Benelli M4s

Anyone ever own or shoot one of these? They look absolutely beautiful, what's the skinny on these beauties?

I don't care about any other shotguns.

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1301t is lighter with a better gas system.. also less expensive.

No I'm too poor. They are pretty cool though.

I own one (first fun) and it's awesome but heavy. super light recoil.

I want to get one of the SBS's like model 11723

battlefield vegas said they are basically indestructible. they said they have had one on the line since they opened with no problems while a remington 870 or mossberg 500 only lasts 2 weeks on average

I have shot my friend's m4 a couple of times. It was pretty cool. As said before, a little heavy, low recoil, and great pedigree.

Best word to describe it is refined.

Everything is smooth.the gun runs clean because of the chrome bore/piston system.

Is it worth the money? In my opinion yes i have yet to shoot a better running shotgun including berettas 1301.

Can another gun do what it does, absoulutley,but in my opinion its the finest combat shotgun on the market.

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Bought an m4 as a gift for myself

It's very heavy and very expensive. It's hard for me to try to abuse it to the point of taking advantage of its reliability, but its nice knowing it's probably the most reliable semi auto shotgun I could ask for.

The recoil is noticeably softer than other semi auto shottys I've tried in the past.

tl;dr I wish I got the mossy 930spx, but I'm not unhappy in the slightest

I was really close to buying one earlier this summer but I decided to buy another basic bitch AR.

it is pretty, ill give you that, but its also itallian

The only things the italians do better than pasta and organized crime, is sports cars, and scatter guns.

I shot one of the original 14" at work with high brass slugs

it was like getting hit with a hammer and made your teeth rattle.

it was fun

I've shot both and I like the M4 better. much smoother and better ergo when they both have pistol grips.

need a quick rundown on the skeleton stock version. I heard only sold to military/police...there aren't any surplus/used mil/leo ones sold to the public?

looks good for hiests

I used one for about 3 years, and enjoyed it very much. Never had a jam (00 buck and slugs only). The only two things I can say against it is that the collapseable stock is crap, and sometimes the charging handle will fall out on it's own.

Yup, plenty

I have had a chance to shoot one recently and I was not prepared for how smooth it was. Cycled 00 buck like it wasn't even birdshot. Hardly any recoil. I don't think it's worth the money for an average Joe when functional shotguns are so cheap, but if you're a richfag and 2k is nothing to you or if you want to save up for a really impressive apex gun then an M4 is a great choice.

>Everything is smooth.the gun runs clean because of the chrome bore/piston system.

Also puts the gas port close to the chamber where the gas is cleanest.

Thats any shotgun firing slugs though

Be glad you didnt get a 930. Brother has one. Its dogshit desu

I'd sooner trust a Jew with my finances or a woman to engineer a bridge, than BFVs opinion on firearms, considering the whole sponsorship and paid shilling thing they do.

I've seen the same SCARs they fucking hold sacrosanct as going through supposedly 150,000+ rounds, choke through 100 at my local indoor. And it's not a lemon when you go through six different SCAR 16's of which they had two, both worked on by FN four different times, and four different 17's that needed work seven different times because none could function for more than two mags before jamming, having an FTE, short stroking, choking an five different brands of ammo, a dozen different mags and every time they came back from FN, it was always some new problem, despite FN always claiming that they worked when they tested and did their work. I didn't believe it until I tried them myself after they had fought with FN to get the work done.

They were absolutely the least popular and least used firearm on the range not because of dissuasion, new comers loved renting them. Up until they shot them and found that you just spent 50 dollars on gun rental and ammo, to shoot a gun that barely functioned.

Now they just sit on the shelf until a new comers comes in, who even then doesn't really bother because for the same cash you pony up, you can now rent some of their full retard selection

>my anecdotal evidence totally over powers tens of thousands of owners who dont have problems

>Your gun can't fail if you don't shoot it
>Your SCAR brand SCAR can't fail if FNH gives it to you for free because you're the brat of a millionaire, and started your own little gun club that got popular with daddy's money, and being a sponsored shill, you'll don't well make sure that you'll perpetually shill whatever is given to you

I'll believe the hundreds of thousands of Mossberg 500 owners, not to mention the decades of military service the M500 has seen over some fags who can't handle cold, and pretend that they get so much business that they have rifles going through 150,000 rounds a year and ignore the FN, HK, Sig, Colt sponsorships, ignore them all, they don't exist, shut up about them, were not getting paid to claim this shit

This. A 1301 with Aridus upgrades such as the CROM, Magpul stock adapter+SGA and an Aimpoint is a much better and cheaper gun to boot.

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>guys I promise my local range said theyre bad! ignore SOCOM's testing! ignore every other world government whos tested them and is perfectly happy with them! I said theyre bad so theyre bad!
I dont even own a SCAR anymore, I think theyre overpriced (the 16 at least), but SCARs are anything but unreliable. I am going to trust literally the hundreds of gun smiths I talk to over one fucking user going on some incoherent ramble

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I believe the ones for militaries are top notch.

I personally know how fucking absurd military QA is on manufacturers

I don't think they're folded 150,000 times a year, no lube, no cleaning, shot underwater, part time used as a parking brake, we-accidentally-load-it-with-tula-3006-all-the-time Battlefield Vegas especially when they're claiming that one of the oldest and absurdly overbuilt shotguns in the world don't last nearly as long as their Gucci, sponsored by Benelli "We got this shit for free nevershotdroppedonce" Firearms who can't even shit out a fucking functioning rifle

I've however seen what their civilian rifles are like, and know they're not worth the money. I'd sooner fucking buy a KAC or BCM, shit, I'd fucking build a premo Aero LR308 before I'd do anything to fuck with a SCAR because I know they're not worth the price of admission + plus the couple hundred you need to get a decent trigger, a handguard that isn't for manlets, a non reciprocating charging handle, a receiver that doesn't take proprietary mags that nobody keeps in stock, et cetera

I don't trust the opinions of people who don't shoot their guns, none the less

Your experience echoes mine. I went into trying my friends scar thinking it would be top titties but I was very disappointed and quickly realized why he was trying to trade me for my lwrc

I absolutely love mine. I've never owned any other shotguns before but I'm crazy in love with my M4. Have had malfunctions with birdshot a couple of times but that only happened for the first 300 shots or so. I mostly run heavier loads out of it like, 00 buck and slugs these days and have had zero issues. I heavily recommend one but I've only ever owned this one shotgun so theres that

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