What's the rarest gun ever used in a home defense situation?

What's the rarest gun ever used in a home defense situation?

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What a stupid fucking question.

All of them considering modern serialization practices.


>answer dumber than the question

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Home made zip gun. It is a one off. Doesn't get any more rare than a one off custom gun.


Sauce on it being used in self defense.

That dude in Seattle who headshot a guy stealing his car with a nugget

A martini henry.

Well, they certainly aren't rare in terms of numbers built, but I swear I read about some madman in Houston using a semi-auto M249 to blast 4 asshats that broke into his place.
I've been trying to find the article, but I can't, and I'm sure its because the site didn't put 'M249' in the title.

im just fuckin around

don't know if it counts but there was a guy that fought off a few carjackers with a legal full auto AC-556, including BTFOing a dude with a 6 round burst center of mass

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no sause, but there was that one lucky fuck who got to use a barrett 20mm

Brother who is a cop told me of some broken down old fudd who let 2 rounds of a .470 Nitro Express out of an old Heym double rifle off at some guys trying to boost his car from his driveway.

Gun was so big that the first response guys thought at first it was a double barrel shot gun.

It woke the whole suburb and the neighbourhood dogs were still going batshit crazy when he turned up.


It was a complete bullshit story that only people who know nothing of the rifle would believe.

was gonna say this, re: that one greentext

who has the copy pasta/image of the guy who used a 20mm or whatever?

You guys don’t actually believe that happened do you

no but it's good for a chuckle

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I’d say any private citizen using any type of full auto or burst fire for self defense is really rare. Where can I read about this?

Incredible. Don’t steal from people who have stuffed elephant trophies is the lesson I guess.

They were used a lot for self defense in Africa ;)

If it was a dindu then that’s probably not the first African wildlife that rifle has harvested

Gary Fadden.
HK employee, brought an AC-556 for company evaluation.


is this from a porno?

posting before reading thread but..that one kid who used a zulu war era gun.

nitro 500?

It was for sure the Golf Gun! A mexican was breaking in his house and he used to to make a hole in jaun!

There was a possibility fake story about a kid using his dad's Martini-Henry to blaast a hole in robbers (nogs)

>What's the rarest gun ever used in a home defense situation?
105mm howitzer

Didn’t some kommando pwn someone with a 20mm Barrett and post the story? I don’t have the image but he absolutely rekt an intruder

that is a stupid question to ask

I wish

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You're not seriously this retarded right?

There was an old, old man that lived a few houses over from us in Las Vegas that blasted a nog intruder with a 7MM mag maybe 15 years back. He was shouldering the gun and threatened to shoot him if he didn’t leave. The basketball American though he was bluffing and grabbed for the barrel of the rifle.
He said there might be quicker ways to stop an intruder but none more sure than a point blank 7MM Mag BearClaw to the chest.

I could be mistaken, but I seem to recall there was a case where someone used a s&w m1940 light rifle in self defense

torpedo tubes

rarest as in rarest gun, or rarest as in "gun least used for home defense"?

A martini henry isn't exactly rare, but for home defense, it would be damn rare to be used, at least in modern times. Probably been used shitloads of times for early South African home defense though.


Massad Ayoob did a breakdown of the case years ago for one of his articles. Guy was justified, but the local DA tried really hard to crucify him over his EBIL MASHEEN GUN OMg. Legally owned dealer sample.

there are probably more practical HD guns but if someone were to attack me in my house it might be a contender for rare gun used in self defense

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>Massad Ayoob
is there somewhere i can read about this from a white person

If the guy didn't have the lawyers from H&K, his employer, backing him up that DA would have buried him. Prefect case of why using an NFA firearm for self defense isn't a good idea.

The guy who used a machine gun to kill a home invader.

How about a Martini Henry?

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Full story above

He used a smith and Wesson M76 to defend his gunstore and Home from bandits. Was a pretty big story.

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thats a great read.

Maybe if your an ant

Probably the 20mm PONG!

I still laugh at giant en-bloc clip ejecting.

I once held a would be burglar at gunpoint with a preban daewoo k2 until the police came.
The would be burglar was a skitzo inlaw of mine. Fun times.

op here, nice