Nagant 7.62x54r spam cans for sale

Spam cans for sale. $350 for 2.
Markings seem to indicate that it's Bulgarian, 1970's.
Can meet you anywhere in southeast PA including philly and near the borders of DE/MD/NJ. Respond here or email [email protected]

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What the fuck is your provlem faggot?

Nagants are not chambered in 7.62x54r

what newfangled kind of autism is this?


If thats true, Ive been feeding mine the wrong ammo for almost a decade.

Hes a fuckin idiot I guess.

Is this supossed to be an Armslist LARP thread?

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What is it chambered in then?

Nagant revolvers are in 7.62×38mmR

lol epic b8 m8

Were not talking about revolvers you stupid nigger

nice autism there

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Yes we are, he has 'Nagant' in the thread subject and description box.

i believe this is your collective problem.

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No one cares about the Nagant revolver and no one ever will.

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Sure, want to trade for some .303 enfield?


the Russians disagree. I bet you feel stupid as shit now lmao kys

Literally who?

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No just someone who doesn’t know how to start a /BST/ thread.
>ITT: this is now /BST/
Selling a complete Cetme C parts kit. Trigger pack is disassembled, it was frozen up, can provide pictures in the morning when I finish my shift, but I’m selling it to help fund something else. I’m in Tennessee

Go to the buy/sell/trade thread like a normal Jow Forumsomrade you fucking jew

>Spam cans for sale. $350 for 2
You're going to have to come down on those prices, sonny. Think you can give this ole' veteran a discount? I can offer $20, and some of my diabetes medication.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Honorably discharged, and awarded Purple Heart for cholesterol-induced stroke
Serve those that would serve you
Got a complaint? Register it by kissing my ass.
Semper Fidelis
Obama HUSSEIN; Coincidence? I think not
All Arabs are terrorists; FACT


First of all, $350 for 2 spam cans? What kind of fucking world do you live in? If you sell them in this price anywhere but CA you should not be in this business.

Second, youget off this board right now and go back to eating glue.

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>$350 for 880rds
That’s actually not bad considering other prices

Price firm, I know what I got

Thats just under 40 cents/rd. No store has it cheaper- especially if you consider shipping. Good deal if local

That’s a deal nowadays dumbass