Tfw you'll never be a grizzled gunslinger riding alone through the untamed, lawless west

>tfw you'll never be a grizzled gunslinger riding alone through the untamed, lawless west
Why live?

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That's not really a thing. Most outlaws in the 1800s didn't live very long and suffered death by hanging or gunshot.

I never said it was.

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OP would ideally want to be The Kid and live till 45 and then get ambushed and assraped in an outhouse by a large, hairless, naked immortal man before being stabbed to death

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>ywn be as handsome as Clint Eastwood
Just end it lads.

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>why live
Modern, shaved pussies.

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That's literally part of the glory

I'm not so concerned about the hair as I am the hygiene...

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To become a modern roaming survivalist who shoots anything that threatens his freedom, once the government turns on us, or to join any rebellion and become a foreign freedom fighter, you Brokeback Mountain worshipping son of a bitch.

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>spends decades bringing audiences thrilling Hollywood fantasies about the gritty, noble man of violence
>caps off his career in the genre with a sobering antidote to whatever delusions those films might have created
Hell of a thing.

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>tfw you'll never be able to die from easily treatable diseases or infections, provided you and your mother made it through birth at all

Also I've always wondered, if a modern person could travel back in time, just how appalling the smell would be to us. Almost nobody got to shower daily, deodorant didn't exist, though perfume did, and almost nobody got to put on clean clothes each day, especially the long-riding gunslinger-type folk. Also with the teeth brushing.

Also this. You could probably smell the inside of the town's whorehouse before you walked through the door

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The rare famous actor who becomes a director and is actually way better at being a director than an actor.

god tier western right here

at first I was excited that I wasn't the only wierdo that read that book, but now it's kinda pissing me off.

meh, honest women stayed in town/ home and were pretty concerned with their hygiene. And litterally anyone drifter with a little jingle could seduce some clueless 16 year old farm girl with promises of marriage.

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>deodorant meme
Most dudes who need and use deodorant who I get a whiff of still smell bad, but with that musky 2 hour old deodorant smell. Body spray fags are even worse

How could modboys stand this book? Do you think any of them finished it?

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I'll agree with you for the most part, especially on the body spray bit, but having smelled myself mid-summer after working with and without deodorant, I'll take the with. But I don't buy that new-age meme shit either

>tfw naturally sweaty
>tfw live on the south coast, so it's like 105° and 300% humidity here every day
Why am I cursed to be a disgusting sweat monster?

Am I missing something? Why are all these people posting pictures of this book? Wikipedia says it was published over 30 years ago.

You aren't. Your ancestors were likely adapted to a cold environment and somewherein time somebody moved to where you are now.

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>mfw I traveled west until I reached the west coast
>mfw I decided to keep traveling west
>mfw I traveled so far west that I reached the Far East
>mfw It wasn't west enough so I traveled east back to the west
>mfw there were too many faggots there, so traveled east to reach the east side of the west.

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Any Terrence Hill/Bud Spencer fans?

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sweating a lot is the exact opposite of what you want in a cold environment

I like My Name is Nobody. The idea for that movie came from Sergio Leone (the dude who directed The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and there are rumors that he actually directed some parts of that movie too.

Who is Cullen Bohannon?

No but I like Terrence and Phillip.

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why are spaghetti westerns so much better than hollywood ones
If there are any italianons here i thank you for giving the world sergio leone


You have Chicago, Paris, Rotterham and Johannesburg to ride thru. Lawless and wild, full of amazing and dangerous animals, the land of gunfights, villains and criminals. This land cries for some vigilante justice!


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Because 20 something girls have daddy issues. That's where I come in.