Political k/omics

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this kind of woman is rare nowadays.

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I love this guy's comics
its clear he's left leaning but he hates the American left

yea what kind of woman would buy a 1911 for herself

Left leaning libertarians are okay in my book.


well she was raped so she would want a gun that seems powerful and dominating to defend herself

Not Jow Forums but pertainent to Jow Forums.

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Literally all of those except the last one are good things though





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Yep. Dude is an out and out commie actually.


I look forward to trading shots with him if the S ever HTF.

I knew I recognized his comics from somewhere

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Yeah, he's a commie, but I can respect the consistency of his veiwpoint at least. He'd be a worthy enemy in da boogaloo.

Being offended and throwing insults never worked. It just took time to overcome inertia in sufficient numbers to change the outcomes.

I find this one pretty funny.

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That's a good chuckle

I think youre giving women too little credit. Then again maybe ive been lucky with the girls ive dated. But most ive known intimately were alot smarter then they seemed at first...they were just never encouraged to show it since its not "sexy" and even amongst women it ostracized them from the group.

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LOL. Should be "Modern day AnComs" though. AnCaps would just be "Oooh, free gun, spasceba Comrade!"


> he doesn't want to get into a firefight with wetbacks and jiggaboos

Your ancestors are disgusted.


cant you say both carbine and car-bean?

making both Jow Forums and /lit/ jokes at the same time.

OED says Car-bine. Merriam-Webster says Car-been.

I suspect it's a linguo-cultural artifact, like lieutenant/lefteneant or aluminum/aluminium. Either is correct, but your pronunciation says a lot about where you're from.

/klit/ jokes

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Taofledermaus made a video about that where he shows various other firearm or gun-related youtube channels and how they pronouce carbine.
Car-bean is used by 90-95% of firearm experts
Car-byne is used by 90-95% of gamers and 60-75% of airsofters.

I've never heard anyone say car-byne

>I've never heard anyone say car-byne
British pronunciation.

Attached: Illustrated-Guide-To-Gun-Control.png (750x3200, 204K)

Gun Jesus said that "car-been" is the French pronunciation and "car-byne" is the English pronunciation. Not sure why we defaulted to the French way of saying it, but there it is.

OED says Carbyne, M-W says Carbeen.

>The police are racist fascist child murderers, never trust them
>No mere citizen should have firearms, only someone as trustworthy as a police officer or soldier should be armed

Attached: rednblacksalamander-trust_the_police-lotsajpg.jpg (720x752, 47K)

Tells you what they think of the common man.

My issue with things like this is that they fail to address the specific issues on the table and just talk about gun rights like its a meter that goes up and down. I don't think the same arguments that apply to making concealed carry permits shall-issue apply to keeping assault weapons legal and they need to be talked about situationally rather than in the abstract, and if you're one of these people who thinks it's a moot point because the goverment shouldn't be able to have any gun laws at all then it's kind of dishonest to act like you're holding a real discussion of values and factors when you're really just deadset in your view because of political theory.

Great explanation but the anime visuals and ending make it seem really cringy.

>if you're one of these people who thinks it's a moot point because the goverment shouldn't be able to have any gun laws at all

See, this highlights the fundamental disagreement that makes it pointless to focus on specific issues. Almost all of the arguments boil down to "who do you trust to have power and responsibility?", with one side saying "the government" and the other saying "everyone, except maybe felons". Even the so-called centrists tend to be in one of these groups, but just a bit closer to the group's interior edge than their friends. You may think assault weapon bans are a reasonable discussion to have, but the pro-freedom side thinks it's more reasonable to debate the legality of guided missiles.

The groups' axioms mean their Overton windows can't overlap enough for any satisfactory agreement. So you either try to convince them to change part of their fundamental worldview, argue about specific policy details you'll never agree on, or just yell SHALL NOT. The only real exceptions are when somewhere like California does something retarded and everyone can point and laugh because, regardless of what you believe, it's clear the plan just won't work.

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Personally I'm really big on the idea of a moral right to self defense and I also believe that the natural right of property ownership should cover to ability to assert your control over that property by force, so I'm 100% in favor of concealed carry and owning long arms but I think there are some regulations that can be had without violating these rights. It seems pretty obvious to me that machine guns shouldn't be able to be purchased the same way a 22 lr bolt action is but some guys here won't even entertain that discussion because anything that's a gun is untouchable. I'm generally against assault weapons laws because they don't make any sense but if they actually did that they claimed to do then I don't see a lot of reason to oppose them, mass shootings have become a lot more common and if we're too stupid to talk about fixing these social issues then what else can we do?

>you're really just deadset in your view because of political theory
Not political theory, but objective statistical facts. No gun control implemented anywhere can be shown to statistically lower the homicide rate, so there is no reason to support such measures unless you just like taking away freedom.

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I think it's important to remember that a lot of people really are in the middle, the average person probably doesn't care about the idea of overthrowing the goverment or anything along those lines but actually does believe in self-defense and might have a handgun somewhere in their house (which is responsible for over 90 percent of gun murders lol lol).

That's bullshit because of
>Can be shown
If you make the standard of proof high enough then of course they can't prove that one directly caused the other

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Unless you're one of those faggots that thinks you need to justify the government NOT restricting something before you can do it then it falls on the person wanting more restrictions to give a reason as to why those restrictions should be in place, and as of right now the only legitimate reason they have is that guns are scary and they don't like them.

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>It seems pretty obvious to me that machine guns shouldn't be able to be purchased the same way a 22 lr bolt action
Why exactly does this seem obvious to you? Because it really obvious to everyone and these assumptions are what disrupt meaningful discussion.

*Because it's not obvious

No I'm just saying there are some things worth discussing, and I could find you lots of sources correlating gun control with lowered gun death/suicide/homicide rates in some place, as well as a bunch saying the opposite.

You could start by recognizing that blanket bans don't do shit to fix underlying issues, and just create black markets and alternatives.

>I'm generally against assault weapons laws because they don't make any sense but if they actually did that they claimed to do then I don't see a lot of reason to oppose them, mass shootings have become a lot more common and if we're too stupid to talk about fixing these social issues then what else can we do?
Ugh, I really just want to call you a faggot and move on, but I feel like I should give you a reasonable response. Even if AWBs worked at curbing mass shootings, why would the reduction of a less than 200 deaths a year justify the confiscation of private property? Why not also force people to fill in there swimming pools? Or require that police inspect your kitchen to make sure your bleach and drain cleaner is locked up? What exactly are the parameters you'd use to justify invasive and infringing regulations? Or is this all just because guns are scarier than swimming pools even though drowning deaths outnumber those in mass shootings?

>and might have a handgun somewhere in their house (which is responsible for over 90 percent of gun murders lol lol).
What do you mean, like accidents? Not an Amerifriend.