Post things Californians can’t have
>literally everything in this picture

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Ooga Booga

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>Sure Progressives can see a brighter future, but can they see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

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Cali guy here, I know for a fact that it was me that created the cali hate after a couple of threads of mine when I sperged out hard. Stay mad, soon your state is going to get CALI'ED.

>it was me that created the cali hate

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or anyone for that matter

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Californian here, pls invade and free us soon. I will have ammo, cool water, and fresh oranges for you boys. K thx

Make sure to bring your fellow POWs into your group, no man left behind.

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>it was a single calicuck on an online forum that has caused thousands, of not millions of people to hate California
No, we hate you because you ruin everything. You ruin every state you move to. We hate you because you’re an eyesore to any logically minded person in the US. You have legalized secretly spreading AIDS, you have brought in all those shitskin “dreamers”, you are the reason for the NFA registry because niggers in your state started buying full autos and rocket launchers from China. We hate you because your obsessive drive to talk about how awesome California is, yet the only thing going for you is muh coast and muh Hollywood. Your state is a cesspool of degenerate liberalism, pedophilia, homosexuality, socialism, and Zionism. Your state and it’s spawn is everything that is wrong with this nation. Every person I have ever met from California was a soi sucking weak little effeminacy faggot, or some annoying cunt with a sand filled set of beef curtains. The fires in your state are just Godly punishment and every single soul in that state deserves to burn for allowing that travesty to continue, either by directly contributing to it or passively lying by while it happens.

See Fix it yourself. You coward.

Fuck off fag, defeatist shit. You probably comply too.

San Diego here, I have a standard XM-15 A2 style complete with pistol grip and removable 30 round magazine. Rifle had been registered 20 years now and is still legal, magazines are technically not legal but there's a court injunction on grandfathered standard capacity magazine enforcement so I can't be charged with having them.

Also, I see a perfectly legal California compliant SKS in that picture.

Worst case scenario is I drive for an hour and a half to Arizona for all the funs I want. Having my superior California paycheck allows me to own just about any property anywhere I want, so I'm a dual resident (driver's licenses) of three different states.

I vote pro-gun mostly Republican in every single California election for the last thirty years, last time I voted for a Democrat sheriff (who lost) because Sheriff "Ruby Ridge" Gore. So why all the California hate? I love it here besides the politics, about 45% are like me, exclude the Mexicans and illegal voters and we'd be a majority over the San Francisco style liberal.


You've never had a thought somebody else hasn't already posted.

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Your gun laws are smelly, your cost of living is absurd. I don't dislike Californians per se, but I'd never even dream of moving there.

Oh yeah shit head? What state are you from? Nevada? Arizona? Please inform me on what state we're so called invading because last I checked you have to literally agree to sell a house to someone or to rent out a place to someone so that means your people are opening up their arms to us already faggot. Blame your own self for letting us in.

Oh boy another flyover butthurt thread.

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San Diego here as well, off topic but where do you go shooting at in BLM land? I frequent areas in Ocotillo, near kitchen creek but nothing north east yet. Looking for new places but I look at the map and areas around Delzura seem promising but hard to get to. Unsure too because of the native population. If you have all of that experience here can you give a hint? I'm actually going to kitchen creek this saturday, meet up?

Tennessee and you fags are fucking up nashville. I have to deal with your kinds faggy bullshit every day.
>kike real estate agents wouldn’t sell to anyone
Get real you fucking faggots are annoying and I put holes in califaggot tires every chance I get. Stay is your faggot shithole where you get to spread aids around like the faggots you are.

This is you right here
Go back to your containment thread and stop making new threads because your itching for Cali attention. You just can't get enough sucking on Cali cock can't you?
>I put holes in califaggot tires every chance I get
You do realize you're just poking tires on every failed tennesseefag returning home because they don't have what it takes to make a living out here, right? Typical opiotard.

>can convert rifle to free state version with a flathead screwdriver
>can own anything flyovers can aside from NFA items
>hicap mags aren’t technically illegal, everyone I know owns many
Sorry flyovers, no matter how many threads you make you’ll never have our weather, our GOD tier food, incredibly hot women, top tier entertainment and unparalleled environment

At least you flyover cucks can be #1 in something! So do us all a favor and follow your fellow flyover cucks by suck starting your favorite gun.

Also this, gf and I make 170k combined and we’re pretty much at the beginning of our careers. Enjoy peaking at the manager of your local grocery store (if you’re lucky)

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>failed Tennessee
Lol faggot your kind come to Nashville to make it in the music industry because a bunch of your retarded friends clapped during karaoke. Your singing sucks and you should kill yourself. Stay in your own fucking state.

