I just watched heat and it was meh at best

like, seriously, it had some moments but the whole thing felt like a deepdish pizza, lot of shit goes on but most of it was meh

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It’s cool that you’re retarded. My sister is ‘tarded and she’s a pilot now.

>watching a movie 23 years later?
>especially a movie with action scenes
That's bound to happen. You have to appreciate movies in the era they were released to fully understand.

So much this.
It has good gunplay... that's it. Coked up Al Pacino is weird in it, Val kilmer says two words throughout the movie, and De Niro has the personality of a store mannequin. Everything but the gun play

the action scenes were the best part of the movie tho, the other stuff kinda gets in the way but yea, its a 23 year old movie

i've watched it a few times. I think it is maybe just slighy over rated. but for the genre, it is pretty damn good movie overall. does have alot of bad ass action scenes.
my only real complaint is Al Pachinkos acting is typical Al Pachinko role repetitive, predictable, and to me down right nauseating
i literally cannot stand watching him anymore. he single handedly ruins this entire movie for me.

Are you fucking lost?
This isn't fucking /tv/

It's OK, OP. You're allowed to have bad taste and I'll only judge you a little for it.

b-but the cinematography

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Nice digits but op is right. Saw this shit flic in theaters day it released and fucking hated it. Never understood all the love for this pos.

yea, cinematography was great desu, but was it good enough to cover up the bad parts? eh

It was a good movie, and the shootout scene was top tier.

More movies should use blanks to convey just how LOUD firefights are.

The armored truck heist and bank heist are the two most notable scenes in that whole movie. Pacino's relationship woes felt remarkably shoehorned, though I did appreciate the whole sacrificial aspect of Kilmer's relationship

It's more than just the blanks, mang. They skipped the sound stages entirely, meaning the sound is natural and terrifying

I have a hard-on just thinking about it right meow

>hating on Heat
>hating on deep dish pizza
>hating on both in the same thread

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>worrying about the cinematography

They need to develop a whole new paradigm of equipment to do that. Microphones oversaturate while trying to accurately record gunfire and speakers would not be able to accurately replicate the recorded audio if it were accurate. KIM that a dynamic mic is essentially the same technology as a coil driven speaker - their limitations are inherently similar so they make a good matched set technology wise for how well they do work.

Then thats what they should do

Yeah it kinda sucks that everyone seems to say "yeah its too hard just add it in post with digital studio". Laziness is the plague that has made 3/4ths of action movies of the last 10 years feel like watching a Counter Strike aimbot mow through training mannequins

Felt that way about Threads. Gave it a 5/10

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Nice to know that you have shit taste user

>implying the gunfight in the streets is not one of the single best action scenes ever put to film.

Yep, pretty much only the action scenes are good. Now you take something like L.A. Confidential, or The Way of the Gun and the entire movie is arguably great. The former could lose the sentimental wrap-up finale, and the latter that love-plot and relationship that ultimately goes nowhere. Now Master and Commander, that is possibly the best movie of all time in terms of both story, characters, and action.

Maybe capeshit is more your speed, brainlet

> The Way of the Gun
> great
Gun fights were awesome. Everything else was boring. I watch the movie and skip over the dialogue.

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Heat is great, deep dish pizza fucking sucks

I think its one of the greatest heist films out there man

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seriously, that scene is way more intense than any 2018 cgifest

I still enjoy it because of the long continuous shots and still to this day top quality gun play.

So cinematography and gun play were good.

I thought the plot and characters sucked


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LA Confidential excellent movie
Master & Commander also good
Money Movers pretty good heist movie
Taking of Pelham 9 (the original)
When Eight Bells Toll is good espionage movie for an classic

If you didn't pick up on the camaraderie, tensions, desperation, or obligation between the characters, then I guess you can go back to watching Transformers or something. A simple storyline, but it's the characters that really make it work (if you discount the shoehorned love triangles).

Kind of like Elysium, Krueger's crew, the cold Jodie Foster in control, and the junkrat underworld. That movie is also good from front to end if you have an iota of human interaction experience. Now in Heat or something like Zero Dark Thirty, then just fast forward to the action and ignore the wooden acting from typecast characters.

>random shots of people shooting wildly
>occasional shot of someone getting shot, loud scream big fall-down
>lots of close-ups on angry faces
pretty fucking awful and generic. it should have been like the first Hitman movie, and had a sword fight, then it might have been cool.

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Well that's it, Jow Forums is officially dead.

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>watching a movie 23 years later?
>especially a movie with action scenes
Mind confirmed for being rotted by ZOG capeshit. Older movies are great.

I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with a ZOGposter, but it's true.

The electric jew has utterly destroyed the attention span of millennials and zoomers, and as a result of this they can't enjoy anything actually good.

yea heat is one of those shitty movies where al pacino overacts. it has like one good gunfight scene and thats it

your right the bank robbery and ending are the best part the rest is mostly turgid
don't expect any bare honesty about herd mentality burgers who have been lying about the merits of everything question tarintino did after his first two movies and think capeshit is watchable

>not worrying about cinematography

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I too watched it on Netflix the other day. Street gunfight was pretty kino, mag changes and whatnot.

really bro, that movie hits hard on the depressing side

this 100%

That movie is fucking depressing.... literally nothing gets better

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What do you find wrong with deep dish pizza?

