Been a prepper for like a year

>been a prepper for like a year
>family finds out and ask why am i being so paranoid
>tell them that terrorism and natural disasters are real issues even in small countries and villages and that having a bug out plan is always a good thing
>they start calling me nuts, telling me that not even a single illegal migrant in Italy ever had links with isis, that im racist and started making fun of me for worrying for my family's safety(i even made bug out bags for the ingrate fucks)
>mfw if there's a terrorist attack, an earthauake, an outbreak or a riot in my area i will leave the fuckers there to enjoy their culural enrichment and all the good shit that could pop up
>mfw while they embrace middle-eastern culture and nice things i will be chilling in the back of my car near a river with a carbine next to me and a C607 on

Prepper's life's will be good

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Other urls found in this thread:

Normally I would say SHTF is never going to happen, but you live in Europe so it's going to happen. Not if, but when.

>Op not a complete dumbass
Huh that’s surprising

>b-but listen to your family. They are you family right?

Nah jokes, stay strong user. Italy is on the right path, you guys need to start it and you will see how many Europeans flock to Italy just to fucking kill these shitskins.

t. the eternal island

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Italy got its balls back,
whatever happens, it'll happen nearby first

dumb frogposter

Good shit, brother

Fuck gold retrievers

>be manchild
>family question choices I make
>I get angry and believe they deserve to die
Jesus Christ you sad little boy

Fuuuck you tzeeeentch!
You’re a neeeeeeeeeeeeerd

It's already happening.

Why u have a trip

Fuck you japs


That's sad user. My mom is visiting and won't get off my back at the lack of preps I have. I know it's not enough water tanks ma the lifestraws are in my pack next to the bike. You think I want to be tied to the city? Boomer farmers sigh... amiright?

You mom sounds like a sensible person.

Well if you go near a river you dont need water tanks, just a small propane stove to disinfect the water and a shirt to filter it

>Tfw my mother bought me a Mossberg 500, Israeli gas mask, vintage LAPD kevlar vest and a Gerber machete for my 12th birthday in case "shit ever popped off"

I love being an American sometimes.

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I’m jealous.

>>not even a single illegal migrant in Italy ever had links with isis
not even retards believe that bullshit, do your relatives live in B*logna or what?

No, zones near Rome, wich is even more worrying because those zones can become perfect HQs for the isis rats, im surprised of how dumb my family is

>Normally I would say SHTF is never going to happen
it happens everywhere, eventually
I don't know what delusion it is that causes everyone to think that their society is the first one that will last an eternity, and all the other ones that failed over the millenia just had some fatal flaw that we're too good for

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OP, show them this:

Good read. Worth 5 mins of my life. Thanks.

your mom is top tier

It's true though. People that have been busted here were legal.

Oversimplification: the post

Great link! gonna save that one for argument ammo

I live on the gulf coast, all my prep plans are advertised as Hurricane Planning and Prep. If you are a person who like to prepare take a event in your area that actually happens and cite that when folks wonder why you have the things that you do. We need to get rid of the prepper as a crazy person meme, and cast anyone who has no disaster planning as a crazy. Flip the argument on them. Blizzards, long term power outages, flooding up north, fires out west, hurricanes at most coastal areas and then ask why they are being idiots and not planning ahead.

Crash the euro please so that the eu collapses

that's because the illegal ones who do have ties with ISIS get ratted out to the glowniggers as soon as they get off the boats
not that I'm complaining, but still

But user. Preppers are not going to be panicked people easily manipulated like cattle. There is no incentive to have a self reliant population. They might start asking questions of our desperately needed leadership. Questions like "What do you DO for ME exactly?" and "How many of you does it take to do that?" or "What is this costing me?". You know the things fearful, hand to mouth, short sighted folks never could imagine. Preppers count cost, eliminate waste and plan ahead. Non of that make a good consumer.

Good shit user. Leave them to rot

would marry your mom desu

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Your family is in denial. It's a classic boomer cope. I live in one of the most high-crime dindu colonies in the United States, but my boomer parents still freaked out when they found out I bought a handgun (a 1911 of all things). People are well aware that bad things can happen in this world, but they lash out at anyone who brings it out in the open, because they don't want to believe it could actually happen to them.

Not just frogposting, but Thatcher frogposting.
Twitch > Thatcher
Fite me

>implying it won't happen in USA also

No worry, uz got thatcher it appears

Does Twitch's drone work trough walls? Does it disable sights such as ACOGs? Both no Thatcher>>Twitch

Does Thatcher have the FAMAS? Does Thatcher have a DMR? Both no. Twitch>>Thatcher.

