Contract security

I am a 22 year old veteran attending college. I was just offered a contract security job in Afghanistan, should I take it? Does anyone know how much entry level contractors make? Is this a financially responsible move?

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Do it, everyone will think you're Operator as fuck

Attached: 13-hours.jpg (1000x563, 357K)

ya bro, totally operator

Yes. College is fucking gay and all your peers are most likely liberal dipshits. Can always go back to school later.

>I was just offered a contract security job in Afghanistan, should I take it? Does anyone know how much entry level contractors make? Is this a financially responsible move?

Wouldn't that be a question for the company offering you a job? They want to hire you but won't tell you the pay?

kill em all

Do it. Reserve college for when you have something you want to pursue intellectually.

>Reserve college for when you have something you want to pursue intellectually
This. Not a good time to go to college since it's more about getting attention, not education. Then, when you've saved up a couple hundred thousand, go to trade school, not college.

How can someone at 22 years old who joined the army as a kid and did nothing call themselves a "veteran"

Don't you need to actually experience something first.

Real answer, it depends on what you're going to school for, how good the program is, how much you like it, and how much the contractors are offering to pay you.

contract security is trash nowadays unless you are prior SF/Ranger. the real money is in the technical equiment repairs and shit.

>join as you turn 18
>1 year later, deploy
>comeback at 21
>overseas 2 years, in college 1 year.

My coworker left my job to pursue a job as a contractor with...Garda international I wanna say and is currently making enough to buy a house paid in full after two years. He’s about to head to east coast for about a month before taking another contract in Afghanistan for a year. This way he can pay off more off his truck and student loan bills. Just say goodbye to most of your friends back stateside for a year or more and good luck trying to find a GF.

Do it, if you're ever the only one left to protect a VIP or something you'll probably get a movie

>needing a couple hundred thousand to attend trade school

Nigga what? Most trade school programs are like 6 months to a year and they cost between 3k-8k out in Missouri where I'm at

>Just say goodbye to most of your friends back stateside for a year or more and good luck trying to find a GF.
Not OP, but that sounds perfectly fine with me

Well I have VA benefits and a VA ID card as well as the 9/11 gi bill, so I guess I might be a veteran...

until youre like all the contractors i knew on my deployments who had no friends or family who cared about them stateside. it was pretty sad once you realized most of them kept coming back because they had nothing back home.

God forbid

OP here. Okay that doesn’t sound like a bad deal. It was Garda who scouted me for a position in Kabul.

I guess I wrote that incorrectly. I understand trade School isn't exactly expensive, I was just implying you would save money so you can live comfortably.

Are you sure it’s Garda because I was under the assumption that they had a age bar where you had to be 25 years and older?

You should probably ask the company OP, but two deployments ago Triple Canopy got hired on to guard our compound, the pay was not great. I think starting was somewhere around 70,000. They didn’t do any operator stuff they basically gate guards.

Maybe you got lucky and hit the jackpot or have some skill they need, but most people hired on for security by bigger companies aren’t making bank.

Yes. I made my age very obvious in my resume. Unless they are making a mistake. I saw 23 and 25 somewhere. Maybe they are lowering the age.

I will need to speak to the job recruiter. I don’t mind being a gate guard so long as it pays well. All I have other than armed security is extensive customer service, perhaps they need people to be nice.

Are they sweeping my age under the rug or is it because I will be 23 by the time that my training is completed? They just sent me a contingent letter to sign as well as having my resume on file.

You really need to talk to them and figure out what your pay and benefits are going to look like. Then weigh that against what against what you would or could be making when you finish college. If it’s about the same it’s probably not worth it.

>get paid $70k to look tough
>not great

If they're offering you a job like that and not leading with pay, then you can bet its dick all, comparable to what you made working for the govt.

Do private security contractors hire medical personnel?

the sand niggers do

A formal offer will have the pay in there. So either you’re lying or it wasn’t a formal offer.

Big question.. have you ever had a security clearance and if so, have you maintained it? It’s a huge delineator of play grades.

Also do you have special operations and or a medical background in the armed forces? Again a huge delineator of pay grade.

