What would be the best weapon for home defense that's not a firearm...

What would be the best weapon for home defense that's not a firearm? I live in a place where guns are almost impossible to get. I can get black powder weapons so those are an option. Am I just fucked in general?

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Two Remington 1858s

the digits confirm it. you have to now

knuckle dusters and a sword. those knuckle duster trench knifes look pretty devastating.

>I can get black powder weapons so those are an option

side by side percussion shotgun loaded with ,30 roundball with a hunting bayonet and a pair of .44 5 inch barrel revolvers or percussion howdah pistols. That's probably more than enough firepower for most situations. Anyone sane who knew you were armed in that manner (particularly if you had a vest on) would think twice before entering your home even if they had modern semi auto rifles or handguns.

Zulu style spear from Cold Steel plus a IIIA shield, they are quite lightweight if you settle for handgun and shotgun resistance.

Something blunt is usually the best all-rounder you can get your hands on, user.
Expandable batons, plain old batons, 'surplus' nightsticks, cudgels, noggin' blasters, whatever you can get your hands on.
Ignore sharp things. Not only will it give the Law a good excuse to ream your ass when you inevitably fuck up, but a blade will not stop someone RIGHT NOW. They are good at killing, only five minutes from now. Also, blood is slippery.

As for blackpowder... I've seen the damage a blunderbuss can do and I personally would prefer facing off someone with a modern gun, all things considered. Also, they're nice things to put on your wall, so bonus points for interior decoration.

Attached: 0000790_self-defense-16-expandable-baton_550.jpg (550x550, 18K)

Black powder cannon.

How much $ you got to play with ?

It has been decided.

>Black powder cannon.
They are very heavy you know. The one I have for home defence is about 100KG in its mount maybe a bit more and its only a baby 2lb

Sounds like a brace of black powder revolvers is your best shot.

>Sounds like a brace of black powder revolvers is your best shot.

I ;love them but as back up to a side by side percussion shotgun please, also howdahs. Howdahs should not be ignored. Especially with buck and ball loads

>mower gun
I hope this becomes a thing

I don't have much of a price limit but I'd prefer it not be too pricey

No, it has been decided for you. Two black powder pistols. You saw the numbers.

Be sure to post proof Jow Forumsowboy

Alright I'll look into it

So where do you live, exactly?

>black powder weapons
Easy then, buy an AK.

the obvious solution is a vest that can hold 6 powder pistols. You /buckaneer/ now.

medium draw weight crossbow, black powder revolvers, kevlar gloves, and a gladius/spatha. In-line crossbow (vertical limbed) if you are worried about size indoors.

Or manufacture one of these. probably crack a human skull at 15 feet, 0.2 pounds at 200 fps

