Hello, this is a thread for military surplus firearms.
Please share with us your milsurp and tell us about your hopes in acquiring more milsurp.
Or just general discussion about surp.
/msg/ Milsurp General
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Got my brick of bolt connectors from ltc today. Going to get this M91 out shooting this weekend.
How much should i pay for an ex dragoon mosin? Looks to be in good condition, all matching. Also, did i score a good deal on this?
Pretty good, It's in great shape and the extras make it even better.
Also $280-$320
Not a Midway shill but their Italian M1 Carbine bayonets are $30.
I dont know if this is the right thread, but I got an m48 and just finished scrubbing off all the crap inside it. Now reassembling the bolt is giving me a hell of time. It will not get past this part cause of that metal nub so I cant "engage" it. Swear I watched all these tutorials but Im fucked here. What am I doing wrong?
Are you pushing the nub down?
The black nub T pipe lookin thing? Yes. It has no tension. But it gets caught on a lip right before it screws down all the way
This lip thing.
Which arrow?
Disassemble and start over. Oil it, hold down the spring loaded detent and keep screwing with some strength.
What's the best online source for Vietnam war surplus? There are no milsurp stores of any kind within two hours of where I live.
Fuck this. Im about to toss it across the lawn I am so mad. Already took a chunk out of my hand im just done.
Taking it to a smith tomorrow, let them deal with this crap.
Time to post shitty pictures!
Those cheap blankets are always super comfortable.
Can anyone help me out with some marks on a Steyr M95 I just picked up?
I know the HV eagle 32 means it was accepted by the Austrian army in 1932 but I can't make out this smaller mark closer to the receiver. It looks like it might be another eagle that got all fucked up. There's also some other mark by the HV that I can't make out
Can you wipe that individual spot of oil on the bolt, it's killing me.
I don't take shitty pictures.
hey fellas. should i be concerned about this crack in an m39 stock?
every time
Man that tiger stripe looking mosin looks bitchin!
What is this a picture for ants? It looks like it's a spliced repair.
What is the best way to refinish a Mauser stock? I'm thinking polyurethane but I'm a noob when it comes to finishing wood.
i know, sorry! chances it breaks again if i shoot it sparingly?
i'll post more pics when it gets shipped. i didnt see the fracture at first.... lol fuck
Think before responding
It’s part of the stock design... there’s literally no chance you’ll break it with normal use.
It should be fine. The repair looks pretty clean. If it does come loose, any gunsmith could fix it in less than a week.
well i'll be damned, thanks
it's clean now friend. took the picture after i got it home and before i cleaned it
Sup fellow mantle TV bro.
84,862nd Type 99 short rifle made at Nagoya
should i get a .308 garand? they look fun as fuck. i already have 3 "real" garands in 06 btw
You need to cool your autism
I'm so glad I bought my sks when I did. They are stupid expensive now.
This is /msg/, where is there a higher level of autism?
How is that FR-7 treating you?
It's a great gun. Accurate as any other milsurp and cheap to shoot.
I have that same exact blanket. I have one that's a brownish kind of color and one that's white with green edges.
I've had that blanket since I was a child.
Can you post some pictures of it, I would like to see different variants of it.
i regret starting msg
Looks relaxing
Isn't Jow Forumsapt like 30?
Does that make him a boomer?
are you priming or decapping
That's a hand primer
yeah but it also can remove spent primers hence why im asking
best ww2 rifle, anons?
also why do you do this instead of use a single stage? ive been debating getting one but not sure if its worth it when i already have a press. thx
It has the primer tray attached
Got a Yugo M48 for 200 burgers. Only the bolt doesn’t match. Will post oics later.
good taste. I really like German stuff.
Why not?
why arent you making a baby? and why do you still have your thanksgiving/christmas candle cranberries decoration centerpiece out
The best rifle of WW2 is objectively without debate the M1 Garand. Millions made, standard issue, simple and reliable. All things the G43 isn't.
that might be because America is a bigger nation. the industrial basis it has is far superior to Germany's.
My mausers ejector seems to have no spring tension on it. (Causing it to be pushed in and not to come back out far enough to eject.) Do I have to get a new spring for the Ejector Box or is is it fixable?
That doesn't matter. The implied question is what's the best rifle of WW2. That goes to the M1 on all bases. Multi-lug rotating bolt>Flapper lock
Okay. I don't hate the M1 Garand either. but I gotta say I do prefer German equipment
Now whats the most okay gun of ww2.
Scored a Turkish mauser yesterday for hella cheap, just needs an easy woodscrew repair on the back plate.
If the SVT was chambered in a rimless cartridge I'd say that. Since it isn't that goes to the Ljungman. Simple, yet ahead of it's time. The rifle's lineage carried on for decades after the initial design.
that must be why a direct upgraded clone of the garand is still used today in every armed conflict.
oh wait you didnt say STG44?
No god damnit, I've been advocating for Boomer Genocide for 10 years now.
Wait, it can do that? Explain.
I like running everything in steps. Size and decap, then clean, then trim, then prime, then load. It keeps things manageable for me and I can work on some calibers while I wait for things I need for others.
>why arent you making a baby?
Because wife is sick and doesn't want me to take her temperature. Also that's just a generic table accent.
It also wasn't being bombed/rapes by the Russians.
That said, I'd take the SVT 40.
>M1 Garand: 8 round clip fed semi auto full power 30 cal
>STG44: 30 round detachable mag full auto assault rifle
how cheap? what part of california?
make a baby we need future milsurpers asap kthxbai
>direct upgraded clone
Wehraboos are fucking retarded
>Gun in the hands of millions of American GIs
>Gun in the hands of virtually no one
What's a good price for one? Are they worth it?
>question was which is better gun
>not who made more
really depends on condition of individual rifle. i think for the money they are valued at, they are worth it. when is a working battle rifle bolt mauser not worth $200?
$150. Not from California.
Turks are poverty mausers but they're solid. I usually see them for $200-300 and if it's in good shape they're definitely worth it as shooters.
Here's one of them. This is the white with green edges one. It's my favorite. I'm not sure where my brown one is. My parents or grandparents got this blanket for me when I was a baby. Also my mauser. I forgot, an m48 or whatever the hell the later ones are.
what other state residents say hella? 150 was definitely a good buy yours looks in good shape
So $399 for a really good one over priced?
A poverty mauser is the 1916 spanish. Fucking got one for $50 last week.
$400 is too much unless it is literally mint unissued
I've heard the term in Kansas, New york and LA. I don't know anymore.
It's great, But not that great.
I say it, I forget sometimes that's where it comes from.
For the effort of fixing a stripped wood screw hole I'd say it's otherwise good.
$400 is too much. You can get a nice Yugo or push a little higher for an Argentine for that.
*Posted before I finished.
It's a 8/10. Little stock wear. Metal is top though. But I couldn't get that guy to come down. He's a stubborn old man.
Thinking about a Yugo. But I'm saving for a Nambu first... What's the asking price on the Yugos?
About $350-400 average around here.
if you want a good priced Turk though, JG has a few.
if he wont come down to $250 then keep looking they are easy as fuck to find for less than $300
Sometimes. I'm mainly stuck looking locally. It's hard to buy guns when I have Anti-gun family that I live with. But I will see If I can't coax him a little bit more. If not, Yugo here I come I suppose.
>tfw just submitted my FFL 03 form to the ATF
Thinking about getting this as my first C&R type gun. Thoughts?
Thanks for the links.
If anything it's stronger than a normal stock.