Whats the nature of the WPS? Have you already gone through vetting? How did you find/how were you verbally offered this opportunity?

Without these answers, my answer to you is anywhere from $250 a day or less for dog shit site security with some foreigners I’d youre unlucky or some idiots if you’re somewhat lucky to $650+ a day for a PSD contract if you’re lucky, slick dude, and well connected.

t. Contractor.

I'm 26 with no military experience, is there any chance I could get contracting work? Make connections?

>”job offer”
>go to Jow Forums to find out what it pays

Maybe as a security guard watching screens domestically

contractorbro here...

Yes. Paramedic. Know a small handful of guys who were EMTs working for a local fire department that got their foot in. Emergency medical is always sought after. Save a few grand, get some weapons and vehicle training. You may have to start out doing conus bodyguarding at first, but you gotta start somewhere. Be professional, don’t be a dick, and network, you’ll eventually get oconus jobs doing more interesting jobs.

I suggest you lurk socnet’s domestic and international jobs boards to get a feel for the community.

do you want to get shot? how about kidnapped and beheaded by isis? if you finish your college degree instead there will be a much less likely chance of that happening

do you have a deployment patch? Better yet, tell us what branch.

>guy serves 4 years
>harras him saying hes not a veteran
Your autism is showing boomer.

Same company Omar Mateen worked for. Big thinking.

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>Are they sweeping my age under the rug or is it because I will be 23 by the time that my training is completed?
maybe, but they're also paying you shit

Op I no shit got the same email from these guys. We’re you combat arms or a pog? I get the feeling they’re emailing everyone with veteran on their indeed resume so I wonder how selective they’re going to be. Anyways go for it.

wow, it's nothing. i get emails from these contractors all the time, it's just their version of spam based on algorithms looking at your indeed profile. It's far from an "offer" so cool your horses. Talk to the rep first and ask him all the questions.

It's another "making anything under 100k is nothing" while posting on Jow Forums thread.

OP here.Lmao very likely. I was a weapons maintainer, and 50 cal gunner so they probably saw that, but I feel like they are just throwing out cheap contracts to anyone with relevant experience for the sake of filling boots in Afghanistan and getting their company more money. Pretty dangerous move on their part.

I’ve been emailing them. Wouldn’t be on this board if I were just going to jump into it. I am as skeptical as you all are.



Back to mcdonalds antifa

Back to your dead friend's grave, ZOG-slave.

Literally proud to obey Jews who send you to your death. Fucking retard. That's why you deserve it, just like the other goyim. You really are that dumb that you are proud to be led to your slaughter. You deserve it.

as another vet in college himself, i say just continue on the path you're going. clearance can expire but in most cases can be restored so there's really not a time limit or anything

You act like you are storming Normandy not that many people die you dumb faggot.


Wew lad have me about to piss myself.

> I am a 22 year old veteran

You're a fucking boot.

You can just bang FOB sluts. Just work out so you don' get fat and them you're SF and that's why you're in civis. I've seen this work more than once.

fuck no
anyone who says anything different is nuts

Contractorbro here. Finish college. If you really want that life go back to the army after college, get a job where you get a clearance and are doing “infantry stuff”... so an 11x option40 would suit you well. Put in some time. Decide if you want to try out for something hard and spend your 30s doing that or spend your 30s contracting. The clearance and experience will get you good money contracting at that point. Right now you’d be lucky to break $175 a day with your credentials... you’ll be a security guard like those fat fucks at car lots... just in some godforsaken dangerous part of the world instead.

Finish your education and decide then.. you’ll have more opportunities both in and out.

That sounds like a viable option. I actually just finished a physical at meps last week because I thought I wanted to re-enlist. I may follow through with it based on what you just told me. I really appreciate your response. It makes way more sense to me.

You fucking coward, Jesus Christ.

>Company that offered you the job didn't tell you what it pays
OP is a liar guys.

Pack it up, these over.

Wrong but okay.

OP here. I found something in the fine print that mentions something about following the Aegis code of ethics. What is Aegis?

