The future of handgun rounds

the future of handgun rounds.

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>tiny rifle rounds
really cool

but are they worth taking if your main weapon isnt a P90?

>no SS198

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Damn, what a shiny piece of trash.

That's not 9mm dillon

Maybe, but they are more costly to produce than 9mm and other straight walled cases and with the constant improvement to body armor protection, how will they stand up in the near future

>not 9x25
Aw, he’s retarded. ;^(

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>not .357 sig with a 6" bbl and extreme defenders
Swing and a miss.

What about 7.5fk?
Seems like that would be a contender too if there were more pistols and some carbines chambered in it, give it a little m855a1 style bullet and have at it

That's not a 45 GAP

Attached: 300px-45GAP_Glock_Automatic_Pistol_002.jpg (300x400, 13K)

>tfw no micro mp7 clone chambered in .22 TCM

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>$35 dollars for firing one magazine.

The gun they put it in is kind of cool but that's about it.

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>the virgin 9x25 dillon
>can barely hit 2000fps with a 6" bbl, frequently misses even this low bar
>whether or not TSC would even contribute to wounding at this point is dubious at best
>only available in large frame handguns that nobody wants to carry
>not used by a single LEA or military, completely unloved
>ammo isnt even available in stores
>preferred defensive round of people who like shoving kubotans up their pee hole.
>the chad .357 sig
>frequently exceeds 2100 fps out of a 4" bbl, hits nearly 2300fps out of a 6" one. Frequently exceeds other posted velocities for even lighter loadings.
>nobody even disputes that TSC is a factor at these velocities
>Available in any size from full size down to subcompacts, no large frame required
>Used by several LEAs, too lethal for military use. Loved by some and feared by all.
>ammo is commonly available on the internet and in brick and mortar stores
>preferred round of the men trusted with guarding the presidents life with their own
If only people actually made good rounds for the 9x25

It pisses me off .357 sig isn't more popular. It is an awesome round, it is only expensive because so few guns use it. Amd so few guns use it bwcause it isn't popular. Older rounds like 9mm have such a stranglehold on the market and remain popular because they are cheap.

Kind of like how .224 Valkrie is superior to 5.56 but it will never take off because there are a billion ar-15s already out there chambered in 5.56.

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Alll true except
>ammo isn’t even available in stores
I see it at a few of my lgs. Plus it’s able to go through 3A vests along with 7.62tok.
Can 9 Dillon go though 3A? Genuinely asking

>five-seven retard
>posts ifunny picture
Yeah, that sounds about right

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9mm XDs can go through 3a at around 1900fps IIRc(buffman did some test on his youtube channel) and FSM bullets can make it through at least some 3a armor at around 1400fps(iirc). 9x25 and .357S have enough gas to get the job done with readily available loadings and even 9mm can manage with the right loadings/platform.

I think HMX based caseless like the G11 could be a great handgun ammo. An user pointed out how small it was in another thread - intermediate cartridges already the size of a (large) pistol calibre. If you scaled it down to pistol calibres you could have pretty high power handgun rounds without sacrificing capacity and the low volume of fire means basically all of the problems with caseless don't apply.
I don't think it's the future, but it could have been.

Attached: HK G11.webm (720x540, 2.89M)

Best pistol calibre round of all time is 6.5x25CBJ and you literally cannot refute that
It will be the future one day

>two rounds of roughly the same dimensions other than powder capacity
>the one with less powder is more powerful

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Its the same shit as 5.7 but designed by swedes
The whole "It can shoot through 200 tanks" meme comes from testing using tungsten ammo. If you had some tungsten 5.7 ammo you would get similar results since the cartridges arent vastly different.