Gib mommys digits plox

siege has been dead for like a year with the stupid power creep.
>dude lmao global wallhacks
>this stronk woman is faster than the engine can process and dodges shots while murdering you with the most powerful gun in the game

>for like a year
>been 4 months since the changes
Besides, they nerfed Lion's bullshittery to a tolerable level and hitreg overall has improved dramatically.


>he didn't see the power creep ruining the game since Canada update
everything since has been garbage
vanilla servers when

>Canada update
You'd have a point if you said the Navy SEAL update, but with the JTF 2 update you just had a better Sledge and a better Kapkan. Nothing that made a power creep.

I meant since as in the Canadians are good
Everything after is questionable, even if I liked some of the ops
I uninstalled after the Lion update because I heard it was getting even worse with holograms, while the mysterious ladder op was nowhere to be seen

Honestly I hate what they have done to the game. Fucking each update keeps getting more and more retarded. They should have kept it like they presented it in the first E3 reveal. But desu that would have never happened. >pic related to how I feel rn about the state of R6S

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The holograms are easy to deal with; they use default skin with no weapon attachments so they're easy to pick out, even at snapshot timing. The worst part of the new ops is that Thatcher just disables them instead of destroying their stuff outright like the older stuff, which is a subtle Twitch buff like how Lion and Dokkaebi were subtle Mute buffs.

Very nice read thanks dude

>>mfw if there's a terrorist attack, an earthauake, an outbreak or a riot in my area i will leave the fuckers there to enjoy their culural enrichment and all the good shit that could pop up
So you're going to run to another country just like the migrants came to yours

> t. Chinese poster

Does your name happen to be John Connor?

>t. Pitbull

That was an interesting read.

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Electrician here.
Has anyone looked into doing solar/wind/hydro setups for SHTF to power things? That will prolly be my next project.

>cook electric (no smoke from fire)
>boil water
>charge batteries for equipment like lights and power tools. A drill would be super handy for fortifying places
>provide power for your extensive 240v dragon dildo collection
>minifridge in base

Mommy knows war is a comin.

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> prepped since I was 15
>Family never knew until I moved to college and I packed all my gear with me
>Roommate was a stoner who never was around and was too worried about cops finding his stash than to report my guns
>Keep collecting more and more survival gear over the next 7 years for every type of situation
>Move to the middle of nowhere when I get enough cash because I know cities are giant kill zones
>Don't have any close family or friends
>Mfw I don't even want to live anymore

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That's why you have a home in the 'burbs and flee to your fortress later.

Off topic, but do you know a path of least resistance for a 20 year old for a career as an electrician?

Dubs of truth.

touch a live wire

AllI ever got is a mom who calls herself conservative and bought into the common sense gun law meme.

Oh boy oh boy do I know that feel!

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But you've got us user!

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>implying SHTF is a massive instant collapse

it's been happening for decades in all western countries.

And to add on this, it's just for the USA. How many times did shit hit the fan in Europe over the last 500 years? 2 world wars, empires built and destroyed, kingdoms conquered then pillaged, kings and queens crowned then beheaded.

Nowadays bugmen and soipeople all think "it cannot happen again we're too civilized!", take a look at Ancient Rome for fuck's sake and compare to what is happening now. At NO POINT IN HISTORY has a civilization taken so many foreign people who cannot in any way assimilate to us. THE HARDER THE FALL.

I am prepping very seriously as a Euro.

Are you an absolute retard???? Yeah we do have something that previous great civilizations didnt.... bro, fucking lifeblood of the nation.

Any good documentaries on peppers? Only one I've seen is the Luis Theroux one

If you can pass a drug test try finding work at a nuke plant. Due to all the protocols there is always way more waiting than work being done. You mainly get paid to play games on your phone. Plus they provide all of the tools. Keeps the radiated items in the plant.

The US actually has it worse. Europe can turn around in a generation and reassert their national identities. The US has no real identity and has no core nation to assert. It's running on an increasingly flimsy narrative and won't survive as a single polity. It may not be as chaotic as people imagine but a breakdown of the federal system and the rise of multiple smaller independent governments is easily foreseeable.

You will die first fat fucks, some nigger will kill you with a shiv for your gear

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Didn't realize they started making bulletproof niggers

I don't know how to tell you this, but

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they can dream

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>Op prepares for apocalypse.
>Decides to take a trip downtown
>Bridge falls, Op Ded.


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