Army Instructor court martialed for making female "soldier" cry

Why the fuck are women allowed in the military? Women like her want to go to combat yet cry and whinge at the slightest loud voice.

>Betrayed by her own corporal: Foul-mouthed Army instructor faces court martial after his video of female recruit being reduced to tears is viewed 250,000 times
>Controversially, women are also expected to start training later this year to join infantry regiments.

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He got court martialed because he videod it, not because he made her cry.

Videoed and posted it online

>men don't cry

Can't tell you how many dudes cries in basic my guy

Keep on hating though incel

Wasn't only the filming, you dumb cunt. It was mainly his behavior of the bitch that got him in trouble.

>The instructor’s behavior was described as ‘totally unacceptable’ by Lord Dannatt, the former head of the Army.

No one said men don';t cry in basic training you moron, no one cares because it's of the norm. Yet when a female cries, call the fucking presses.

Yeah, but he never would have been court-martialed if he hadn't effectively created and disseminated the evidence against himself.

He was basically punished for creating a PR shitfest that wouldn't have existed if he'd been more professional, regardless of what he said to the recruit.

Except, everyone is talking about his actual behavior of the recruit, and not him recording her at all.

If he did or not, is irrelevant. I'm glad he recorded it and showed the world just how flamboyant and soft these cock sucking cunts are that think they are tough enough for the infantry. He was probably over it and sick of the useless mess he was given.

Yeah, but they wouldn't be talking about it if not for his own actions in publicizing it.

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The military is dead

>mfw I might be a pilot for the Air Force/Navy
>I have to fucking deal with these cunts
Unless you are Balalaika or some other woman from Black Lagoon, women need to fuck off from the military

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I could never make it thru British boot camp because I couldn't stop myself from laughing at all the DIs

all of them sound like Gordon Ramsay

> I could never make it through British boot camp
That's all you had to say

>t. b-britain strong

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> haha I would just laugh in their faces bro and if one got up in my face id just knock him out haha


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>if one got up in my face id just knock him out haha

But he did not mention that anywhere in his post, and only mentioned how he would find it funny as fuck because your DIS are all moronic cunts.

British army is a fucking joke.

Britain is a fucking joke*

>boot camp and MCT
>Female Marines are either practically a man, married, or like vagine
>MOS school and fleet
>it's like they never existed, most female marines are either loyally married or act like bisexual sluts

what the fuck man

faith in humanity restored

> British DIs are moronic cunts
> implying the exact same or worse couldn't be said for American DIs


Crying does not make you combat ineffective. Keep up the misogyny, neckbeard incels.

Not really, went to Benning and all my drill sergeants were infantry and were competent leaders. Not everyone is a pussy like you.

>Crying does not make you combat ineffective.
desu it helps a shit load in super dusty and dry conditions.
Makes for good lube to.

spotted the roastie

Do any of you take women seriously? Like, in any aspect of life? I'm not trying to be edgy or anything but it just seems to me that women just aren't as capable as men in just about anything.


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>Women like her want to go to combat
No, they don't want to go to combat, they want to show off.

All of the Section/Platoon Commanders on the Combat Infantryman's Course are Infantry too you fucking silly sausage

The business world, hospitality, etc.

They make good mothers. And good company when you're in a stress and problem free environment.

>muh stronk womyn ceo's
Complete bullshit. There's just as much politics in that as in the military. I'll give you hospitality tho.

Fuck you.

No one said they don't, fuckstick. The difference is when a male recurit cries their Drill Instructor isn't court martialed.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Obvious illiterate samefag

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I teared up when I walked between the eagle statues at the top of honor hill at 2 am with a huge bonfire behind them.

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Women are privilage and the military(and America) is weaker for it.

Well, here’s the truth broheim: women are empathetic, intuitive and nurturing to be best suited to take care of children. That’s the way nature made them, and nothing will ever change that. These qualities have no place on a battlefield, and never will

This. Women don't want combat, they want to play hero and feel special. Fuck it, let them go - maybe a taste of what isn't just expected but demanded of men will make them appreciate how fucking great they've got it these days.

Don't worry, you'll never have to deal with women as a pilot because you'll never be one.

Who are you arguing with?

Did anyone actually see this video? She’s drilling with a fucking tongue piercing in. Holy fuck. Can we not underscore what a shitshow that is alone? I’d go fucking nuclear if I was the DI

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The west has truly fallen. We’re sending women to fight our wars. Just because I use a hammer on a nail doesn’t make my screwdriver any less valuable. Feminists need to understand this.

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one cried for me, it was pretty funny for the rest of us


How to admit to others that you just lost an argument.

Are you the same faggot from Jow Forums that thinks that the FOMER head of the army giving his personal opinion to a newspaper equates this man being court marshalled for that reason

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this is just a nazi rally user, why post lies.

why is this shit getting posted here it's old news. did the guy who made this same thread on Jow Forums get too butthurt that he got BTFO

>Navy wouldn't wavier me for flat feet/asthma combo, despite not having an attack since I was 10
>Little girls that literally cry can get in


Theres cool ones..

So basically the same way i feel about useless, low IQ males?

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The only thing he did wrong was record this.

>Betrayed by her own corporal

Fucking army doesn't make any sense.


I've met solid businesswomen - they just do not end up well as mothers or wives. Vice-versa, womanly and nurturing girls end up doing fine as mothers and wives, but would be dead in the water at a meeting or in any leadership capacity.

I understand the whole Excessive thing, but Drill Instructors have to be loud because it gives the recruits an idea of what it will be like in combat.

Sometimes you won’t have the luxury of calling for a Time Out.

It’s not that, per say. But women in our history have filled a different niche in our society for the longest time. Think of it like a company. A truck driver vs a person in the advertising department. That’s why a lot of them are psychologically different.

I won’t discredit a woman if she wants to be something, but she has to meet the same standards as everyone else. Otherwise the whole effort gets sabotaged from the inside.

Sexual harassment is a different story, though. There’s no excuse for that.

US mil is finished.

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Kek the British are such cucks
Same fagging hard. Kys you stupid cunt

I work in construction, it's the carpenter's wife you have to look out for. A bunch of cutthroat women barking at the door every day, running a clean shop, making the phone calls, paying the bills, and negotiating the prices with daggers in their disarming smiles and cheeriness.

Meh i’ve Seen tons of women “run” the husbands business while he’s the one on the tools.
Most are honestly just cunts.
No real skill set just a fucking cunt

I'll agree on the mostly part, but there are a select few who run big, well-managed operations. Just like I've met a lot of dipshit crew chiefs in my day, it's not really a gender thing at that point.

>>American DI vs British recruits
>>Unending WHERES THE LAMB SAUCE jokes

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Uk disgusts me

What.. you expect her to take out the piercing? Stop being so fucking sexist.

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Nice false flag
literally all he did was make fun of their accents

literally samefag