Emotional suppressants for soldiers

Is this a bad idea? I was thinking what if we got our soldiers hooked up on emotional suppressants thinking it might prevent PTSD and allow for more efficient troops. What's Jow Forumss thoughts on emotion preventing medication.

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I think its a terrible idea to give mood altering drugs with possible side effects to soldiers in war.

obviously you've never talked to someone taking SSRI's.

The exception is LSD, of course.

Wasn't there a shitty ps3 halo clone with that exact premise?

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user, being in the military. It self, if a fucking emotional suppressant. Adding more drugs into the mix is a fucked up choice, that will have dire consequences.

>emotional suppressants
The VA is putting everyone on estrogen mimickers to negate the anger issues of their patients. Why do you think there are so many cervix seal trannies?

Yeah it was called haze or something. The drugs were closer to steroids to do the whole faster and stronger thing if I remember right

You'd have an army of autism then.
Can you say you'd want to share a foxhole with Chris Chan?

>Neva ben dun befoe!

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It use to be called "Boot Camp", but Liberals fucked that up.

Oh God NO , I'd really kill him no joke

i think the la li lu le lo should leave this board

You don't know how these treatments or the human brain work, do you?

I understand you can't empathize OP, but soldiers have families and people that love and care for them. They're not just drones. Also, Ketamine has shown to help prevent PTSD in trauma related casualties, sooo yea there's a drug for you there.

what does the board think about using mdma AFTER trauma to treat ptsd there saying it may be used as earily as 2021? of course since its being used by a doctor treatment uses harm reduction and tests to reduce damage.

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>Less PTSD
>More war crimes
I'm down as fuck for this initiative.

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>reduce damage

kek, most drugs are illegal because they would directly compete with tobacco and alcohol, which are atrociously unhealthy

Honestly though you have been on Jow Forums for a long time. Don't you have anything else to do with your time?

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Ecstasy is fine. I did it once and all I did was a bunch of push-ups and break into my neighbor's house while he was on vacation so I could use his awesome stereo system to blast techno. True story.

I came here to post this.

You dont need drugs. Soldiers already dehumanize the enemy just fine. You dont want soldiers being complete zombies who feel nothing when breking the geneva conventions. PTSD is just the body working correctly. When our ancestors got ambushed by a tiger and nearly eaten, your damn right being paranoid about tigers came in handy. But now we have soldiers who are expected to enter combat zones, then come back to a "safe" zone and make their body pretend nothing happened.

Now Ive heard about therapy assisted shroom sessions being able to wipe ptsd after the fact.

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No such thing as a free lunch

Please don't give the pharmaceutical cartels any ideas.

Whatever dude. You probably inhale a fuckton of asbestos dust from brake pads just by stepping outside.

Well duh

yeah apparently they can eliminate conditioned fear i really dont understan why they arent at leat leagal for people who have cluster headaches.

What the fuck is this cringeworthy bullshit?

But yeah, the effects of SSRIs can be not very pleasant, you need to be on a fairly high dose though. Anti-psychotics are a lot worse.

>What the fuck is this cringeworthy bullshit?
are you fucking new to the world?

Because I haven't heard some song?

Not knowing the entire era of this cringe genre and music video style... It was unavoidable for its time and is clearly posted ironically. I'm autistic and don't even know the song but I get it.

bring back pervitin

I was well into adulthood when this was released. I assume this is what the emo kids listened to, and I'd probably recognise some of the band names from people's shirts, but I wouldn't know any of the music.

>geneva convention
I think you mean hauge friendo :^)

You need to go back

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And you consider yourself...,what? Hint: Your a helpless drunken S-oy baby

Your DR took you off for a reason, Jason

Uh, no. PTSD is not what most people think it is and emotional response to combat has nothing to do with it.

Isn’t there like a black mirror episode on this typa thing

So it turned you into a criminal, and your fine w/that.
Well Done. psycho!

Fuck it I'll eat onions. What I'm trying to get at with my "no free lunch" rebuttal is that whether you're doing drugs or not you're being poisoned anyway. If a drug like ecstasy has the power to help people then it's more benign than living in a big city which is poisoning you just as bad if not worse with no upside.

I was trying to be sarcastic. My fault for trying to convey sarcasm through text.

Shrooms are legal to possess in Washington. Just not legal to buy or sell

Jokes on you, I like 3 Days Grace. Guilty pleasure, of course.

"emotional suppressants" are basically SSRIs and tend to make people lose their shit. Also, PTSD is literally people trying to suppress their emotions after experiencing traumatic events.

What you're wanting to do is dope people up with shit that MAKES them crazy, then make them do shit that makes them crazy.


What about memory blockers, if there is such a thing?

Black mirror did an episode on this. Soldiers were all given an intercranial implant that provided a HUD in their vision and allowed constant communication. They were given drugs and hormones to control their emotional response. It was revealed that the HUD was being used to edit the vision of the soldiers to make their targets appear as monsters while changing their screams to sound like monstrous shouts of rage instead of unarmed civilians begging for mercy. One of the soldiers had it malfunction, revealing that they had been genociding the civilian population the entire time.

Soldiers are fucked in the head enough, they don't need more drugs. Most just need a bullet to end their suffering.

>You dont want soldiers being complete zombies who feel nothing when breaking the Geneva conventions.
yes you do. it makes for more efficient soldiers, now if only unconditional obedience was to follow that, it would be perfect.
although, drugs are expensive. ideally, society would pick out the best physical performers in society at around 1st grade and then indoctrinate them into the soldier lifestyle, showing them the ins and outs of war and to follow orders without hesitation.

Because a known result of being a biological tranny in the closet (yes, according to modern science *some* trannies are biologically wired the wrong way and clearly have a strong urge to follow it) is "hypermasculinity".
Due to social pressure they're trying to 'fix' themselves by actively doing only traditionally manly things and hope to become more straight.
It's practically impossible to find out the success rates of this kind of behaviour because straight men don't talk about their gay tendencies.
All we know it has a certain failure rate due to soldiers turning out to be hard gays every once in a while.

>spews bullshit
>unconditional obediance
>literally asking for a military of zero initiative, malicious compliant spergs

Just skip the drugs and go strait to power armor that jacks you off.

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People who are expected to carry out hugely stressful acts and life high tempo lifestyles should be allowed to abuse any substance they want. Aslong as their habits can be maintained in combat, which realistically wouldn't be hard. They wouldn't need food.

You can espect a man whos had no sleep for 3 days to remain focused and alert.