Why do you peolle like guns? They kill people and the workd would legitimately be better without them

Why do you peolle like guns? They kill people and the workd would legitimately be better without them.

change my mind.

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Heh u r teh gay

I know this is a troll, but here’s why. There will always be evil. No matter what you do there will be evil. Many recognize that violence is necessary for peace, and sometimes good men must do bad things to keep the peace. That includes shooting people that pose a threat. With a gun, a 110lb woman is just as equal as a 260lb body builder.

If I killed you with a gun the world would be legitimately better.

change my mind

Why do people like anchovy or pineapple pizza? The world would be better off without them. Change my mind.

I like guns BECAUSE they kill people, that's what I bought them for

the world would be better off without herpes, try getting rid of that. hell it'd be easier than disarming everyone on the planet.

The digits speak truth. The Jow Forumsube has spoken again.

Attached: al.jpg (125x89, 2K)

I like guns because they kill people desu

You know who gets killed by people with guns? People without guns. The more guns your nation has the less likely you are to need them. It's like nukes and MAD doctrine. If we have 10,000 nukes we'll never need to use even one. If we have 0 nukes we'll find ourselves in a situation where we would have needed some. You know who gets invaded post-WW2? Only nations without any nukes. No nukes and no guns makes you an easy target.

Why do people like cigarettes, alcohol, overeating,and driving fast? Those kill more people than guns every year. We need cars with regulators for speed, to ban tobacco and alcohol and to have the government issue a daily food allotment, then I’ll support gun control. Take what I enjoy and I’ll take what you enjoy you tubby fat fuck

the world would be better off without niggers like you

change my mind

Digits don't lie.

ha u hav da B I G G A Y OP

Careful, some of these fuckers actually believe all of that should be done.

Eh if they ban Jow Forums shit I’ll spend my life trying to get everything else everyone else loves banned to spite them.
Or do a jihad for my rights. Either or

If Jow Forums was ever banned, I'm sure Operatorchan will increase in traffic. Or some other chan will take its place

low quality bait

I meant guns n shidd. Jow Forums is cancer and must burn.

Damn them digits don't lie