AR for home defense

If I used an AR loaded with.223 hollow points and I missed a shot at an intruder would the round go through the wall and into my neighbors house Or would it break up? Are there rounds specifically for this purpose? I really just want my AR to be good for something other than range toy

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what wall

What's your barrel length ? type pf wall ? loading ? We can't tell if wd don't know

Meaning if I were inside..

16 inch barrel

70 grain hollow point .223

Normal exterior wall

You realize hollow points in a rifle is a meme right? How fucking stupid are you?

I guess I don't understand, can you elaborate?

No, dude. Hollow points are go through body armor even in a handgun, and pretty much a one hit kill in real life.

Small game and varmint rounds. I've been using Speer tnt .223 hollow points on coyotes for years. Didn't realize I was handloading memes instaed of cartridges. Learn something every day

>rifle in HD
you'll go blind and deaf
>b-but i'll wear earpro
like you'll have that fucking time luxury when the intruder is already vaulting over your broken window and you're groggy as a motherfucker

>I missed a shot at an intruder would the round go through the wall and into my neighbors house
american hosue construction is crap. the average man could punch through a wall.
any round worth using will go through a wall. if it couldnt it would be useless on humans.

over penetration is a myth people think oh it went through 3 walls it overpenetatrated. its is bullshit. it went through 3 walls its a bullet it did what it was supposed to a hollow point would have done the same thing.
if you miss you miss and have to deal with the consequences.

over penetration as a term was invented to make people feel "safer" when police started carrying hollowpoints.

before all that shit the mindset was oh it penetrated that much good. can we make it penatrate more?

Down load some frangibles home skillet.

>I really just want my AR to be good for something other than range toy
they're good for school shootings

ever heard of OTM ammo you fucking dunce?

No what is it?

>literally designed for target shooting and often not recommended for hunting FOR A REASON

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Punch through a wall eh? You obviously no fuck nothing about construction. Interior wall yes exterior wall no.

Alllll the other kids with the pumped up kicks better ruuuuun

Just keep your earpro on the rifle, spend extra 2 seconds putting it on. If you actually secure your home, you should have more than enough time to do that.

My mother thinks that song is about shoes.

and blindness, no amount of eyepro will protect you from that

What’s better for HD, a 12 gauge shotgun, AR-15 in 5.56, 9mm handgun, or 10mm PCC?

In cuck state so limited to 10 round magazines and no suppressors.

Inside what, retard. A fishbowl? A concrete bunker?

Can't find it right now but Reid henrichs did a video shooting inside a house. Walls don't stop bullets very well.

Over penetration isn't that big of a deal with FMJ ammo. Much more important is to make sure you identify target, and let them have the option of fleeing.

I got a 10.5 inch pistol and i love it, get an AR because you can user. Home defense is a meme.

Turn the lights on dildo. You're in a house.

Take this stupid question to the /ARG/ those fags' existence revolves around answering this and 3 other questions over and over again.

You will go blind and deaf using any firearm.

probably the 10mm carbine, lol

powerful enough for HD, easy to manipulate, low recoil

Your HD gun doesn't have a flashlight?

Why would you go blind shooting a gun?

that's why everybody has to invest in a suppressor
either $$$ or a lifetime of suffering

guns will still blind your shit off even if you have a million lumen flashlight aiming downrange you stupid fuck

I don't want to go, can you tell me what the other three questions are?

>let them have the option of fleeing.

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Depends on the state
>The legal thing to do

Thanx for the you. You dumb white nigger have fun paying 1k a day in attorneys fees for the next year. If some asshole is in your house (depending on the state) you can still get fucked for killing them. Better to let them retreat if they don't want to fight and don't pose a threat to your family of loved ones. It sucks but it's better for your wallet and bootyhole in the long run. If they come at you in any way, smoke them.

Why would you use a million lumen flashlight? That'd blind you more than the muzzle flash of a gun. It's obvious you've not done much night time shooting, if any at all.