Green Beret dies in Afghanistan

>A Special Forces soldier has died from wounds suffered in an improvised explosive device attack in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

>Sgt. 1st Class Reymund Transfiguracion, 36, of Waikoloa, Hawaii, died Sunday, five days after he was wounded while conducting combat patrol operations, the Pentagon and U.S. Army Special Operations Command announced Monday. The incident is under investigation.

>He was posthumously promoted to sergeant first class and awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, and the Meritorious Service Medal.

RIP. Another hero gone.

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in b4 all the racist Jow Forums shit
>he was probably setting the IED himself because he's brown, guys

These guys are 1 in a billion

did he at least do it with chopsticks?

He undertook a transfiguracion into a corpse

Dude's had an incredibly wide face.

At least his family can be at peace knowing he died for their Afghanistan.

>racist Jow Forums shit
>implying Jow Forums isn't the most ethnically diverse group of white nationalists
Return to

kine brah

Why the fuck are we still in afghanistan?

Lithium deposits that the Chinks bought from the Taliban, who are no longer in power.


Attempting to prop up a puppet regime and to have a military presence in a country that borders china and iran

underrated dubs

Fuckin geopolitics brah, I’m getting sick of this shit. Why can’t we either just go full isolationist or just all out imperialist already? This inbetween vagueness is bullshit

Same shit for 200 years.

This can't be real.

>>implying Jow Forums isn't the most ethnically diverse group of white nationalists
>implying being a bunch of self hating brown people is good

As a Filipino... it's real.

respect to this guy and the green berets



>those dubs

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Because Eurocucks will destroy the world with WW3 and then blame us for not intervening.

>being shocked to see racism on Jow Forums

Fuck off kike nigger faggot. Jow Forums was never a safe space.


Holy shit I haven't laughed out loud in a while

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Because nukes exist meaning formal conflict between world superpowers will end in the destruction of millions of civilians. Something no nation would tolerate.

Flips don't eat with chopsticks user, although they have this weird thing where they'd use both spoon and fork on almost any dish

Because you want your batteries in your phone, flashlight, laptop, or anything else to work, that's why. Lithium doesn't grow on trees, and we were too busy minding our own business in many other respects to buy up the mineral rights to that shit in places like Africa and the ME to get in while the getting was good. Which is why we need to dig in where we can.

>implying Jow Forums aren't a bunch of niggers
summer's almost over faggot

>Flips in Special Forces

What's next? SEALs? Rangers? Delta?

I thought Flips wanting US citizenship go Chairforce or Navy doing the shittiest jobs

Respect to this man

chinks and hadjis

We don't really do that with asians.

I have seen plenty of flips in infantry and armor. I know of 3 flips who went to cadet camp with me a coupla years ago who went infantry and completed ranger school

They are the most powerful race

>Imperial America

I could only wish


Are they Flip-Americans or are they just exchange shitters?

A ton of officers here go to the US and enter one of the service academies there, OCS and other schools.

Mad respect to this guy.


>awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, and the Meritorious Service Medal.
And the limited edition Spiderman Funko pop in desert outfit