I fucked up Jow Forums. I fucked up bad.
I fucked up Jow Forums. I fucked up bad
Other urls found in this thread:
what did you do
Yeah you did, by posting old pasta
lets here it Jow Forumsomrade
Hello Facebook
Long story short I tried going hunting with my “Fuck your shit” rounds
Did you go hunting with your “fuck your shit” rounds?
well dont do it again. problem solved.
might as well delete this thread so you dont make two mistakes
i don't know what I was expecting, but of course
Was the idea to burn the squirrel fur off? Not to set the woods on fire?
Shit yes, Basically I mixed 93 octane with rubbing alcohol and Styrofoam and loaded it into 12 Ga shells. How did you know?
Because I remember this pasta from when I was still in high school
Fucking ancient ass pasta
Go fucking come up with something original
Fuck this. We can't start repeating old threads. No. Next it'll be Jow Forumsemical Jow Forumsommando then amphibious Jow Forumsommando...no fuck that.
My body is ready for another caramel coyote
Nothing, why?
OP so desperate for (You) s he uses old pasta
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
After that will be the guy who swallowed Bulgarian 54r surplus gunpowder and the drunk, depleted-uranium round swallowing Streilok
Truly a poor state our board is in to resort to posting old content
Fuck off fag. You’re not me.
Are you sure?
did anyone find anything out about hte Ozzie rebreather retard? did he really have a lake-fire because (1) That's amazing, (2) we all told him.
I dunno. I just replied with Reggie because you quoted him with "my body is ready". I don't think good .
I just found a grenade.
Dare me to pull the pin and flush it down the toilet?
Not anymore I’m not
Or the dude who boiled out the cosmoline of a gun then made pasta (or something) with the same water and ate it.
I thought it was firmly established that if the filter caught fire under water it would just scorch his lungs.
This thread reeks of unbathed, highschool age summerfaggotry
Or the vatnik that make slavshit into a weed pipe
Only if you run it over with a car first.
Does op like Wendy's?
I didnt see this thread
I would ask for the screencap but I fear OP will just use it to copy that thread too like the autist he is
You sound like a jelly newfag that doesn’t have one of these babies for reeling in loads of hot pussy
this isn't even pasta. This is reddit style reposting.
Pasta is a fucking dead art.
I miss copypasta. It was fun to respond to a post the first time, either interested or furious, just to find out you were fooled, the entire situation was a falsehood, and this had happened to dozens or hundreds of people in the past, and would continue on. Because now you were part of the ruse. This is how pasta differs from ordinary trolling. After it is done, it includes the victim. Sadly, trolling has degraded to the point where it's basically exactly pic related. People say dumb shit as bait and hijack entire conversations for their entertainment. What was once an art is now a bastardized caricture of its former self.
There's one I pasta I post here every few years and it still makes people mad like 10 years later. I like to think I'm doing my tiny bit to preserve our cultural arts, but I know it's pointless.
Jow Forums had some good shit. I vaguely remember there being way wilder stuff in the very early years of Jow Forums but I was just a kid so I can't cite anything specific.
I wish I had it...there's alot of threads that are fucking hilarious that no-one ever caps for posterity. The ones that do get capped get way over used. I guess that's part of what makes the whole thing special.
Just wishing for pic related.
Quad finger box where the fuck did you get that? I've only ever seen dual FBs and they were expensive as fuck.
I know a guy that knows a guy
I remeber Jow Forums basically being an arf.com zombie circlejerk
Okay but even pasta has gotten out of hand. People start bringing esoteric pasta from every board on chon and no one recognizes it, then the poster goes "lol trolld u"
It's only funny if it's semi popular pasta not obscure shit from a thread that got 18 replies from /ck/ or /s4s/.
Where can I get wooden bricks?
>lol trolld u
That's another problem. You can't do that. You newfags need to learn. Oldfags won't be around forever. Most of us are already gone it seems.
Probably was, and being a retarded kid, I just thought it was cool. Like when you play a favorite video game from when you were a kid and you realize it actually sucks.
>post old ass thread
>hurr I’m funny
>post an ancient ass meme trying to b8
So at best your an autistic oldfag who can’t think of anything clever years later, and at worst, an underage summerfag here to get (You)s
I’ll admit, the old days were better, but reposting the same old shit isn’t going to make it any more so than it is now
>newfags need to learn. Oldfags won't be around forever. Most of us are already gone it seems.
newfags are tards They're never going to learn to appreciate all the old memes. Old fags just need to keep passing it down if they want it presevered. Middle fags will snatch them up.
Got baited, and is now butthurt. Its not even to bait you retard. It just an inside joke to the old niggers.
Old memes have low value in the current meme economy. My entire old /b/ folder from 2006-2008 is barely worth a few pepes to newfags.
They don't even work out of a conventional shotgun as shown by some stunt redneck, why would they work out of OP's faggot birdshot rounds? Also, why wouldn't OP just take a picture of what he used instead of using some stock photo of game/waterfowl loads? This is one of those shitty bait threads that gets gobbled up by casualfags, especially noguns casualfags.
No, that's what's wrong. Basking in the nostalgia of old memes changes nothing.
I don't know what needs to happen, but not that.
It's not bait, it's called fun you asshat.
Newfags by definition are young idiots. When they get older is when they can actually appreciate the sophistication some of the old caps and memes had. Newfags will always be this way. Old fags can gripe about newfags but it won't change anything. If newfags mature some then they'll appreciate the old shit they wish they saved and the culture. But newfags are just thrilled with the novelty of getting a reaction out of somebody nd don't appreciate that there is substance here until they lurk moar. Is any of that cogent? I feel like I'm rambling.
Whoa I now understand what meme economy means and that it isn't just a tongue in cheek joke?
it is but it isnt
you're here forever, etc
Why is this shit not saged yet
>Doesn't know what saged even means
different grenade one. The guy who put itn down the toilet actually died, the user was in south america or something and it was on the news there.
That's right. One of them microwaved one.
Are there screencaps or a rundown on this?
You're the man user.
Youth, teenager.
That's gotta be Jow Forums, insane coincidence, or photoshop. I want to believe
Back when Jow Forums was actually hilarious and OP actually delivered
porcelain shrapnel would not be far from enjoyable
I feel like I’ve been here before
>38869289 (you)
>"hey everyone, I'm an oldfag! pay attention to meee!"
Yeah bitch you did you spent the money I gave you for green then were all like idk even knowlol
Yeah, well that guy died.
>tfw trying to recreate old memes
What do people get out of making threads trying to recreate shit everybody's seen a thousand times?
More like, >I'm a newfag who found this shit on Know your meme.
OP delivered, died, and became somewhat immortal. We're still talking about him. Good death. He was probably going to step on an aids needle and die anyway and be forgotten. It was Guatemala.
Dump your load here, kindly peddler
This can't be real. It says he is 17 and you have to be 18 to post on this site.
This. It just doesn't add up. Meme debunked.
It might be time to bring back Zimmer posting.
Fuck off.
He prefers (((Taco Bell)))
It's incredible how much damage a hand grenade can do to a house. I always thought the damage was 10% explosion, 90% shrapnel, but it looks closer to 50/50.
I wonder if we should start dumping ancient demotivationals to counter the inflation of the meme market.
I still have my old demotivational folder from /b/ circa 2004-2005.
I miss those days.
It's not the right place for this, but I'll dump a few. Do you guys like demotivators or just random shit?
Truly an hero
there's just too much to post here, but please enjoy this old cancer
Has anyone actually tried "fuck your shit" rounds as described? I feel like you'd need at least holes in the wadding if not some incendiary compound to ensure ignition
>reddit spacing