>DUDE LETS (some shit that I really don't want to do) IN (some place I don't want to be) FOR A COMPANY THAT LITERALLY SEES ME AS AN OBJECT
Yeah that's pretty much work in a nutshell. The only difference is that most regular jobs will kill your body and spirit slowly by forcing you to wake up and commute to sit at a cuck wagie desk all day, whereas with contracting you just might die quickly.

Nigger co tract work is either one of three things

One, for the military where you come out of your MOS in some absurdly tech shit, and Sprint, Verizon or some odd under the table tech company has you do classified IT work IF you put in the years to basically have a fucking engineering degree in the field

Two, it's for some high profile company that's a long subside of Black water where you guard an Oil pipe which is better than being a Ranger because you're former SOCOM of some sort unless you're IED in which case you never quit , you just hang around on a high profile government watch list the rest of your life

Three, you're a former boot. Some asshat in a accent not recognized this hemisphere of the world pays you in cash, slightly more than you made in the military to guard the oil pipes that don't fund ISIS, oh and you pay for literally everything out of pocket and if you so much as put your hand on your gun, you're burried under a mountain of paperwork and voluntold ass kissing. You come back to the States with no legitimate work experience, you're denied the GI bill, and something's growing on your dick.

Except like none of the bottom paragraph is true.

It will probably benefit you financially in the short term, but a degree is more long term.
Unless you get lucky enough to stay in that field long enough to make a career out of it, you're gonna eventually find yourself like this ex-gunnery sgt that goes to my school. He's like 40 years old with nasty scars on his arm and TBI from doing PMC work, with nothing to show for it but cool stories.

Okay but Aegis in the letter. Is this referring to Aegis security?

holy shit, I might actually be a boomer on this one. In my day going to war=veteran. Now it's join military for amount of time=veteran.

You're a fucking retard. Go on and tell us all about your stories you fucking fobit.

It's definitely always been that way.

Though, I'll say that it's been my observation that the first ones to tell people they're a veteran are usually the ones who didn't do shit in the military. I know people who were in the national guard, or who only served 2 years of their navy contract before getting medically discharged, and they're always going on about how much of a proud veteran they are on facebook.

My question is how this came about? How did they come to you with they job and why?


Part time soldier, full time going on about it.

could be talking about this

I was on a job posting site and included several security companies in my resume and I guess they found my resume

>Wouldn't that be a question for the company offering you a job?
>Wouldn't that be a question for the company offering you a job?
These are two separate issues.
>what is the usual base pay?
>what are these faggots offering?
It gives him a point of reference to compare and decide whether or not they are offering fair pay as compared to other employers. Relying on a single biased source for salary estimates on such a commitment is a fools move.

Stay in college, your parents will thank you later for it.

Sorry I shitted the greentext when I copy/pasted.
>Does anyone know how much entry level contractors make?
should have been the first question.

I, personally, would not want my son to go stir shit in Afghanistan. If he wanted to drop out of college and engage in some righteous endeavor somewhere then I would not hold it against him in the slightest. But Afghanistan - fuck no.

They consider anyone who leaves the military a veteran these days; benefit wise.

I can tell you I've seen some crazy shit though when it comes to "veteran status". I showed up to unit and deployed to the sandbox within two weeks. A week prior I was doing the division mandatory in brief and the female sgm had no deployment patch, I asked why to one of the sfcs there expecting an answer along the lines of "been there, done that, no need to brag" but she had somehow managed to make sgm and habitually dodge deployments. That was back in 2015.

You're just a retard. "Combat Veteran" and "Veteran" are two different things you mental fucking pygmie.

Contractorbro back again...

>entry level

It doesn’t really work like that. Different WPS jobs have a certain amount of slots for the job (usually to flesh out a team for the task). For instance you’ll see shit like 2-5 years combat experience, 5 years EP and/or 5 years EMT and then maybe they’ll throw in a CI requirement, foreign language requirement (usually Arabic or Pashto or Dari depending on where you’re going),and the clearance required... usually SECRET. Also you often see shit like “at least 30 days left on Iraqi Visa”... 20k base +$400 a day on contract... 60 on 30 off. Able to qualify with ____, ___, and _____ equipment during vetting.

