Opinions on Taofledermaus?

What say you Jow Forums? Is the Taofledermaus channel just unrepentant, unforgivable, MUH SHOTGUM, fuddery? Or is shooting everything under the sun out of a shotgun shell valuable to humankind?

Its hard for me to say. I lean towards it being "watch shit get blowed up" Fuddery. Also literally karl has a better sense of humor than these guys.

Attached: taofledermaus1.jpg (320x180, 16K)

Isn't he in California? I would think that's why he mostly uses shotguns. I think he fills a niche of shooting random shit out of shotguns. I'll watch him occasionally if he stuffs something interesting in a shell. I also don't recall him even attempting humor but maybe it's so bad I don't even realize he's joking.

He's a very simple minded autistic. He's got 1000+ videos of him shooting things out of a shotgun shell. That's it. He will continue to do this for the rest of his life.

>don't recall him even attempting humor but maybe it's so bad I don't even realize he's joking.
Its just bad dude. They got a shotgun slug from straya and spent a quarter of the video doing the absolute worst impression of an Australian accent ive ever heard and giggling like school girls about it.

The thing that bothers me about them is that they dont even try to apply more than the most base principles of scientific measurement to all these shotgun loads they are testing. They are not getting much if any valuable data from these shell tests. I think its just "watch shit get blowed up"

Jeff is more about high speed photography, intermixed with fucking about with guns/things that go boom, than doing real research.

it's like a doughnut. You know it isn't healthy but it is what you want at the moment.

What his high speed cameras reveal about terminal ballistics is interesting to say the least. I'm surprised that some of the "you make it, we shoot it" videos are legal.

He is a bit annoying, but his videos are generally watchable, and occasionally, they are even pretty good.

Australians are not to be taken seriously.



videos are ok, shoots weird shit out of cheapo shotguns and not too much filler

fuck you i liked that video

I know, they play didgeridoos, eat vegimite, fight wars against large flightless birds, throw boomerangs at each other, and have replaced every pro-noun in their version of english with "cunt" but consider "fanny" profane. Tis a silly place.

But the impressions were so godamn bad (and not on purpose) that it made me feel a little more depressed. And yet it was apparently hilarious to those fudds.

Maybe you should consider taking a hard look in the mirror, friend.

They had a neat gyrojet video. That was probably the coolest thing they've done.

I feel like you aren't using the word Fudd properly.

Fudds don't shoot fun or silly things out of shotguns, they shoot foster slugs, #4, #7, and BB shot at appropriate game animals or perhaps clay pidgeons.

I wish he had a better high speed camera

Maybe you should dislodge that giant pole from your ass.

im sorry that not all of us need to be tacticool operators 100% serious all the time

Attached: fishing_in_Straya.webm (1278x720, 304K)

>appropriate game animals
Wike scwewy wabbits?

Aye got that fish cunt dindja see? 'ooked him right in the jabba

holy shit, the thought of this made me laugh too fucking hard. just an old autistic idiot doing the same shotgun test over and over again for eternity.

His videos are fun, without excessive bullshittery. Occasionally, something interesting with practical use comes from it, like those super light plastic wad cutter slugs. Would be devastating for home defense, without being over penetrating. Mostly, gratuitous blowing up of random stuff, and that’s pretty great. Does it need to be anything more?

>but consider "fanny" profane.
We what?

Did he load it upside down?


Attached: Carpfishing.webm (320x176, 2.51M)

>literally just the equivalent of shitposting on video with whatever they think they can fit down a shotgun shell

To me it just seems like a couple guys making the best out of living in commiefornia.

Why do you care so much about the opinion of worthless autistic losers on the internet? Just do what you want. If you like it, watch it. If you don't, then don't. Stop letting other people decide how you live your life.

Shooting random shit out of a shotgun is simple, wholesome fun, not everything has to be tryhard shit. It's an aspect of what makes guns a good hobby.

Also eat shit Officer Greg is the best.

He shoots shit out of shotguns and doesnt' afreaid of any government.

He's a benign Hank Hill type of person that occasionally does interesting things with shotguns. He gets a thumbs up from me, but his buddies are more or less windowlickers

I always worry about the trucks just behind their shooting table, I think they're waaay too close to the road. It's dangerous!

Yup - seeking how projectiles are contained and perform is part of smooth bore fun. If your not a fan of ballistics, it would not be very entertaining.

fanny is slang for pussy lips in Australia. That's according to jim Jeffries though.

A true hero

propaganda video of Legion naval forces patrolling the Colorado River (2179)

Attached: A474MeH.png (637x452, 383K)

[Aussie Detected]

>Officer Greg
Is the best part of the whole channel.