WWII captured Shin Gunto

So Jow Forums, when I was young, I stayed after school at the home of a family friend. Her husband had been a flamethrower operator on Guadalcanal, and he supposedly looted two swords during the fight. what does Jow Forums think, are they fake?

Attached: gunto1.jpg (2048x1536, 268K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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self bump with more pics

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I have no idea, but, Ill bump you because I love war trophies, flame throwers and swords.

looks real

I had one of pic related looks very real

Looks like you spray painted the scabbard, Nice.

Pacific War and battle trophy thread time.

Attached: battle trophies.jpg (678x381, 64K)

Nothing has been done to them as far as I know, I am the third owner, second being my father, and first being the man who captured it.

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Both look real enough, but I don't know what exactly the second sword is.
Be careful with the Shin Gunto, the japanese soldiers coming from samurai families had the habit of taking their 17th century family heirloom blade into combat as Shin Gunto instead of the cheap mass produced ones and you can guess the worth of those antique ones.

2nd sword is a sabre, they were more of a thing in meiji's army and ww1 when Japan wanted to copy the west but some were still around for WW2

my grandfather has a home made pistol he fought the japanese with in the war
showed it off once, but now that he is gone we cant find where he put it

it looked like a pipe with a rough carved wooden handle and fired a large, he never specified and i was too young to ask, caliber
ive been trying to track down his old partisan stuff for years due to its historical and personal value

Attached: gunto3.jpg (1536x2048, 453K)

My great grandfather bright back one that looks like this. Anyone know much about these swords? I also have a silk rising sun flag in my room he brought back.

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OP here, currently having Japanese friend translate words on Tang, will update soon.

Story on the gif?

Ok so there are four words on the tang so far as my Jap friend can tell, those words being:

which translate to:


Attached: trophies2.jpg (1280x960, 184K)

Please be extremely careful with the tang.

Delta hates PMCs

going to lead a load more pictures, especially of the blade, also check for marks. At first glance it very much looks like a WWII era sword.

how long is it? Polish the blade a bit and take some more photos but it looks legit.

funny thing is that there is actually a 2nd mona lisa whose face was said to be much better than the other, it was stolen ages ago, however the background of it is unfinished so that one is not it.


>Polish the blade a bit
I wouldn't recommend that unless you know what you're doing.


1.Tang pictures inbound
2. wont do any restoration until I know exactly what to do or get an expert
3. neat.

War bringback thread?
Grandpa Was a madman and fought the japs in Alaska
Also have a sword but i dont have pics of it right now, if the threads nod down when i get off work ill post pics

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Dude my grandpa went to the islands in the Navy and he brought back the same kit.

After he passed and I was going through his things, holding that rifle almost brought me to tears.

Attached: tang2.jpg (1536x2048, 360K)

Attached: tang3.jpg (1536x2048, 321K)

He also said that one of his biggest regrets was not picking up one of those swords. He said they would burn stacks of them and he thought they were worthless trash.

Thats rough buddy.

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my gramps went to alaska too, and one other place i always cant wrap my head around..

Funny how small the world is, my grandpa said the same thing about crushing shit. Hell his job after the war was to crush equipment. Im just happy he is a turbo jew and couldnt pass up on free shit. Old guy is still kicking at 90, sad that your gramps has passed but you will see him same day hopefully.

Pic of the promised sword

Attached: IMG_20170311_164326.jpg (4000x2992, 1.86M)

on his bag

Attached: IMG_3902 (1).jpg (960x1280, 187K)

ment to reply to both

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show the tang on that one wiht the characters in focus, it looks like it might be high quality

at work those are the only pics I have right now. Anyone know moonspeak? I've always wondered if it was a quality sword or a mas produced one.

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Thats neato, user.

*looks* to me like a legit handmade sword. I havent a clue how old it is though beyond a general idea due to the blade style, sword makers didnt die out following the meiji restoration so it could have been handmade in "modern" times, but there is a good chance its a pre-meiji sword , in which case it will be made sometime in or between the 17th and 19th.c

OP here, my nip friend went to sleep, so no chance here, maybe try using Jow Forums

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because lacquer rusts

those are two different swords user

hard to tell unless you post something that isnt blurred

no clue about the scabbard, maybe Flamethrower gramps just grabbed the sword on the canal and picked up a replacement scabbard later.

well that would explain the colour shift of the habaki better than the lighting. The one with the marked hilt looks very real. The one with the leather cover over the scabbard and the brass habaki looks real too.
I could of course, be wrong.

Neat. Oil it. Sharpen it. Cut some water jugs with. Then oil it. Sharpen it. Then oil it again.

Im trying to use the links someone gave me to identify it, but so far no dice.

It really does look like its had enough effort put into it for it to be a handmade one. Even if not its still a WWII relic and a sword and thats cool unto itself.

And the story behind it, even if blurred, it what really matters.


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Sadly my now 2nd cousins have all the war trophy stuff my great grandfather brought back. (one of the cheap mass produced swords, family had it appraised after he died, and a nambu)

The sword he admitted on his deathbed that he didn't get it by killing a jap officer in hand to hand combat but actually won it in a poker game on the ship home.

not to laugh rudely at the second part but still, lol

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pretty neat war trophies here.

Of all the things he regreted

he died before I was born but he told a tale about getting separated from his squad and jumped on by a jap officer who was hiding in a tree. Burtal hand to hand combat supposedly followed, ending with him bayoneting the jap to death and taking his sword.

He apparently used that story to impress my great grand-mother into dating him. Told her the truth on his deathbed because it had been eating him up all those years.

Try anal masturbation with the hilt, OP.

>My grandfather was inna army the philippines in ww2
>survived Bataan death march
>Fast forward to 89
>The things he managed to hold onto or left therewith and rifles collected later were stolen by beaners in Phoenix while he was in the hospital for something
>Neighbor/burglars laughing and talking shit on their porch out front, even jokingly spouting details of specific shit stolen while cops there taking report.
Maybe someday one of the rifles will show up at least. He did have the serials for the cops ahd Granma's still here. Probably just sitting around in some old fudds collection for 30 years now


I know Chinese. Post better quality pics and I'll translate

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Neat. Don’t sell it.

Both have no arsenal stamps, so they aren't mass produced WW2 stuff at least.

I think people forget how much soldiers hate the people they're fighting.

I feel like a lot of the war stories from ww1 paint the soldiers like tragic heroes who were just naive men, always just doing as they were told. In reality, they fucking hated eachother and a lot of allied soldiers were really happy with the outcome because they wanted to see their enemies dead

Wait, I think that's a legit heirloom sword.

The hilt, the guard, the sheath, the weaving on the handle doesn't match a typical Shin Gunto.

Hell, the Shin Gunto's handle and sheath was made of aluminium and painted even at the beginning of the war.

Cheap shit NCO swords

That sward might be really expensive actually.

See here


nvm probably around $8k

My Guntō, surrendered by a Japanese officer named Morimoto to British RAF squadron leader Edmund Ferbank in Singapore at the end of the war.

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Dude did not do any interoperability, and did not help out the regulars down below. So they blew his cover hard and left him. Now imagine you are angry sand people and see that. Now he had to evade and hide his way from the top of a skyscraper down.

The rest is lost to history.