Handgun General - /hg/ - #170

Use the fucking catalog Edition



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first for cc recommendations

I couldn't make a new thread, I had a timer or some shit.

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Are we ever going to see action on the SHARE Act? I want to fuck around with making my own ghetto suppressor so bad but don't want to spend $200 to.

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It's the Thyrm Switchback, a device that attaches to the tailcap of the light, and makes it easier to actuate, and use the light with a gun.

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Can just forget about it, it's not coming back.

Yeah not with coordinated falseflag attacks by the leftist media giants

A friend of mine found a handgun, while hunting. Bryco Jennings model 58. I'm a previous noguns, and I'd appreciate a basic rundown on the gun.

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how much of a faggot am i for owning a mosquito?

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A quick google tells me it's a solid $200 ghetto blaster.
Forge a bill of sale and take it to your local police to make sure it's not stolen.
>inb4 bootlicker
I just dont want him to get fucked out of a neat find.

Bryco-Jennings is one of the lowest tier, pot metal brands out there. The gun has a very high chance of blowing up in your hand.
Their target customer is gang bangers and morons who buy them for appearances and never actually shoot them. Sell it immediately and get something better.
Also, read the pastebin.

I live in Maine, so I'm highly doubtful it was used for ghettoblasting, most likely some hunter dropped it, but is there any way to take it in that doesn't end with me getting fucked? Already ran the serial number through an internet stolen gun database and it hasn't popped up as stolen. Someone attempted to break into my house yesterday and my friend gave it to me after I told him.

it was 100% stolen or used in a crime thats how it got there. if you show it to the cops theyll just take it

We are about due for another white male mass shooter. Maybe congress has something planned on the SHARE act? i got my eyes on this coming october, personally.
.22 clones are great, i honestly shoot my kadet slide more than the 9mm upper on my cz sp01.
Run the serial by your local police just to make sure it isn't stolen. Possession would be a dime in club fed if it is. Be aware that depending on where you live they may require that you give it up to them with the best case being picking it back up after passing a NICS check, but im honestly not intimately familiar with every states gun laws particularly as they relate to finding guns. Id assume they'd treat it like any other transfer if you found it, want it, and there's no owner to be found.

Yikes, the gun was just sitting by a stump, 2 or 3 hours innawoods of Maine. Hope this wasn't a murder weapon or some shit.

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>.22 clones are great
It was my first gun and i got it because ,22 is so cheap and it was way more comfortable to hold than something like a hi-point but still wasnt expensive. Want something in 9mm to actually carry though

Enormous. You should’ve gotten a Browning buck mark or a Ruger

now this is the answer i was looking for

USP Expert: 9mm or .45? Seems like they're drying up so I'm thinking it might be time to buy one. I think I might end up disappointed with them but I also think I might regret not getting one while they're still available.

>buck mark

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Check da pastebin ya faget
Also shield


I am considering getting either a P-09 or a P-07, and noticed the P-09 wasn't on the recommended list. Is the P-07 considered better than the P-09?

Just there for brevity probably

NATO 9mm wont blow up my Ruger, will it?

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They're both perfectly fine handguns. The P-07 is just more practical and common. We're talking whether a g17 or g19 is "better".

Everyone says they’re TANKS. Not sure why though, maybe because they’re bulky? Anyways it’s alloy framed so I wouldn’t do it all day erryday

Depends. Did you pay $0? If so you're fine.

>.22 clones are great, i honestly shoot my kadet slide
That's because Kadet is one of the very very few reliable look-alike .22s ever made.

They're the same gun, both equal.

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Their revolvers are tanks, but their autopistols (besides the Mark series) are ehhhhhhhhhhh.

The P-09 is the full-size, and it has an impressive 19+1 capacity.

P-07 is the compact and has a standard 15+1.

You'll be fine. Their durability is a bit of a meme since the reason they're so bulky is to compensate for investment casting. Even so, it'll chew through NATO 9mm pretty much forever.

That 1911 gives me an erection every time I see it. Make/model? What all did you change on it?

