All female SWAT team

India did it, and it's been successful, why has this not been done in the west? Is it because all you men are sexist?

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Now if the can only get the toilets to work.

What India "achieves" is never the measure of success.

>assault rifles

Well, to be fair, Indian women are typically more masculine than Indian men.

>assault raffle

>will be part
tell me of the many successes they've had over the past... future

This. They learn to fight at a young age to resist all the rape.

Is there any point to having an all-female unit as opposed to an all-male unit or a co-ed unit other than "muh stronk womyn"

but.... but.... Only 51% of them still shit in the open public streets!!! Clearly thats the sign of the modern successful nation!

>"Its been successful"
according to who? Theres a saudi all-female police force too, but we know thats a complete fucking joke, that can probably legally get raped by some male passer-by, but that isnt going to stop the KSA acting as though it invalidates all the overt sexism in their society we all know about(or on the other side of things, prove women are just as physically capable and competent as men, which is also just as ridiculous)


With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and east and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Indian elephant, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western and eastern powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Indian spices, culinary arts, spicy tea, spicy dance movies, vedic science, 4000 years of internet and spirituality will be the instruments with which India affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western non-eastern world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western and Eastern leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

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This guy gets it. I thought I was going to have to be the one to point out that in India (and lots of Asian countries) the difference between men and women, in strength and athleticism, is alot smaller than the rest of the world.

You do realize that this is an obvious publicity stunt, right?

>Indias elite fighting force

Attached: india swat.jpg (1177x237, 157K)

>inb4 they get gang raped

>Asia still has legit patriarchies.
>Meanwhile """"masculine"""" western countries capitulate to their women almost every fucking time.
>" the difference between men and women, in strength and athleticism, is alot smaller than the rest of the world."

looks pretty chinked-up

That's because all the men in the middle east and india are closet fags

All female SWAT? What's next? An all-female reboot of the Terminator franchise?

Attached: 01-terminator-6.w710.h473.jpg (710x473, 103K)

>and it's been successful
Why is the bar of success for women not being absolute failures?

Aren't those Ghurkas?

The saddest thing is that that's unironically true.

Reminder that the Marines did a study on mixed gender units and found they did worse compared to all male ones

strength and athleticism has absolutely nothing to do with the acceptable cultural norms of other nations. Are you high?

It has based Dylan Roof though

Wait thats a chick? The more I look the harder it is to tell. Is there some sorta competition to make every Terminator movie after 2 worse than the previous?

>wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Indian elephant

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All this sexism is pathetic.

I'm not sure.
But honestly, can even Terminator: Female Hawaii Five-O edition top Nanobot John Connor?

>spicy tea,
I feel like that's offensive to the British, the Chinese, and US Southerners all at once.

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>cops kick door in
>all women
>rape nigger cops

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No there isn’t.

Bikini calendar photo shoots.


Credibility is lost. You lost. KYS.

probably because if they had integrated them, they would all get raped.

less rape

>and it's been successful
It's been three days, you lying faggot. Not dying on day 1 is not "successful" if you haven't done any ops.

Whoops. Thought it was the 18th for some reason. Point still stands, though.


this article sounds like the sort of thing huffington post readers would masturbate to

>swat team shits the street

Thanks Jews, I guess. It's not like I watch any movies made after 2011 anyway.

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>dies in 4 years to the inevitable measles pandemic currently burning its way through midwest USA.

No. We don't isolate groups of men or women based on gender. We intersparse our female and male officers according to their proficiency. Making an exclusively female team seems more sexist to me you fucking commie cunt.



Because Indians like to defecate in the open its cos of some religion reasons

Women are actually being raped cos they are alone and in a far place when pooping

I mean overall, it doesn't change the expectations people already have. The Indian Military didn't really decrease their value, since the value was already so low to begin with.

Have not read the article but if its near the north east. Its the place where the people look Chinese. Then its probably been done due to rape. The Indians love to rape a lot it pisses of the natives in the north east. There was so much rape they tried to do a mass trial. The judge from India came and said it was all fake no rape happened and went back home. Rape of north east Indian women by indian soilders and is a real big problem there not even funny or trying to make a joke or trying to troll

Where I go I must also poop in the street

how long before it disbands due to infighting/catfighting and incompetence?

place your bets

they can pay them less

*tips fedora*

>chiappa rhino
>smoke grenades


They only get 2/3 of the ammo

How long until they're kidnapped en-mass by low-caste bandits and raped into subservience then sold to a Pashtuun whoremonger?

