Do you miss him?

Do you miss him?

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I never enjoyed him

Not if I'm zeroed.

Goddamn it

No. The fake Russian accent was cringe.

We always get our man and or children

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IIRC he got v& for drugs, not pew pews.

Being a degen does not pay.

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No he was a druggie ordering marijuanas through the mail by the ounce
God bless our responsible Alcohol/Tobacco/Firearms/Explosives agency for catching him before he shot up a school


>implying the weed wasn't planted in his mailbox by ATF
Remember that the package had nothing but his address and wasn't even opened when they came a knocking

Right... they """"found"""" drugs on him.

If he were black they would shoot him and sprinkle crack on his corpse

Also had exactly 1 gram over an ounce, just enough to make it a felony and involve feds

Some "fan" sent drugs (1 gram more than the felony limit in georgia) to his house and somehow not his PO box. The police immediately raided his house that day and booked him for possessing felony limits of pot.

Didn’t they murder his cameraman too?

I don't care that much about meme guns tbqh

Sure did. The whole thing is super fucky.

That's a different, much more brutal story. Could've been, as he was the manager too who sourced all the firearms but many also believe it was one of his associates/connections


Hate him all you want, but he probably managed to get a lot of younger people interested in guns

They did this to another gun manufacturer in georgia. The police somehow got a search warrant for this dude's warehouse where he legally made AR-15's based on some erroneous civilian claims that they heard "automatic gun fire" coming from his place. When they raided the joint they took all his guns and tools and shit and tried to convict him for manufacturing automatic weapons. When the dude's lawyer pointed out that no automatic firearms or devices or sears or anything were found and that means there was no evidence for the charges, the warrant or any of that the ATF doubled down and claimed that because he made AR-15's for a living and had the machines to make automatic weapons that he should be charged because he totally could make automatics if he wanted to (but he wasn't). IIRC he's still fighting it today because they ripped his license to manufacture based on nothing.

That’s very probable. And he probably had pot in his system because he was fuckin cool as shit and fucked hella bitches and was for sure smoking some devils lettuce. He had enough money to fuck off and then when the government decided to shit on him for BS he shut down. I don’t blame him. He was my idol kind of. Being rich with no job, attractive and able to pull hoes also has lots of machine guns and cool weapons. We should be allowed all the cool guns and weed we want as Americans fuck the gay ass system and the ignoramous that perpetuate it.

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What possible motive did they have for wanting to shut him down? He was some dude who makes gun videos on youtube, not a revolutionary.

I know ATF are assholes, are they just that bored too?

Its not unheard of for the DEA and ATF to send people felony amounts of drugs and raid them for the soul purpose of fucking them up. Because apparently when the drugs appear on your door step and you don't open it, you somehow become in possession of it

>What possible motive did they have for wanting to shut him down?
The first controversy was from some of the dangerous things he did with tannerite explosive. They (the ATF) argued that the law says you aren't allowed to make money using explosives and argued that he was making money by using tannerite on his youtube videos. IIRC they raided his place twice and found nothing but this third one involving the pot was the ultimate kicker for the ATF/DEA to fuck him

He was put down because his demographic on youtube was impressionable 12 year olds
Cant have the next generation liking guns can we

Also drop a mix tape in his pocket too.

>all that firepower
>didn't go down shooting

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Ah, makes sense. He decided to butt heads with them instead of quietly acquiescing, so he gets the Waco treatment.

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He streams on games and stuff now, he doesn't do anything with guns anymore

Not really, I only watched maybe one episode of his years ago. Haven't heard much about him until he got arrested.

Good boy

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>Waco treatment
So blaring Celine Dion?

Was it Stag by any chance?

Whatever he’s talking about is some bullshit made-up story. Stag legitimately fucked up by producing a ton of 100% finished receivers and not serializing them. As a real manufacturer that’s a big fucking no-no and looks as if you’re planning on selling a bunch of “ghost-guns” to the contras or some shit.

That sounds like big Al' s guns up here in WA

has the mystery of his gun supplying friend's murder ever been resolved or is it still theories?

Accurate funny and true whats wrong with this?

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He was a gud guy.
ATF was spending so much money trying to bring him down they couldn't run as much survalence on normal gun owners.

Stream name or link?

>buisness accosiate dies
>maybe murder
>instead of local PD investigation, gets no-knocked by ATF
>happens to randomly find weed in a mailbox while conducting a raid
The ATF had a massive hard on for him, if you're a person of interest In a homicide you are not visited by the ATF

There was literally not a single shred of evidence towards anything. It was a cold case from the get go

Stag also had a ton of non registered machine guns at their warehouse. The fact that no one went to jail is a miracle for the defense.

not really liked him until i found out his accent was fake

it made me think of ross in friends when he does the british accent in his class cos he was nervous

but i think what happened to him and his friend was some conspirecy shit

I miss wondering when he would die doing something unsafe.

No his vids were fucking shit, he was a fucking fag and his fake accent was fucking annoying