Springfield Armory Loaded, Les Baer safety "melted" with dremel, Nowlin hammer, Wilson Combat 2 piece clipwell and mainspring housing*, Ed Brown grip screws, Ed Brown oversize clip release, Talon rubber grip applique and Carbon Creations blue carbon fiber grips. I polished some parts, the hammer flats, firing pin stop, melted the barrel bushing and safety levers.

Everything else is factory; 2 piece guide rod, Novak sights, trigger, barrel, beavertail.

*It was called the Wilson Combat Bullet Proof Speed Chute in 30 LPI but Wilson doesn't seem to make it anymore. Nighthawk now makes something almost identical.

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Burt shows he's a class act yet again. I thought I was supposed to hate tripfags, stop being a cool guy.

Out of curiosity, do you prefer the FLGR for any reason, or have you not bothered to replace it just because it works?

I don't mind having to use a bushing wrench, but I dunno. The GI setup is nice and simple, I'd be tempted to drop in a Wilson flat spring kit.

After fitting a slide stop to mye les baer (taking slide on/off a million times)
I certainly see the advantages of a flgr.
Barrel bushing is so fucking toight its a bitch to remove, and the gi recoil system gets annoying pretty fast

What a load of horseshit
An flgr means absolute fuck all to your bushing to slide fit.
And there is absolutely nothing wrong with the GI guide rod.


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Its easy as fuck to remove the slide is what im saying

A USP in anything other than 45 is retarded, and the Expert is underwhelming.

Wait, so you're saying it's easier to take down with the full length guide rod than it is with a GI one...? I can't imagine how that'd work.

The Hi-Power lives on, albeit made by Turks. $500-600 for a older style HP clone that has interchangeability with Browning/FN parts.


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Yeah uh, you should get rid of that


enjoy your ticking time bomb faggot

Anyone here with one of these? I think it would be a pretty fun pig gun with a ching-sling.

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>retard doesnt know about pistol memes
glocks explode, sigs fire when dropped

If you are going to meme, at least meme it right

Sig's also fire out of battery too

which one?

The 320 and the 365

never heard of this got some proof on this that its an occurring thing?

>never heard of this
Nice bait. Fuck off

>show some examples
>>lol no this is bait
wow sure got me there sig btfo always glock perfection are you sitting down

look it up instead of sitting there in denial like an idiot

I did.
The only thing I could find of relevance was some retard on a forum who said it fired out of battery and with standard ammo, but it was actually the retard self reloading ammo with a very unsafe powder level

Had a question and figured this would be the place to ask. Why is it that our military handguns are hammer fired? From the 1917, Colt Police, S&W M&P Revolvers, Hi-Power, 1911, M9, etc are all hammer fired.
I would assume especially in wartime conditions that you're liable to get dirt and whatever else caked up between the hammer and the gun, preventing it from making a good strike. Wouldn't it be better now that we have more modern designs to use a striker fired pistol or something of that nature? I've heard you guys say that striker fired is easier to use and be accurate with as well, wouldn't that be better for training purposes?

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P320 is striker fired

Because the US military is slow to adopt wide changes to small arms. Hammer fired was the way for a long time, with striker fired being a relatively recent development. The M9 has been in service for a very long time.

Check out the Sigtears on user!

Hi Sig cuck.

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Is that the one that constantly fucks up unless you swap the internals with actual Hi-Power parts?

NATO is basically +p and the ruger p series is +p rated.

>striker fired
>relatively recent


Should I use Personal Defense HST micro 9mm over HST 147gr 9mm for a G26 that has a 3.43" barrel?

Also that is the stock barrel.

anyone know what pistol this is?

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They’re both nearly equally reliable, but if it makes you feel any better the Army adopted a low end striker pistol recently.

Weihrauch HW 94 cal. 9mm blank firing pistol.
Looks like a Beretta 84FS with a slide mounted safety.

No, micro HST has been proven to be garbage.

Did you read the review link I posted?

My life for Aiur.

I don't really have a preference. The 2 piece guide rod came in the gun as part of the Loaded package, I didn't really know what I was doing back then, this is probably early 2000s. I probably wouldn't have gotten the guide rod, or the ambi safety, or a stainless finish (because of galling) if I had known butt from dick back then because all those things have stigmas attached.

