get my weight lower.

Easy, just take DNP the easy way out of being a fatass.

Appreciate the advice. I’ve stupidly never even considered taking on a little extra weight while hiking, obvious I guess

Personally I go as light as possible when I'm actually going some place nice to be /out/ and hike, it's more enjoyable that way although I guess it's still beneficial even though it's not training. I have set times and days to train and I keep that separate.

Oh, I forgot to mention I did in in sneakers too. Never done that before but it was fine. If you do it in boots then figure out how to lace them so you don't potentially get shin splints. Whenever I did a heavy 'ruck' for PT I would always lace them tight around the foot and bottom of the ankle and then either tie them off there or only lace them very loose around the shins. Seemed to keep the force off the shins. Most normal civilian hiking boots probably wouldn't be have that problem though, they're not as tall as mil boots.

We can cuddle and watch comfy MAC and Forgotten Weapons videos

>I just started doing what Americans...
You really have to do that right?
I bet you are a kraut.

I know that feel, i almost moved to a flat area. The hill I sprint at is right besides my house, i could never imagine moving away from it.

What's the point of being Jow Forums when I can just draw a gun and aim for your face fucker

i dont think you know what eschew means

How you going to aim at my face when I'm on top of a mountain and you're stuck in your basement?

I do shift work. Whacky hours all the time and feel like a zombie. My only option atm until something better comes, it pays too much to drop for a day job. How the fuck do I motivate myself to do anything when I'm tired and feel like shit all the time from working night shift? I'm barely even motivated to cook a meal.

10/10 would impregnate.

This, but unironically.

All you need in a SHTF scenario is a vantage point, hat, gun and patience. Let the cops handle it.

>BMI is 22
been working on cardio, any suggestions for running tracks? I've been using Creedence and sounds of distant gunfire on my runs and it feels pretty good.

How many SHTF scenarios can cops handle? What if it's all out war, civil war, or a meteor strike? SHTF isn't just riots and civil unrest.

Well to be fair the American term is a better fit than our own since I'm definitely not Tactically Advancing to Battle when I go for a walk by the rive on a Friday afternoon, but I am using something that could be known as a rucksack to carry some weight. I'm not German though.

I usually do not power metal, but this isn't about dragons or D&D.

He seems to have used it correctly. Some weird grammar issue?

imagine the smell

>bmi is 18
uwu my 7lb Vz is too heavy someone buy me an ultralight AR

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mfw fat fucks trying to defend their shit life choices instead of improving themselves
never change, Jow Forums

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>Sitting in my camp eating beans
>See hungry skeleton climbing around mountains wasting calories
>Keep an eye on him and my gun near by
>Skele climbs a tree downwind and starts drooling at the smell of my beans
>I'll give him a couple cans if he'd just fuck off, he's scaring my dog.
>Finish beans go inside and lock up
Next morning
>Skele is still in tree, looks like he passed away in the night.
>It's been 3 days since supermarket sold out


Most people in the military are lazy fat fucks.

T.hanks ex-milfag

Something's gotta get you to go to work on Monday.