A super duper Infantry ParaTRAPper

>A super duper Infantry ParaTRAPper
Look at all these degenerate comments Jow Forums:
>I would go back to division as long I was guaranteed to be your battle buddy
>Hmmm this retired SSG feels the need to do a room inspection...
>I feel like this post calls to my username for some reason.

Attached: MPFkeQa.jpg (2448x3264, 578K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like my highschool girlfriend.

Thanks for the fap material.

And? Physically a man so capable enough as long as they pass PT. Sexual harassment works both ways user and everyone has cellphones to document it.
Now a female to male on the otherhand. No.

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>this subtle attempt at a Ketchum thread
I hope that faggot dies in the sandbox.

>Physically a man

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no you dont

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Yes. Even if he chops his dick off he always will be.

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She had a great bubble butt and cute little tiddies. The kind that kind of point upwards right at the nipples. Half chink, half groundskeeper. She fucked like a freak. She had this soft lisp that i thought was adorable. Too bad she was a psycho or id probably still be with her.

is that a derringer in her shorts?

No I really do.

Everyone should be happy Ketchum decided to be a girl (male). He was hideous. Now she's hot. Respect.

I saw this thing on tinder, I swiped right anyways

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get a booty call

Every time a trap gets posted or some fag posts a pic of himself in knee socks on k the thread is full of faggots wanting to suck his dick, so dont act like you fags are not fags. Same on pol, g too

Attached: altright_gay_af_2.jpg (1894x1685, 1.55M)

oh you

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It's almost like... They find them attractive so they gather around. Someone needs to do some science to figure out why this is happening!

Those comments are fucking degenerate, but I'd still fuck him or let him suck my cock.

Let's be perfectly clear, If I hadn't fapped In like a solid month then you best believe I'd do unimaginable things to this qt boy/girl. If It were any other day tho I'd just degrade the degenerate faggot like everyone else.

It's almost like the thousands of hours you spend in online dungeons has turned you into a fag

>someone tells you the blatantly obvious reason why talking/posting a subject brings people who are into that subject
>fukin fag basement dweller
Imagine being this triggered.

>irrelevant green text
okay fag

Fuck you got me I guess. Look at all that degenerate shitposting I was doing.
>can't stop themselves from sperging out
>calls other faggots

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>implying that doesn't clearly look like a skinny man with mosquito bite tits
you guys have beat your meat retarded if you think that looks anything like a convincing girl.
Regardless, fuck off with this shit. Jow Forums is a weapons board and besides that pork sword in this guy's pants, this has nothing to do with weapons.

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If you leave a man alone in room with a hole in the wall he'll try to fuck it eventually. Does that mean he has a thing for walls?
Nah. Just gotta get some release before you kill somebody.

>this is a blue board

>he can only communicate like this
>doesn't realize this is why his brain is diseased

I've not been able to find that video. I'm curious what events led to this.

I'm not even a homo or traps, the user was just blatantly triggered that people who are would congregate around that very content. It's like standing next to the watercooler and going 'why are all these faggots coming here for water!?'

Why does trying to look like a girl immediately add age to you? When he looks like a cute boy, he look young. When he tried to look like a woman, he looks 8 years older. What gives?

Makeup and excessive exfoliating and attempted 'skin care'. Mostly makeup and on/off tanning.

Standard everyday chimping. Birds fly south for winter, salmon return to their spawning grounds, and nigs kill nigs. The rhythms of nature.

what age?
make up probably

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The look of sadness and absolute shame in that fags eyes. Someone please add the the post to this pic. You know the one.

user, this is a blue board.

>Makeup and excessive exfoliating and attempted 'skin care'. Mostly makeup and on/off tanning.
Isn't that shit supposed to make you look younger? Why is it having the opposite effect?

He looks old in and

the battle buddy picture?

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The “if only you knew how bad things really are” one. I’m phone posting right now and don’t have it

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Over doing your makeup can really fuck up your skin and also an HD picture like that usually shows off too much.

>if only you knew how qt things really are

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>how many times have you fucked it

window-washer/busker/beggar getting arrested, people chimp out and try to physically interfere, officer either didn't realize he hadn't loaded less-lethal ammo or had an ND straight into rando's dome.
yeah I'm talkin about the fact this is a blue board and you put a smashed benor pic up. nobody here wants to see that shit, faggoo.

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>was born XY
>is XY
>will always be XY
He. Doesn’t matter if he chops his dick off and gets a festering wound down there. He’ll always be a male.

>Words on paper determine gender

>looks dont determine gender

>hurrdurr a bloated, partisan bureaucracy printed a single letter on a piece of paper, that means that all of biology and chromosomal science are nullified!

You’re right. They don’t, your DNA does. See

so i have to ask for a dna test before i know if someone is a female or not?

>Can’t tell by body features
>sees mutilated hole or “penis”
You tell me, fag lover.

That's a fucking cop? He just looks like some guy. Surely there's an article about this somewhere.

Not American

Yes. I don't know what convoluted point you're trying to make, but you do indeed have to do a blood test to know for sure if someone is male or female.

Most countries have cop-like uniforms for their cops.



I think they were referring to it not having an article about it anywhere because it's not America. Lots of developing and 3rd-world countries have an unspoken moratorium on publishing police/military/government violence.

Vertical video. Those dirty savages.
Fucking nig logic: let's get in a tug of war with the cops. Surely this will work and their will be no consequences.

That user was referring to his highschool girlfriend... Who was most likely an actual girl.
>is so insecure even an ancient meme picture of a pp smashed in an sks bolt causes him to think about it sexually
Oh yeah?...

I thought maddog Mattis barred trannies from the military, what the fuck is this shit?

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>Banning boy love

user I . . .

No, Trump tried to bar trannies from the military, and Mattis cucked him.

traps are fucking gay
and not in a homosexual way
stop posting this faggot
go away


Only women with penises should be allowed in the military

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Gay or not, I'd fuck the shit out of it so hard, it'd have to check it's asshole's headspace and timing before taking a shit.

LOL "The Thing" poster in the background.

you alsolute degenerate fucks!!!!!! Now i would gladly let this THING suck me off and watch those QT eyes stare back at me and go apeshit in its boy pussy but yall are just gay!!!

Some soldier is going to secretly fuck him and then get BTFO 20 years from now when he gets named in Ketchum's best selling memouirs of his time as an Army trap.

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>implying it's going to be only one
>implying it isn't going to be so many that he can barely remember which ones were which and the majority of them will get away clean purely because the media doesn't have time to correct all of them

Spc. Ketchum is a national treasure.

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i wanna fuck it...............i cant understand y

I HATE this fucking fag. He should be hanged until dead and used as an example for every single sick degenerate in the country. There is nothing attractive about a male retard enlisting and using tax money to """"transition"""" (castrate himself) and posting pictures every 5 minutes. Keep this shit on the leddit containment boards. Jerk to this literally gay shit over there.

I genuinely don't understand why people like traps and how they can rationalize it as not gay.

Mattis is an establishment homo