> westerners telling Asians that their women are more dominant

This has to be a joke. Why don't you take one second and look at the absolute state of Western white men. There is literally no other more cucked man than the western white man right now, your women walk all over you and somehow Asians are the ones with weak men? Lmao. Get back to us when your women aren't controlling your society and marriages, and when you can win a land war in asia (couldn't even win against our poorest starving peasants despite all the advantages)

fap fap fap


If this SWAT team was around 10 years ago this would have never happened. Prove me wrong.

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Hold on I fixed the name of the article to better fit the country

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>indian cops band together to avoid
getting gang raped on their way to the shitting street
Sounds legit.

With the way they’re shouldering their weapons, I really think that this will just be another fluke, out of the billions of other things they fucked up in the past.

About as effective as their pornography ban to stop rapes.

He's talking about physical differences in strength and athleticism, dumbass. I don't think he has much evidence to actually support his claim, but you're talking about something else.

>and it's been successful
is success qualified by being? because these bitches were just deployed yesterday. they're obviously not dravidians as well which is what i find more odd than being female.


They also had an all-female space program crew or whatever. It's just fluff pieces to show the world that India isn't all street pooping and rape (spoiler: it is).

>what are east indians

To make my animu dreams come true

SWAT? More like SQUAT to take a shit lmao.

>tmw you have shit in public or get raped.

apparently not your typical poo in the loo

Non-meme answer: Popular media has taught us guys are the protector and heroes, and that women are the supporters. Also that women can be strong only if they're a spitfire and "one of the boys" or constantly make jokes about how she's a girl and she just did a thing guys can't. Boomers ate this shit up and and continue to spread it to their retarded offspring, while believing the American dream is still somehow alive.


TWAT team.

It worked for the Ghostbusters franchise, why not.


and you are?

Asians living in the west have the most cucked men on earth. Majority of their women racemix while men are virgin.

It is similar in Asian countries where a foreigner can pick up women in a matter of minutes especially if he knows the language.

The only reason why most Asian women are not whores is because most of them reject the average Asian guy.

A Chinese,Korean or Japanese woman choses to be alone and virgin in her 30's instead of settling for the average Asian male.

But if below average looking white guy shows up she wants to marry him and have children. He does not have to be as wealthy either.

Clearly they are not that good if they are hitting the streets.

>send in female swat unit
>get swarmed and raped by thirsty pajeets
sounds great

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you fucking source me right now

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Riot (2011) film

What would be the use for an all female SWAT team? Maybe like if one of the kids in an elementary school decides to chew a Pop-Tart into the shape of an uzi and hold the class hostage with it?

>>Is there any point to having an all-female unit as opposed to an all-male unit or a co-ed unit other than "muh stronk womyn"
Less chances for inter-team rapes.

Dont women get gangraped in India and that's why they get their own subway.
Those women are gonna get raped.

>"An inner city teenage girl must choose between following her dream or following in her mother's footsteps."

I can't believe the third world plays these kind of fuck-fuck PC propaganda games. What could they possibly gain from pulling stunts like this versus suppressing these nonsense time and money wasting ideas?

what a bunch of unstable female pigs to go against hardened gang members etc, it wouldn't matter if they were unarmed they would still find a way to over power the women and they would probably have a breakdown then be killed. sounds like a great idea all because of some bullshit liberal ways

Apparently Poos cant even afford to arm all their their forces with real guns so I dont see the point of these PR stunts
>The Indian army will place an order for only 2,50,000 modern assault rifles- just a third of its total requirement- driven by budgetary constraints and the need to speed up deliveries
>The 1.3 million-strong military pruned its original requirement for 8,00,000 rifles
>The defense force has 4,500,000 infantry troopers, of whom only half go into ground battle and use the rifle as their primary weapon. The rest are support soldiers, the person said.
>To meet the requirement of the rest of the force, the Army intends to make do with a mix of 400,000 Kalashnikov rifles and the India-made

>spicy dance movies
quality post

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op honest if you think they have a even borderline good military you are straight up retarded

It's all about India. India is the fucking most important country if WW3 were to happen.
shut up faggot, no one cares about your white knighting.

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they don't have the funds of USA, Russia or China but what they do have is A BILLION FUCKING PEOPLE.

And what military they do have is trained in mountain warfare, so...

>not liking chai

You made me laugh. Have a (you).