Antifa meets Jow Forums

>Be you
>walking innawoods with SKS or other funs for hunting
>see pic related

What would you do? Stalking or peeing pants ?

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I’m fairly sure I could fight all 6 of them at once and still stand a decent chance

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>have gun
>run into basedboys
Oh no
Shit thread op kys

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What is this, a joke? Come on seriously. I’m still convinced all of this is a larp that’s just egging on Jow Forums. Someone tell me this isn’t serious

>I’m still convinced all of this is a larp
Thinks the Antifa has a IQ

>remember seeing her somewhere

google : monreo indexxx

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Yes monroe has been naked many times user
>still hasnt actually done anything on video
Life is gay

Well in that case

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>that face when his tongue finds her ear
White girls fuck dogs.

Slavs aren't white

Damn monroe is not aging well

Imagine they cant find the missing Fags and get panic

whooop whooop

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Ignore the shit out of them

Wrong she's like 30 something already and still looks great she jumped the wall but for how much longer?

>6 of them
>sks has 10
You may rely on it.

I am the stacker. I stack rocks and bodies of communists. Why are you in my woods?

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Godspeed anons

>doublekill for the 1 shoot.
>9 left for 4

I'd slap the shit out of you for shill posting politics on Jow Forums while trying to radicalize the population. That's what I'd do user.

>Why are you in my woods?
Killing Nazis, killing you !

>I'd slap the shit out of you for shill posting politics on Jow Forums while trying to radicalize the population. That's what I'd do user.
Thats nothing about Jow Forums. Its a good thread since they´re starting going innawoods for guntraining. Possible they see you first with your US-flag. Whats next?

Do it faggots

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That better be one hell of a shit.

Keep walking because not only are they not armed but I'm not dying / going to prison for life just because I couldn't stand the sight of some revolutionary larpers. Pick your battles wisely.

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>a bayonet just in case
It is decidedly so.

I would assassinate them like Sicario from Sicario 2: Soldier's Reckoning.

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You come across this bunch of Canadian shitposters slamming moonshine, pulling goofy shenanigans and shooting full autos in the woods. What do you do?

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>this but yelling “CHEEEEEEEEEEKIIIII”

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slavstyle :3
I would stalk them, making pics and call the police for terror training

Chuckle and wish them luck.

Force them to fuck each other and spreading a vid of antifa´s proud boys !

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i wanna kick it so bad