>only 170k in California

Lol sure fag. Enjoy your AIDs

>both of us are 24
>L-l-ol sure f-f-ag
I can hear you loading your shotgun now! May your suicide be swift and painless

Yet you cant even buy ammo without an ffl you fucking cuck LOL

Y'all ever sweep those government provided hypodermic needles out of your streets yet? Also, is the homeless excrement map a real thing?

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This. After prop 65 everything had a fucking cancer label on it to the point that it was worthless to warn people about the dangers. Waste of millions of dollars only to do fucking nothing.

Same with their dumb regulations on smog testing and shit. Trying to sell a car and you have to get a new smog test every 30 days so if your car doesn't pass you have to keep buying these fucking smog tests

>m-muh best state. I’m n-not c-cucked
Stockton syndrome

>This. After prop 65 everything had a fucking cancer label on it to the point that it was worthless to warn people about the dangers. Waste of millions of dollars only to do fucking nothing.
Informing people about cancer risk is bad now?
>Same with their dumb regulations on smog testing and shit. Trying to sell a car and you have to get a new smog test every 30 days so if your car doesn't pass you have to keep buying these fucking smog tests
Wrong, you smog ever two years or if you sell you car (smog is good for 3 months). And if you’re so poor you can’t afford a car that passes smog consider getting that shitheap and your useless self to a flyover state! Don’t forget, every car sold in the US passes CA SMOG, because that’s the kind of influence California has

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>register your guns or get arrested!
>register said guns
>get arrested anyway

>stockton syndome
Flyover “education”

>muh music industry
We're going to take that from you too and you'll have nothing. No one really cares about your shitty state.
We have disneyland you don't. We have six flags. You don't. We have an entire ocean to fuck with. You don't. I can go on and on but I'm not about to make you another statistic so take that shotgun out of your mouth before you blow your brains out. I driver on the freeway and see all kinds of license plates because everyone wants to be here. We're simply better than you in every way. Get over it.

>break the law
>get arrested
Wow what a shocker! You’ll get arrested in ANY state for having an illegal suppressor and full auto rifle

>Kirschenmann is out on $150,000 bail, accused of 12 felonies for possessing assault rifles, silencers and a multi-burst trigger activator…

>Informing people about cancer risk is bad now?
It's bad when the information is worthless because literally everything has it. I bought an IKEA couch and it came with a fucking prop 65 sticker on it. Why? Because the forklift that moved the couch COULD have been in a place where some carcinogen was therefore my couch is now a prop 65 item. The information is valid on things that actually can cause cancer like drapes made with formaldehyde or certain house hold chemicals. Not literally everything under the sun because California law was written that way


Don't know, how's your overdosed cousin doing?

It's coming to a state near you anyways!

>banning thots
and thats a good thing

>we’re gonna take that from you
Not even Tennessee user, but like hell that’d happen. They call it music city. Bands from everywhere including California, are moving there and they have more music halls than you have teams.

>our weather
Only good weather you have are in the mountains.
>god tier food
Oh yeah, I’m sure being a glorified Mexican colony gives you access to above Taco Bell standard tacos and burritos.
>incredibly hot women
>top tier entertainment
Sorry but I don’t exactly consider a big club of literal pedophiles and other scumbags top tier in anything.
>unparalleled environment
Anymore garbage you have to spew Mr. Chicano?

Haha you really are fucking dumb

Dunno, have you slipped in shit yet? when you fell did you prick yourself on a needle?

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>not supporting your local gun store which drives community values and physically interacting with people
Oh no I have to interact with people that means I have to actually take a shower and look presentable! How horrible! Plus it gives the middle finger to online stores for fucking up local gun stores in YOUR COMMUNITY

Lol nice excuses cuck

>taco bell
you're forgetting their soi shakes, avocado toast, and veggie smoothies.

tell me one legal and practical gun that would be worth getting in commiefornia
>hard mode
no shotguns
>harder mode
no slavshit

A mini 14 or m1a

How fucking mad are you right now lmao.
And California’s diverse population means there’s far more than just Mexican food (which is top tier regardless)

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>Stockton syndrome
>defending California to its very core even though In California:
>can’t havs an sbr
>can’t have a suppressor
>can’t have rifles that’s aren’t “featureless”
>can’t buy ammo without an FFL
>can’t have a bayonet lug
>can’t have high cap mags that are detachable
>can’t have the evil infamous barrel shroud (even on pistols, lol)
>can’t have a flare launcher
>can’t have a collapseable stock
>can’t have a flash suppressor
>can’t have a pistol grip
>cant have plastic straws
>can legally spread aids, without telling your partner
>is always burning
>has to import drinking water from neighboring states
>Chairwoman Feinstein
>has Oakland (no explanation needed)
>is the reason for the NFA registry
>can’t do private background free firearm transfers
Need I go on?

I’ve had a FFL03 for years, so the ammo ban means nothing to me.