That’s for one slot. As the team fills up with the guys they really need, or ait doesn’t, compensation and requirements may get stiffer or later depending on what/who they need.

It’s totally dependent on the job.

But if you’re a shot kicker who did a brief stint in the army and think “hurrr ima go contracting now for the big bucks”, I’ve got news for you. You’ll be a glorified mall cop in a dangerous place making about the same as a mall cop and paying the fucking 20% Iraqi tax.

>guarding a base in kuwait
>no taxes locally
>dont rotate out, claim foreign exemption on us taxes

lmaoing at your life

Something tells me you dont have any friends. Period.


Finish College, these contracts arent going away, however they dont pay what they used too since DoS picked up the slack. If it isnt WPS, it doesnt pay shit. But WPS contracts are fuckin garbage and you'll gouge your eyes out busting around an Incompetent client.

Consider a federal agent position stateside, bus weapons around the midwest for 80k a year, Coyote up beaners kn the southern borders.

Unless Trump starts another 10 year war, current contracts will pay less and less.

>Consider a federal agent position stateside, bus weapons around the midwest for 80k a year, Coyote up beaners kn the southern borders.
He's gonna need the degree first.

I think it really depends on the trade, its a bit of a mixed bag from what I've seen.

We had guys going onto their 5th wives, whilst at the same time, we had guys who weren't even 30 and at a point financially where they would no longer need to work.

Not true, NNSA: OST hires with experience, no college needed. Border Agent, same thing.

Depending on where your at OP, pipeline security is really big right now if you're looking for something short term.

From my research border patrol has long as fuck process to get in which isn't that uncommon for the feds but they also have a polygraph which has caused a massive debacle. It has a really high fail rate and there are endless forum postings about people getting failed out because the polygraph operator decided to be a dick after already wasting much time trying to get in.

Your not wrong, but as a requirement you must take a Polygraph test for any slot for Top Secret, which is what I'm going for. I took my Polygraph for OST and it was easy. Just lay it all out, they cant use any of the information against you, because its psuedo science.

But your not wrong about the hiring process, I'm waiting to hear back about my medical evaluation regarding my hearing loss from the Miltary. So far, about 4 months in the process.

>tfw currently a fed with clearance
>tfw want to be 1811
>tfw they all have a mobility waiver that’s mandatory

>get paid more than when you graduate.

> Don't you need to actually experience something first.

No. My buddy signed up, spent a small amount of time in training and was given a military ID, technically he was active for exactly 1 day but decided not to join. But since that one day was during a wartime, he is a veteran entitled to all veterans benefits - though he has not ever used them. (Except he did flash his ID to gain additional access at a certain war memorial site.)

During Obama he actually got a few letters saying, "We see that you haven't been using your veteran's benefits... Here is what is available to you... We encourage you to take advantage..." etc.

Based welfare queens

Yeah except you don't get gi bill until you are in for at least 90 days not including training and thats hardly any rating at all.

I don't know what other random benefits you even get.

The money is good. You might get killed, lose a leg, be paralysed or whatever. Your lifespan will probably be shortened. But no matter what happens, if you leave college now you probably will not ever return to college.

I'd say don't do it. It's a distraction from your life, unless you seriously want to go into military contracting as a career.

You're already a veteran with stories. You survived your tour of duty. Why push your luck? Move on with your life.

Finish your degree OP. If it’s something useful, like electric engineering, you’ll thank yourself for the rest of your life for sticking through it. I’ve been done with college for two years and I work full-time in a pharmaceutical company in San Diego right now doing quality control and I make $19.50 an hour. I’m only 23 and I’m already planning on buying a house for my parents along with my brother, who got a degree in aerospace engineering and is working with Northrop in SPAWAR. It’s worth it, don’t throw your time or life away going back out there.

>San Diego

Is that not literal poverty tier in Cali? I'm a machinist in NC and I make $18.50/hour. Most of my coworkers average about $24/hour. I just started. Not bad money here, but elsewhere? Not so much.