But actually I replaced the guide rod with an Ed Brow plug and cap for ~10 years. This year I unearthed the 2 piece guide rod and put it back in again. I see no difference really, it just feels a little heavier. The gun's never been unreliable with the guide rod, so I figure just leave it in.

If the bushing is really tight it's extremely hard to rotate while holding the plunger down, so in that case it would be easier to pop the slide stop pin out and take the whole slide assembly off as one piece. But if you do that, as soon as it's free the recoil spring will fly out and deflate your eyeball. A full length guide rod keeps the spring from flying out when you take the gun down that way.

tl;dr If the bushing rotates easily, then traditional push-turn-pull takedown using the bushing is easier. If the bushing doesn't rotate easily, then popping out the slide stop pin is easier.

I have never heard of that either. Are you sure you're not confusing "firing out of batter" with "firing when dropped" or something? Virtually all modern handguns have firing pin blocks that absolutely, physically prevent the pin from dropping if the barrel is even slightly out of battery, including all Sigs.

Ooh that's interesting, link please?

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>The 320 and the 365
>buying guns designed by anyone after 1990
Not even once famalamadamdam

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Either are great. USP45 is like peanut butter and chocolate, but the USP9 is great too.

Kinda boring guns t b h


dubs confirm bad taste

Why even post this shit?

Just use regular HSTs. I like the 124gr +p.

How much do I have to pay to get my dick sucked like this?

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>tfw bought PPQ M2
ugh, don't be like me guys
get the paddle

>paddle is love
Such is life as a lefty

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I think it'd cost just as much, if not more to get a spur hammer and ambi safety on that thing, as it would cost to get a decent FN Mk3.
Also not sure if I'd trust the build quality of a Tisas over some other surplus manufacturer.

You have small hands pal

What’s the point of the slide jump on the brigs?


where the fuck did you the best flavor of monster?
Haven't seen it in years

The whole point of the brig is extra slide mass, the hump is where it goes.
Also, A E S T H E T I C S

How much should I spend on a used Belgian MK3 Hi Power?

tree fiddy

No sir, I don't like it.

Oof /hg/ is slow today. Was gifted a shield by my dad, but now that I’m 21 I want to buy a range gun, in 9mm. Might use it for bedstand duty, or some competitions. Down to strictly these two choices and price isn’t an issue. Should I get
>the Hudson h9 meme dream supreme
>beretta 92fs

Thanks frens! Burt please chime in as I know you own both.

>mr. Horse
Shouldn’t have gone with brand B kitty litter friendo

Post some /truck gun/. Got this badboy for $270 OTD from local pawn with 3 original mags. Not too bad, a breeze to shoot, got some wood grips coming in the mail

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>range gun
>bedside duty
Neither of those guns meet that criteria.

The Beretta 92 does all of those well. The 92fs is far from the best model for this though.

The H9 would work fine too presuming they have ironed out the teething problems they seemed to have. The trigger is really good, but the sights would be shitty for competition (easy fix).

Don’t be a regard they absolutely do, easy and fun to shoot accurately, feel great in hand, good capacity. I know the 92 is VERY reliable, still need more info on the h9

Yeah I considered the 92a1 but I think I prefer using a handheld flashlight to a weapon mounted one for personal reasons

So just don't put the light on? The competition oriented Beretta models also have rails, it doesn't mean you need to put something on the rail

To lower recoil or what?

>competition oriented
What models would that be? All the FS could use is a d spring

To beef it up against breakage. That's the spot where 92 slides crack, if they crack, because the metal is the thinnest right there where it's inletted for the lugs on the locking wedge.

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Something about using the increased mass to slow the slide a bit during function for better durability or performance or something.
I think it was just marketing talk, but I don't have anything to compare it to.

>don't be like 95% of gun owners who prefer a button release
never change snowfla/k/es


They’re just use to it, they don’t necessarily prefer it user

>alloy frame
>for any of the uses in the post