Our weather is superior every season. Our food is a mix of all things authentic. I can literally drive within 15 miles and enjoy the best food this country has to offer. Meanwhile you probably have the same shitty bland unseasoned food cooked by some trailer trash employee.

Our women are hotter, hence why everyone glorifies the beach and bikini scene.

Stop the fucking presses there is a city or two which is heavily polluted! Our state is bigger than yours we can literally just drive 15 minutes and be elsewhere. You can drive all day and still be in Cali.

>while posting from his basement waiting for an online order

>diverse population
I can hear Jow Forums from a mile away

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>have to wait 10 fucking days to buy a gun
>if it's a pistol, it's 10 days plus 30 days because you can't buy more than one pistol a month.
>people think their guns aren't registered. They're all registered regardless
>cadoj will come to your house and demand to make sure your shit isn't an assault weapon

>public education in CA ranked at 44th in the US by US News and World Report

10 rounds + bullet buttons are the opposite of practical

I’d rather have Mexicans, Indians and Chinese than niggers like you’ve got.

>hurr durr we FOUGHT ferr our rights
California is full of cucks, true. But everyone else acts like they're a small rag tag team of Johnny Rebels who fought against the regime, when really they've been in a red state that hasn't had anyone seriously try the kind of bullshit that happens in Cali all the time. It's easy to win against the evil lefties when there's only 3 of them in your state.

You do realize you can still get guns off roster right? It's literally not that hard. Plus why are you even asking about "compliant" guns we don't comply.


You can have an m1a without a bullet button. The m1a loaded variant is California compliant. So is the mini 14

Ultimately this. Either we all get gun rights nationwide or we all end up like California

>muh flyover states

Whatever helps you sleep at night, avocado nigger

Try 30 round mag and standard mag release

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but have you answered my question about needles yet? do you ever try to count them when you drive to your local salad bar?

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This. They claim to be so superior the moment they step into Cali their eyes go big and wide like a deer staring at headlights because they're chicken shit to do anything "wrong". We're here in ground fucking zero on people trying to take out 2A from our hands and actively doing something about it such as taking our friends to go shooting and introducing them to it. David vs Goliath mode here but to them they're literally the majority in their state so they become effeminate themselves when it comes to fighting it off. Hence why they simply bend over every time a Califag moves into their state. They don't know how farright we can be here given how we're entrenched and surrounded by fucking anti 1a and 2a libshits.

Post a timestamp

I don't see many niggers in texas

Easy for you to say. If the cops catch you you're gonna get thrown in jail for 10 fucking years because everything is a felony

>you fought
you willingly submitted after yelling a bit. If you fought for something you had, you would have pulled the trigger.

you think a C*lifornicator will deliver?

The same goes in new York. Only the state troopers and state police enforce it. But all it takes is one fucking cop to not know the law or not give a fuck and charge you with a class c felony because everything is a felony in New York if it involves a gun.

I have the same exact weather you flaming faggot. There is nothing special about it whatsoever.
>there is a city or two
Literally half of those cities in the lists were Cali cities you mong.
Funnily enough you have all of those AND niggers, or did you forget the LA riots and other such wonderful events? This is the problem with Californians, they only look at things at a surface value. Muh beaches, muh bikinis, you goblinos seriously think you are the only place in the country with that shit?
Well you better step the fuck up then because all thats happening is those Johnny Reb wannabes getting stomped all around by the likes of Diane Feinstein and other shriveled up avocados.

You literally cannot afford to not comply because it'll ruin your life in every instance

>muh needles
Literally overhyped bullshit. Never found one or know anyone that has. You want to find needles? Go fuck off downtown and find a homeless camp full of out of staters who think they can simply make it here and leech off of us. Most of the fuck heads I encounter if I do, are always out of state. You people need to start regulating your people and stop dumping them off in our streets. You can go youtube and find all the videos you want about out of staters coming here and fucking things up including drugs.

This, all the junkies are flyovers that came in on a bus

literally why would we not dump our trash in C*lifornia, it's a dumpster fire already

Let that sink in.

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I'm banking on pic related happening by 2022, anyone agree?

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Daily reminder that Regan opened the mexican flood gates in 1986, and every state in the union have been giving their homeless and pariahs one way bus tickets to California because they think it's more humane than letting them freeze and starve to death.

I'm not defending CA, but you're the cancer that is killing America if you think California happened on its own.

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>not keeping the land and throwing all the Californians over the wall into Mexico

Local cops don't give a shit and won't do anything unless you actively do something with a gun. I've driven through border check points going through the desert hundreds of times with non compliant guns and they never check the guns. I've been pulled over a hand select amount of times with guns in my trunk and never a single problem. It's the hounds at ATF that will do something and we all know how the ATF operates.

You only get busted if you're an idiot waving hundreds of guns that are not legal otherwise you're not worth the time.

