Is there any book or other content on there on how to always be aware of your surroundings and how to put yourself in a...

Is there any book or other content on there on how to always be aware of your surroundings and how to put yourself in a position to minimize the chances of being surprise attacked?

Maybe something from Israeli military since they are surrounded by terrorists and need to be on the alert all the time?

I want to be able to defend myself from mentally deranged lunatics who can strike at any moment.

Pic related

Attached: acid attack in londonstan.jpg (660x371, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

"The Gift of Fear" and "Just 2 Seconds" by Gavin De Becker

I'll give you 20 bux to help come to the USA and vote progun lol

Dude, just look around you more. Maybe smoke a bunch of weed and try to get paranoid that everyone's a cop.

what a qt
right is still a 7/10 in Britain

>right is still a 7/10 in Britain

And that's exactly why she had acid thrown in her face. Being all loosey goosey on those Islamic morals will earn you an acid face scrub.

>this top
Thot had it coming.

>Maybe something from Israeli military since they are surrounded by terrorists and need to be on the alert all the time?
The only thing you'll learn is how to shoot unarmed women and children.

youtube is a good resource.
Body language/general appearance is your easiest indicator.
90% of violent offenders are not calm cool and collected. They have tells, and aggressive behavior/posture gives this away.
Head down neck protected, standing on the balls of their feet, jittery or looking around a lot to name a few
And that's not to even mention skin color, clothing, and economic class.
The idea is to exist in life in different conditions.
Condition white is oblivious (don't be here)
Condition yellow is aware but not alarmed. (your day to day out in public condition, observing people and making assumptions about their threat level, not overly concerned)
Condition orange is aware and prepared to take action if the need arises. (Watching a perceived threat very closely and establishing a plan of action)
Condition red is taking action.

read more

Yes its called "move to a white town and relax" by common sense.

Ayy, better do this next time

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Yeah pretty much, I just don't go to places where I feel I'm going to need to shoot to protect my life.

Don't be an idiot and apply common sense? I don't know what you're asking here.

First step, keep your cellphone in your pocket and keep your head up and ears open for things around you.

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>how to not get randomly attacked
Well you can do the following
>not hang around blacks, muslims, spics, generally any nonwhites
>not befriend Jews who will trick/guilt you into hanging or even being around those previously stated
>live in a homogeneous white community
>don’t hang around drug users either
It won’t keep you safe 100% of the time. But it’s a good start. Then get a gun, just in case.

>>don’t hang around drug users either

what about people who just smoke pot? It's legal in my state tho I don't smoke.

Yes but not because they’re mentally unstable degenerates who will mug you to get cash for another high. But, because they are degenerates who have no ambition in life and post annoying stoner memes on social media.

But I feel sympathy for the degenerates.

Trips don’t lie.

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This right here, I’m all for being able to carry a gun, but if the area is all well to do whites and Asians (without much cross traffic) I feel pretty comfy just relying on police. Might get a smol 380 just in case

start by doing everything legal that you can to keep your area ethnically homogeneous

does have some valuable insights, "Left of Bang" has a better ratio of useful to dross. Gets you 80% of Becker's stuff.

>minimize the chances of being surprise attacked?
Live and work around whites

she wears what 99% of girls in wolverhampton wear

>a book on how to be aware of your surroundings
It is literally just that, just do that, it is one of the most basic things, people who can't need their genes violently removed from society anyways.

The Israelis are the mentally ill lunatics

>3rd most violent and criminal demo in the US
>2nd most in the world
Fucking weebs man I swear.

Left of Bang was what I was trying to remember but I couldn't bring the title to mind. I remembered the cover of it with Becker recommending it, but not the title itself.

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Well its not only that. The secret service gets training on how to identify potential attackers before they even strike just based on how they look and are walking.

She'll be pretty again after treatment, right bros?

probably not
unfortunately they dont tend look right ever again
its a horrible crime
its becoming very common in the uk
>carry a knife on the street - arrested and maybe prison
>carrying acid isnt illegal - police cant do shit
>you have to have id to buy a knife you dont need id to buy acid
gangs and criminals attack people and mug people using acid
such is life here

>is there a book

Yeah, it's called the King James Version Bible. It'll keep your mind clean of marxist garbage that would otherwise brainwash you into flooding your own country with satan-worshiping degenerates who would do things like splash acid in your face.

Yeah it's called

Acid attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city.

>acid attacks
>part and parcel of living in a big city
Yurop, everybody.

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She was really fucking hot


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luckily her nice tits are probably still good.

This. No book feels more relevant to our times than Jeremiah.
>Bringing in foreigners who murder for fun
>Rulers selling off their own people
>Jews going through the motions of serving God but just serve money, themselves and Satan
>Mention The Bible and people shriek and try and silence it but ask if they can eat the turds coming off a Somalian asylum seeker

>I hang out with people out of sympathy
They probably hang out with you for the same reason.

Less than zero percent chance.

Slice the pie on every single corner you come to, always have your back to a wall, move from cover to cover at all times, and check your six.

Unironically this.

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