Will Vermont become even more antigun...

Will Vermont become even more antigun? I used to think there was a strong gun culture but I'm doubting how long it will last.

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It's your duty to educate the average vermontian about the importance of freedoms. We've been losing ground everywhere because (((they're))) active and we're not

Probably. That's why I left. Enjoy your tranny governor.

>tfw was thinking of maybe moving to vermont
>tfw staying in cali because the perchase age is still 18 here

Seriously how the fuck did we let this happen? Why did the 2A community slump so hard?

You're outnumbered in demographics, and in Vermont's case, people's general attitudes are too liberal.

just make your own guns

Too much division in the Republican party and too much alienation of others. Republicans don't have to be the "others" friends but they didn't have to make them their enemies either. You can thank those hillbillies in the south and Trump for this. Midterms are gonna be depressing.


seriously, draw your border at burlington and give the city to canada and you'll be much better off. visited there recently and I saw fucking California plates

the rot is in all of the towns. Brattleboro, White River Junction, Monteplier flies BLM flags on public property. The whole state is San Francisco. A junkie tried to mug me when I was fishing a couple weeks back. Thank God for Const carry!

Someone on here told me that it's the California refugees who are responsible for it. I was thinking about bailing cuckifornia and moving to NH to live out my libertarian fever dream but I guess maybe it's not going to happen.

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what are the chances of SHTF affecting Vermont?

>gets devoured by property taxes


You realize NH and Vermont are two totally different states right? NH is the Northeast fiscal conservative refugee zone and VT is the filtering mechanism to concentrate all the socialists who want to live in the woods from shitting up the rest of Northern New England.

Property taxes here in NH are about the same as Texas when I lived there. No sales tax, no income tax, and if you have a problem with your property taxes you can bitch at the town meeting instead and have real chance of changing it. Good luck asking (((politicians))) to lower sales or income taxes.

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As someone who lives in vt I can say that the big towns are the problem, I live in the middle of the woods in a much smaller town and everyone and their grandmother owns several guns, every child I know has had at least their own 22 since they were 10, those kids know better gun safety then most adults I know

or rather how badly

Well let's fucking see, we're full of god damn heroin addicts and homosexuals and turbo-leftists from places like CaliFUCKINGfornia and New York and we all know what their gun laws are like.

Our bullshit asshole piece of shit governor rammed through a stack of gun control bills including magazine capacity limits and he's the REPUBLICAN.

We're importing as many god-damn somalians as humanly possible, and blacks from brooklyn come in to sell drugs and fuck white women, virtually guaranteeing some "GUN CRIME" to push further gun laws.

And who is his opponent, who might possibly unseat this scumbag governor of ours. A TRANSGENDER LEFTIST.

So yeah I reckon that vermont will become a lot more antigun.

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most of the white people are old fucks, right?

This whole situation makes me sad. We were so close to getting the HPA passed then the Vegas shooting "coincidentally" happened just as the HPA got into committee. After that we lost all 2A progress.

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glad I'm only here till next year. Goin back to God-Blessed Virginia

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>New England state

Virginia is getting fucked by NoVa if you havent noticed last years election.

Canadian here. Im thinking of jumping ship and going stateside in vermont. Im a Field engineer and I luv me sum guns. How are your laws ?

Aside from the fact that you wont be able to purchase hicap mags in Vermont after October, they're pretty great. For now.

that's what you get for falling for the pro gun liberal meme
not that republicans are any better if you don't watch what they are doing and assume they are going to work in your interests

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Sadly this. considering moving to north carolina if things keep going the way they are here

pic unrelated I didn't add a file so not sure why it uploaded

(God-blessed Virginia is a local play on words for West Virginia)

California refugees definitely fuck shit up. They leave because of the shitty policies and then vote for those same policies. I don't know if this is happening in Vermont but foreigners do the exact same thing. I work with a bunch of people from shithole countries. All anti-gun yet fleeing their oppressive governments.

In Vermont, flatlanders are the problem.

>When you can't tell where the local Gannet commie rag ends and the JewSA Today begins.
In all seriousness, what is y'all's obsession with the Battle Flag about?

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Yeah schlomo they will be real depressing for you iron wave incoming

>California refugees

>You can thank those hillbillies in the south
go fuck yourself

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tfw (((they))) move into your state

Does she actually have chance of winning the general seeing as she has no platform or campaign other than "I'm trans" and "fuck Christians"?

>90% white state
>B-but the minorities will take our guns!
Choose one Jow Forumstards

>>B-but the minorities will take our guns!
They just recently asked how nh can be more diverse as it's too white.
Fuck off pol is right.

Please explain how the minorities took your guns in a 90% white state

I should not reply to (you), but they did not. Growing minority population and gungrabbing are both symptoms of the same societal disease.

You seem not to understand how the liberal mind works. Hillary came close to winning simply because she was a woman.

You know why

>We were so close to getting the HPA passed
It never got past being introduced