/Stupid/ Kommando division

I.Q 78 here, anyone else here /stupid/, I'd go to the range every week if I could but I cant remember the rules of the road when it comes to driving, and I get confused to often to drive comfortably.

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try reading another book user. mozart helps me focus on low volume

You are still smarter than half of Qatar.

I cant take in stories, it's just like I'm reading words and not a actual story.

Have someone set up a phone map app so it can tell you what to do and how to get to the range.

>I'd go to the range every week

I can relate to that because I have seizures, fuckers wont give me a license even though I'm on the milder side of the spectrum, probably has to do with me refusing medication.

If this Autism lord can do it, you will make it OP.


dumb frogposter

God damn this is cringe.

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>be me
>understand how guns work
>watch forgotten weapons every day, read old weapons encyclopedias and magazines
>can detail strip and clean every weapon i own with my eyes closed
>cant even get 5 rounds on the paper at 100 yards with my nugget
>barely any better with my other guns even with optics and aperature sights

this is me, none of my guns are zeroed because everytime I try to shoot a group they end up somewhere else so I have no idea of where to adjust the sights.

Retard reporting. Rember when drive no shoot unless window down. Lurn gud play call of duty shooter man.

I cant even shoot groups at 50 yards it just looks like a shotgun spread on the target

Like how, just don't move.


simply breathing and my hands twitching (2 pk a day smoker and I usually drink a monster zero ultra on my way to the range) makes me lose my target. I'm trying my best to stay still and keep my sights aligned but i just keep fucking up, or my front sight covers most of the target and i cant tell where the center is.

shoot at 25 yards until you get better, then move to 50,100,ect.

Was that a fucking boomer joke?


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Honestly reminds me of Nicolas Cage

I have a degenerative nerve disease that's slowly eroding the control I have over my hands. Right now they shake like I have Parkinson's. In a couple more years I probably won't be able to hold a gun

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