I’m thinking about getting a pocket gun to cc when it’s too hot to wear my full size. Post cute little shooters

I’m thinking about getting a pocket gun to cc when it’s too hot to wear my full size. Post cute little shooters.

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Get a .25 ACP and load subs to become an ASSASSINO.

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Someone buy my sterling

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Honestly, a S&W Airlight (not airweight) with a Barmi hip grip, Tyler T, and rubber cover I can wear in pull-string gymshorts. I also like my 1908 vest pocket in .25 acp, but it's still not 5 rounds of .357 magnum

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oops, wrong picture was chosen

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i did this with my g43

I have the LCP original and the pin comes out a bit when I rack the slide.

Whatever you get you need to practice with it a LOT. Don't be one of those guys who throws a pocket pistol in their basketball shorts and feels safe when they can't shoot for shit with it

That being said I recommend the naa 22lr mini revolver, only if you can hit a head sized target consistently with it from 15 yards

>shooting one pocket handgun is super different from shooting a different pocket handgun

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That's not what I said you bitch

As far as we know OP isn't good with ANY pocket

>Thath nut wu I sed
>I wuz juthhh pointhing out that OP thidn't thpethify if he nu how 2 shut guns gud!
Why don't you make sure he eats a good breakfast, gets enough sleep, treats his mother with respect, doesn't shoot innocent people, and keeps the muzzle downrange? As far as we know, OP is still a toddler!

Do you come on here to argue? Fuck off newfag. Shooting pocket pistols is substantially more difficult than shooting full sized handguns and OP can't act like training on a full size will transfer over

Now if you don't care about being raped by Da'Quan and/or killing little Timmy with your pocket gun, don't practice with it

Are pocket pistols/derringers even worth it? I feel like a sharp pocket knife would work better.

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Have you tried stabbing someone 5 meters away that is armed with a gun?
Have you ever tried to neutralize someone armed with a bat or knife with your own knife?
Have you tried defending yourself from multiple attackers with a knife?

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>Huhhhrrr ur a newfag!!!
>Because I need to recite extremely basic knowledge to people on Jow Forums that everyone already knows
It's sad, really. I've probably been calling you a faggot since the day you got here.

"have you tried defending from multiple attackers, or are tired of Jamal and his bat. Have I got the thing for you"

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lol you gonna take em down with you 4-shot .17?

Against 2 or more attackers i would rather have a 5 shot snub nose revolver or 6 shot pocket auto then a 5 inch knife.
Of course there is nothing saying you can't also carry the knife.

>Get a .25 ACP and load subs
Have you ever heard of a .25 ACP cartridge that was supersonic out of a pocket gun barrel?

You're not stopping anyone in their tracks with a knife. At least with a .17, a well-placed shot CAN stop them.

With the VHB tape hip grip? How's that one working out for you?

Of course he means melt down a derelict old Soviet sub to cast bullets out of.
+2 radiation damage over time.

How in the shit can you say be accurate with it and then recommend the NAA mini? Maybe you have a little different experience than me, but with my XXL mechanix glove size hands, I always push my NAA pug to the left. I can hit 15 yards like nothing with my 1908 vest pocket.

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If you think people on/k/ actually have common sense or even own guns you're clearly a newfag.

It was a joke lmao

The takedown pin?

hicock45 can hit the 150 yard gong with his NAA mini, you are doing something wrong

Trying to compile a list of actually good SNS guns, what am I missing?

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add the glock 22

Can you? I doubt it.


He can also shoot the balls and only the balls off a fly with a bullet bigger than it, and kill isis in iraq all the way from mississippi

>Or was it?

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Whatchu wanna know about CC senpai?

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What would be a safe gun for someone very paranoid about accidentally discharging one?

So the S&W sheld 9 pro with there has a Manuel safety, and trigger safety. So if your paranoid about NDs, that’s not a bad option. My normal was the Sig 938 with safety but I switched to my Sig 365 with no safety because nice IWB holsters exist.

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Does it come in green?

A store near me has a galesi in .25 acp. Are those any good?

saturday night special tier gun. Company is kill by 1968 GCA. Don't pay more than say $150 for it.

Hard to beat an LCP man. They're so tiny.

Phoenix only

Hickok has his own personal range and shoots everyday

i dont own one nor have i ever shot one but id like to buy one they look fun as fuck.

if a curmudgeony 70 year old man with glasses can do it what is your excuse?

I can attest for the raven p25, it's the best .25 auto I have owned

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Added some more.
As far as I know they're perfectly fine. The foreign made SNS guns are usually the better ones.

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>’Heh, what is that, a Wop 9?’
>’Thing is like the FIAT of guns, jamming on you all the time’

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wheres the bersa thunder

All of those guns are fucking terrible. The amount of gun savvy you need in order to properly inspect those guns to ensure you get one that works pretty much rules out poor fags. Also, no amount of inspection can save you from improperly tempered springs on a 30yr old gun or 4th world tier metallurgy...

Your image is bad and I hope you feel bad.

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how about those little spanish destroyer 25s

Poorfags are poor because they make poor decisions. That image is nothing but poor choices.

Stay poor poorfags.

I was gonna mention it here. It's also great for murdering people apparently. I heard about it first on an episode of Forensic Files lmao

It's not for poorfags, it's for people who like SNSs.

>it's for people who like SNSs.

So...poorfags. If you had money you'd either be interested in collecting better guns OR you would have a pretty complete collection of SNSs already(because they're cheap and you're not poor) and would have moved on to other things(because collectors collect).

I posit that if there is a wealthy collector of SNSs, he doesn't post on Jow Forums.

Thus, you are a poorfag.

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Shit is that you in the Ohio Armslist

While i love my bersa, i wouldnt call it a pocket gun.

get an lcp2

You don't care the 938 anymore at all? Seems like theres a big bulk difference between the two to have its place. Been thinking about one, just not a fan of the safety, since it would be different practice than what I normally carry

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I refuse to buy things from men who wear seersucker shorts.

The FIE looks straight from Miami Vice.. should I look around for one? I carry nothing right now and could seriously use a pocket gun until I get enough cash for something better.

Can I fire 200 rounds from it and will it hit and function?

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Both these guns are ass.

As far as a good SNS, used hipoint C9s are $70-100 easy. Then you also have the SW Model 10.

i was watching that frank langz movie M with peter lorre the other night and they have a pretty good close up of shit criminals would carry in those days.

Nice looking Mauser 1914 pocket pistol i would like to get and i dont really care for german guns.


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those are not reliable

>Bangor Punta

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Reviews and YT videos I've seen sau otherwise.

Explain yourselves.


Fucking keyboard.

No I'm in Denver but I'll ship


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I want to know why you have a fucking j-22 that Jennings is garbage

The Soviets sure knew how to make the most of a low polygon count.