>realistic bounding is meh
>realistic peeling is meh
>realistic team tactics are meh
>realistic using real live fire FA is meh
>realistic light manipulation shoot outs is meh
>realistic use of explosives is meh
>realistic far and near ambush tactics are meh
>realistic L and V ambush tactics are meh
>realistic evasive driving skills are meh
>realistic observation and surveillance tactics are meh
>in addition to great writing, great acting, great characters, great story, and great drama

That just shows you don't know anything and are wrong and I hate you.

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Great minds think alike.

couldn't understand single fucking word of anything in that move. filthy British accents and shitty film audio

all i got out your post is that youre better than 40 years old and still a faggot

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I love you

I agree. I dont see what Jow Forums likes in it other than a good action sequence? Maybe the fact its a slow burn makes them feel mature or something.
I think Way of the gun is good thou.

Good, glad we are finally breaking up the hivemind herd mentality here

I kek'd, well done
>.556 confirms

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I agree. It's fun, but it's not a LE KAY MOOVAYE because of some gun handling or whatever.

It's a better drama than action movie. Which is good, because it was written as a drama, not an action movie.

OP's got a point
the story went on for way too fucking long and had a bunch of shit that could easily have been wrapped up a lot faster, and the shootout at the bank was only real good scene in the movie

As usual, OP is a fag.

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What an outstanding post.

>all these people needing 2 and half hours of shootout scenes
>these people not getting the masculine brothership kino between friends and rivals
>these people who don't feel a thing when Pacino finally confronts De Niro at the airport, the culmination of two+ hours of covert brinksmanship and cat and mouse games between the two leads

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Sure think, slick. The youth of today is so fucking edgy

Jow Forumstards don’t need tv or cinema exposure. Gunplay and gunz aren’t what all movies are about. The soundtrack in that movie coupled with the emotional turmoil of the characters is what really makes it shine. Hate when you nogunz try to make everything revolve around weapons. From the scene of Als daughter attempting suicide to the ending transitioning into Moby’s God moving over the face of the water, the movie was a fuckin masterpiece.

Must be such a drag, having to go through life as a miserable contrarian cunt.

Does anybody actually like deep dish pizza?

>He doesn’t watch movies with subtitles. Not gonna make it

Go suck a fat chode OP

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Everything this man said is objectively correct, heat is one of the few movies I genuinely consider a straight 10/10

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Felt the same way about Thief. Heard ppl online fellating this movie for years and finally decide to give it a watch. 15 minutes into it I was browsing other tabs and halfway through I bailed. Heat is a bad ass movie though. Maybe one of my top 5.

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Original version is best version.

>tfw rewatched The Wild Bunch after a good 5 years or so
>It's even better than the first time I saw it

The pre-WWI weaponry is the cherry on top

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I need this.

I bought an unopened DVD of this off a guy a work selling a bunch of his movie collection, yet still haven't watched it.
Am shame.

What does that make nearly every action movie that is basically anti-Jow Forums?

Is Harry Brown a good movie, it looks to pretty cool, but so does a lot of stuff and it ends up being boomer material.

Attached: harry_brown09.jpg (546x321, 203K)

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You won't be disappointed

Stick to Transformers movies.

I can't wait for summer to end.

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I enjoyed it, but it was 90% social commentary to 10% Jow Forums

The 10% that was Jow Forums was top notch though

>you have failed to maintain your weapon

>great story

One main character was a frustrated, edgy faggot, the other fell in love with the first roasty to show him attention, 3/10 tops


back to r/incel

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>something like Zero Dark Thirty, then just fast forward to the action and ignore the wooden acting from typecast characters.

Jesus fucking Christ, Jessica Chastain's character is one of the most quintessential cunts I've ever seen in a movie.


Deniro doing live fire training prior to filming

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i use that quote for one of my buddy's ringtones, gets me some looks in public occasionally

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>deepdish pizza, lot of shit goes on but most of it was meh
You have shit taste

Jeezus, I never knew OP could be even more of a fag.
I always thought there was a cap to it.

Apparently OP has super ninja fag power and is destined to reach Turbo-Faggotry.

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This shit.
The action scenes were such terrible acting it nearly put me to sleep, and the scenes without it had such good acting it genuinely felt like I was watching people go about their boring ass day, and literally put me to sleep.
I don't get the hype whatsofuckingever. It's hardly sad, it's hardly gruesome, and it's drawn out as fuck.

Literally everything. Pizza is just a vile fucking food in the first place, if you can call it that at all.
>mmm, more grease-soaked cheese bread please

Sorry that wasn't correct
>more grease-soaked cheese bread please, and don't forget the ketchup

I actually agree with this.
HEAT has about 30 minutes of absolutely brilliant footage. The rest is meaningless drivel. Middle aged men whining about their marriages.

The shootout scenes are fantastic, but the rest is very slow paced and feels like it's just useless filler.

In fact while I'm at it I'm going to piss a lot more people off. I think Drive suffers in a similar way. Great actors, 10/10 cinematography, there are a few fantastic scenes but most of it is dull, slow-paced and the plot is very crummy/predictable.
I get why people like Drive, but it's just too badly flawed to be good.

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t. Shekelstein Jew (((York)))er
Fuck off, yuroshit.

>he likes bread with stuff on it

>Coked up Al Pacino is weird in it
I saw it in the theater when I was a kid. The one line that stick out is when he says "You can get killed walking your doggy". It seemed so strange and forced.