It'll happen to you too faggot. Except the difference here is you don't have as many military bases as we do so you're going to get even more fucked than we are in terms of support.

You have humidity we don't.
>half of the cities
Pollution happens when you make a shit ton of money, probably something your state isn't used to
Not even going to touch that subject because it's already an obvious scapegoat slippery slope all the way to Jow Forums
>better step the fuck up
We're trying, not easy to contain the floodgates into the rest of the country. Vote pro 2a, introduce friends to 2a, rinse and repeat until you made pocket communities of new voters but it doesn't matter since demographics are a thing. I literally go to the desert and I reported two people before to immigration officers as suspected illegals. There's only so much a minority block can do but giving up and moving out isn't the answer.

it would be uninhabitable anyway
>not cutting off the landmass of California and kicking it into the pacific.

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We hate CA because they vehemently defend it all like a Brit still screeching about muh empieyah.

>dumping homeless people into Cali
>incoming new drug opportunities
Why is cali full of homeless people guys? Keep your people in your state.


>It'll happen to you too faggot
explain how

>ship degens to liberal state
>liberals hearts bleed over their new voter block
>gibs to their voter block
>degens and illegals become 100% dependent on the system

>We hate CA because they vehemently defend it
And we hate you for vehemently attacking us. It's a two way road. I may not like it here but it's where I live and I'll defend it because it's literally my home state. Similar to nationlism/populism. We all have our problems and unless the rest of you guys take note and actively work with your politicians and city council, you will become the next California, but without the economic boom. So laugh and point all you want but the cancer is spreading. You can think us for showing you how to fight later.

>it will happen to you
>thinks I even comply to my states extremely loose laws as it is
All of my lol

No, you just stay on fire for half of the year.
>when cities make a shit ton of money
The cities here also make a shit ton of money and aren’t even in the top 25 polluted cities.
>muh Jow Forums
Nice race riots.
>we’re trying
Clearly not enough. I fight for the 2A in my state and I damn well expect you west coast faggots to do the same. Those random enclaves of right wingers clearly aren’t cutting it.

SeeAnd AndAnd>Californian “education”
Oh God oh fuck it's below 50 everyone stay inside

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What state are you from and I can tell you how it'll happen to you. This anti 2a isn't just a coastal effort. Dems and people from out of country are seething to take away our guns by literally creating school shooters and creating non issues. Just look at how many states bended over with new gun regulations after every school shooting. Look at the bitch Feinstein's face and hand rubbing reaction to the possible gun bans trump was talking about at the negotiating table. It's not a Cali issue, but a global issue. If you don't recognize how they'll try to take away your right then you need to get educated, right now.

>letting la Raza and anti-American faggots have their way by balkanization the US instead of fighting
>also giving up farm land, ports, and the largest economy in the US

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Most Californians move to new states because because they want to escape the liberal dystopia that democrats and their horde of loyal illegal mexican dependents created. The ex-Californian is most likely a life long hard right republican as consequence of seeing the damage democrats can inflict when given a blank check book and no consequences. Moreover, laws that caused the downfall of california were passed in 1965 and by Regan in 1986 (Immigration Act of 1965, Immigration Reform and Control of 1986). Those two laws changed CA from a hard red agricultural powerhouse to the (((sanctuary state))) it is today. Keep in mind, Regan signed that garbage into law 31 years ago. We got fucked over before most of us were born.

Moreover, tech inherently attracts weakminded effeminate cucks, H1B immigrants, and the running joke of women in tech. They create self feeding cycles of social justice and left authoritarianism within their insulated companies. Add disproportionately high salaries and a position title at a company like Google or Facebook, and you get smug self-rightous code monkies thinking they're top banana, who proceed to project their Dunning-Kruger level knowledge of child soldiers in the Congo (remember Kony 2012?) or US immigration policy (sanctuary states). This is not a exclusively Californian phenomenon; it happens in any city "tech" lays its blue egg and calls its roost. Add urban degeneracy and the out-of-state homeless that gets shipped to California by the busload, and you got yourself a liberal shithole city.

And California has three of them.

So fuck you for denegrating the fleeing Californians that had nothing to do with how California developed. We didn't magically lose our gun rights either. They were taken from us before we could vote.

t. ex-californian, now proud right wing Washington State resident, lifetime NRA member, lifetime Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, lifetime GoA, lifetime 2A foundation, lifetime SCI

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>you will become the next california
Too cold here to become the next Cali lol, don’t flatter yourself. We also don’t rely on pedophiles and illegals for money and relevance too, but hey I guess the Hollywood sign looks a little nice I guess.
>thank us for showing you how to fight
Fight? You cucks are taking it all up the ass lmfao. Those flyovers you love to spew on so much put up more fight than Cali ever did.

oh christ how would we ever survive without our daily dose of degeneracy and jew gold