Do war crimes and war criminals really exist, Jow Forums? And if they do exist, what should we do with them?

Do war crimes and war criminals really exist, Jow Forums? And if they do exist, what should we do with them?

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Didn't burn enough

>Do war crimes and war criminals really exist, Jow Forums?
They do if they lose.
>And if they do exist, what should we do with them?
Hire them to do the dirty work.

But why harm innocent people.

>implying Hitler did something wrong

In order to shorten the war and minimize the overall destruction.

Violence is acceptable when it serves a clear military purpose and appropriate measures are taken to minimize the damage to noncombatants.

Be careful with that edge, boy.

Jow Forums is leaking. somebody call a plumber

>isn't it funny how we mistake the hidden unity of cruelty and kindness?

Sherman would approve of this post.

Only for the loser

One of these days, Tecumseh

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The founders today would support a revolution for white states seceding and forming their own ethnounion. They did not intend for this nation to be flooded with niggers and spics with leftist corruption seeping endlessly into society.

Attached: DUhBdicX0AAGNZ5.jpg (1200x687, 137K)

The same shit we did to the Nazis, hang them.

trolling is a art, kid. your entry smacks of effort. dial it back a bit.

If you sign something that says "I can't do this in war" and then go ahead and do it anyways you're a war criminal, yes. You understand laws don't just exist, right? They're written down by someone and then different parties agree to abide by them.

Not an argument. Enjoy your gun rights gone when whites become a minority.

oh yes we've all agreed.

No wait. Law without the ability to enforce it isn't Law, that's just an agreement. In a war, by definition, agreements are tossed to the wind in favor of force.

You "international law" faggots are insufferable.

Tbh I never quite understood this.
So its war and youre killing people, but somethings are too far?
If you do these things you go to prison or are killed, unless you win?

So what happens to leaders that start a war, lose, but didnt do any war crimes.
They are responsible for killing a lot of people, but did they do anything wrong?

ask them to say their sorry

Fuck off Satan, you cant make me a racist.

The only crime in war is losing

>In a war, by definition, agreements are tossed to the wind in favor of force.
They're not.
>You "international law" faggots are insufferable.
It's an agreement between multiple nations, if you want to gas dudes then just don't sign the agreement. After that your first point comes into play, better be able to defend yourself.

Reality is racist friend. Civnats will kill this country.

>Tbh I never quite understood this.
>Okay this is quite bad, maybe we should ask other countries to sign an agreement that says we will not do that?
>Yeah cool, that shit is truly horrific so we agree to not use it
>Heh, just kidding. We'll fuck your shithole now
>Tbh I never quite understood this.

>war is not about forcibly and fundamentally restructuring agreements between nations
ok kiddo
>agreements = law
No. Fundamentally, if you cannot enforce an agreement it's not law.

No one said anything about not enforcing it. Well okay, you did but it's not like it was ever part of the discussion. Not to mention that this is how real life works so you don't need me to tell you how it works, Instead you can just look at the number of different laws yourself.

>if you cannot enforce an agreement it's not law
that only makes it an unenforced law

youre into "might makes right," we get it, but just talk normal

Guess you really can't fix stupid

What, if not ability to enforce, distinguishes agreements from law?

Sherman was and still is a war criminal for what he did to Georgia

Real answer here. If the war had gone the other way, Harris and LeMay would have been tried as war criminals in Nazi-occupied New York City or something. Been this way since time immemorial: if Carthage had beaten Rome we'd all "know" about the moral superiority of the Carthaginians and their essentially "virtuous" worship of Baal Mammon and the evils of those Saturn-worshipping Romans, etc.

y'all hate him, but if you you knew any history you'd know he was accused of being a southern sympathizer after the war. He meant every word of his letter to Atlanta. He was a good man and unfairly vilified by the post war South.

I dont have to. They'll do it themselves. Slowly but surely, you'll come to see the things they do, the way they act, and you'll be just as disgusted with them as I am.

Idk about "war crimes," but Sherman's entire campaign was for the explicit purpose of saving lives by ending the war quickly. It wasn't wanton slaughter like buttblasted yankees and southerners like to pretend. He destroyed a lot of property and ruined a lot of people.

Sherman's "crimes" are largely a lost cause construction that low-information Southerners and Yankees who hate the South latch on to. Both are stupid.

This. Also we need to remember that Stonewall Jackson would have done the same if he had ever gotten the chance.

He's not wrong, though.

>somebody call a plumber
The poles are all dead too.

>Do war crimes and war criminals really exist, Jow Forums?
>what should we do with them?
prison if possible (life if premeditated killing of defenceless noncombatants that are offering no resistance, premeditated sexual torture or ISIS like barbarity, burning prisoners alive, burning civilians alive as execution, beheading civilians as execution, mutilation cutting ears noses off on unarmed defenceless people, rape, sexual mutilation, castration, cutting breasts off etc) field execution by hanging after a field trial with an opportunity for defence and witnesses in defence as best possible if not to prevent reoccurrence. In extremitis a bullet to the back of the neck by the immediate commanding officer for the sake of example. You can't let that kind of thing get out of hand. Lesser prison sentences for premeditated looting, theft, extortion etc

insane or troll. Who can even tell?