Does it make sense to invest in a 308 platform or just stick with 223/556 until 6...

does it make sense to invest in a 308 platform or just stick with 223/556 until 6.5 creedmoor becomes slowly takes over from 308?

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You seem boring.

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>beige guns
>beige wall
>beige floor
Lord have mercy. You better live in a desert.

You should put a UBR or enhanced SOPMOD on the middle rifle.

6.5creedmore is a new vehicle meme. If it takes off wait until prices go down then buy into it.

i can tell by your guns you’re a fag

Nothing wrong with .308. I have all three you have listed and all operate great within their given envelopes.
For arguments sake lets say you shoot factory ammo found at wally world or academy and are looking to save as much as possible. 6.5 creed is great if you're shooting at ranges where match .308 gets mediocre say 800y and further. Shooting in the 500-750 range? Well even cheap.308 FMJ is still capable for gongs and ipsc targets where more expensive match 5.56 has to be used. 500 and in? Trash 5.56 ball is the low dollar king.

And by the fact that he refers to a rifle as a "platform".

>until 6.5 creedmoor becomes slowly takes over from 308


Invest in a solid .308 / 7.62x51 op

Plenty of SHTF scenarios where you need reach and power that the 5.56 doesn't quite offer.

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>accurate enough to hit/kill man sized targets within 300m
>accurate enough to hit/kill man sized targets within 750m
ar10/308 raffle
>accurate enough to decide whether you want to pop their left or right nut
bolt action 6.5 creed

Get one of each and you'll be set

I can't seem to find an actual answer as to whether 30-06 is better or worse than .308. Anyone with any experience hunting with both here?

Try Judaism. Because you know that all ethnic Jews can trace their lineage back to 6 Jewish women.

I don't think investing in a platform is smart use of your money, you're not likely to see any return and the benifts it will provide you with are negligible. Unless it's an oil drilling platform. Not too sure what a '308 platform' is though, sounds like something made up to me.

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They're basically the same unless you want a heavier loading than what's available in .308. Even then, the difference is not significant. If you need something that punches harder than .308, you should probably go up to 300 win mag or comparable.

Thanks! .308 seems considerably cheaper too, so I guess I'll go for that.

Is anyone besides SOCOM adopting 5.6 Creedmoor? If they're the only ones doing it I can't imagine that would lower prices very much.

What is your quarry?

Whitetails, hopefully.



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The actual answer is the vast majority of commercially loaded 30.06 use the exact same projectile, exact same powder, and exact same amount of powder as they use for their 308 loads.

The only difference, off the shelf, is the size of the case.

30.06 exists now just for loaders to put a 'bit' more powder in the case, or to feed guns you already have in 30.06

That said, I bought my bolt in 30.06 because I fucking love the feel of a long action bolt versus a short action

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

Reminder that Jews are so inbred they're twice as likely as Europeans to have schizophrenia and there hasn't been a single study showing southerners are inbred.

Maybe he wanted FDE guns so he could better operate inside his FDE house, did that ever occur to you? frickin dingus.

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Depends what you're looking for.
For a SHTF do it all rifle that you can afford to feed on the weekends .308 is fine.
If you have long long long range target shooting aspirations 6.5 is the way to go.
I wouldn't worry about .308 becoming "obsolete" any time soon. By the time 6.5 outnumbers .308 in a SHTF situation, you will be too old to fight in the war anyway.

I'm building a 308 for whitetail hunting right now. It's a great, cheap, and readily available caliber for deer hunting. It's large enough to take down Elk so you know that it'll do the trick on deer (I'd also rather guarantee a quick, humane kill on a deer)

>does it make sense to invest in a 308 platform
Yeah, bigger cartridges are a lot more fun IMO and you can shoot 308 for a bit over 30c/r if you don't mind steel cased ammo.
I love blowing mud etc sky high and cracking rocks, and 556 does a pretty meh job vs a full size.

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6 milimemer meme cartridges will never be anything more than memes case in point 6.8spc/6.5 Grendel and soon to be 6.5mememoor

When russia tools up and starts importing cheap steel case 6.5 grendel(which basically acts like an overgrown 545, dumping energy fast), making veprs chambered for it, and at least one slav military makes moves to chamber their rifles in it, it stops being a passing fad.
Grendel at least appears to be here to stay.

Yes, because barrier penetration.

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You're right. It's replacing the obsolete .308 quickly.

>they don't realize that major vendors are selling more 6.5cm than .308

hows the weather in 2013, guys?

Just get a 308 for now until 6.5 picks up more steam and gets cheaper to shoot, you can rebarrel a 308 in 6.5. The parent case of 6.5 creedmore is 308, so same bolt face, mags, action, etc. Only thing that is different is that the round is 1.12 mm smaller and has a chamber and bore to match. And besides that, you can buy 308's cheap as hell, but the moment you want it in 6.5 price goes up just bc of the hype, but you can buy barrels for the same price, so, fuck it.

Buy a FAL and shut the fuck up.


Beige is the color of my girlfriend too.

She has a dog and he is beige too.

I'm beige abu de abu die, abu di, abu die, abu di abu die.

I rhink 5.56 and 7.62 are here to stay until something revolutionary like telescoping plastic cased ammo or electric primers become a thing.

I think electric primer will one day be a real thing and be reliable.
>people hates the AR because plastic gun
>AR is now standard and polymer framed handguns are the standard
>people hate electro optics because electronics don't belong on a gun
>red dots are now so reliable that not having backup irons is feasible

If electronic firing mechanisms can have red dot levels of reliability then I would be all for them. Mechanical systems go down as well. Firing pins break etc.