Is backpacking gear the ultimate SHTF setup?

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No. When “shit hits the fan” it’s better to have medical supplies and communications devices than an ultra lightweight poop trowel.


Yep fpbp. The ability to communicate, barter, heal, eat, and provide for a credible projection of force supersedes how light your pack is, what temperature your sleeping bag is rated, and the weight of your tent fully stowed.

It has its place but bugging out should always be the last resort.

Why do you assume these are mutually exclusive?

Because taking a poop shovel means you opted for it over something far more useful in shtf.

part this.
but being a seasoned backpacker is definitely a helpful thing. especially if you really get into it with compass and map reading, orienteering.
good to be conditioned for being on your feet all day/nite, travelling on foot, living, sleeping, eating shitting outdoors, innawoods, building your toughness, endurance and cardio.
good to be experienced in packing a pack for usefullness, efficiency, weight, balance, energy expenditure management.
some people cant even go into the woods for a short day hike without tripping over everything, crying about the hardships, and falling over from exhaustion

>that blanket
Would be a real shame if it rained

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Cant you just throw a fucking tarp over the damn thing?

You don't have to take a poop shovel. I really meant backpack, clothes, bivvy, down sleeping bag, jet boil, etc. obviously something useless in SHTF wouldn't be included in SHTF

>He doesn’t think a poop shovel is critical
Listen up fags
I’m what you might call a poop shovel aficionado, and, let me tell you what.
A poop shovel is maybe the most critical piece of kit you can have. No Poop Shovel = Ain’t gunna make it. Period.

It has its place as a Grey man type mindset.
I’ve always thought that people wearing muh tactical operator gear would just be projecting to everyone that they have the bullets food guns supplies And making themselves a target.
Discretion is sometimes the better part of valor

Nah that shit will get wet and then weigh 1000 pounds

All that stuff is military kit

Yeah but milsurp and military grade just means the cheapest thing that worked. If you're a civilian and not a poorfag, you can get better gear.

> - t. Sir Poopsalot

if civilian stuff was so good the companies wouldn't put new models for sale every 6 months.. Milsurp is cheaper and at least as good

This, you should always try to prep your house instead of immediately opting for bugging out (unless you live in a large city) If you aren't in the middle of bandit country or the city, it will be both safer and more comfortable.

>Milsurp is cheaper and at least as good
That heavily depends. USMC ILBE rucksacks go for $250 as used items. That’s more expensive than many packs made by civilian companies. They are often very durable, but that comes at the cost of extra weight. Many military items will weigh several times more than civilian ones. Civilian companies also make stuff that is just as durable and heavy for cheaper, if that’s your thing. Pic related.
>new models for sale every 6 months
Civilian companies do this to make money off of people addicted to wasting money on camping fashion.

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Yeah of course you need to pick carefully and have a clue about what it is you're getting, but there is definitely some good and cheap stuff. I don't mind carrying a bit extra, I find it's worth it

>milsurp is just as good and cheaper
It’s really not. Usually military items are heavier, don’t have as good a fit, are larger, and a lot of times aren’t as good as their civilian counterpart items- ie, civilian cold weather gear is warmer, hiking pants offer a better fit than combat pants, civilians boots are better ect.

Weight and size are a big thing when you’re backpacking, especially over long distances and rough terrain. Can you do it with military surplus? Yeah, god knows I walked all over the AT in Ranger School with that shit, can you do it faster, lighter, and while feeling better with civilian gear? Fuck yeah.

I honestly don’t think even a quarter of the people who put together bug our bags on Jow Forums have ever moved any real distance on foot with their bags.

>don’t have as good a fit
Nothing fit when I was in the army because the cunt at the store just eyeballed everyone's size but when you have the luxury to measure yourself and pick a size the fit is just fine. Sure there's lighter options but milsurp does the job fine and it keeps me in shape

Are you going to be backpacking when SHTF? I feel like that’s not a good idea.

Bug out, general survival supplies

>not having a shovel in SHTF
Not gonna make it

Lol fuckno

>Why do you assume these are mutually exclusive?
In a "shtf" situation I will not give a flying fuck about digging a hole to shit in or digging a hole at all. There is nothing that I can do with a fold-able shovel that I can not do with a pointy stick or a good knife. Having iodine, bleach or other disinfectants will go much further even if it is in minimal quantities.

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>gets shot with 30-06 from a makeshift snipers hide made with a shovel.

not an argument


A through-hiking setup would certainly not be a bad base for a bug out bag. I mean it's literally intended as having the means to be self sufficient for a week or more at a time, it's durable because you're relying on it for months, and it's light enough that you could add extra to it without being too heavy.

If you would rather a milsurp sleeping bag, closed cell pad, cook kit, pack or clothing over a good quality commercial equivalent then you probably haven't walked any significant distance with your home on your back in your life.

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>Millennial who's never worked a day in his life and refuses to entrench because he'll get dirty.

It seems my reputation precedes me

does /out/ have a poorfag guide?

Bullshit, already having lightweight living supplies as well and being in good rucking condition is monumental in a SHTF scenario. The smaller and lighter your basics are the more room you have for combat supplies and luxuries.

>ruining your blade by digging with it
>ruining your back by digging with a stick
>leaving shit around your camp that may be temporarily permanent
Good, hurt yourself over the space of about a book of matches.

>a massive tropical storm is ripping the roofs off buildings and flipping cars
>you’re prepared for SHTF
>you carefully put your backpacking gear next to your door
>you run innawoods
>get murdered squating over your carefully dug poop hole by a hurricane

SHTF could mean anything. right now theres wildfires in CA so the best SHTF set up for that is a bunch of fire extinguishers and a vehicle and map to get out of there. camping gear is good to have but doesnt matter if you burn to death

noshovel neverserved detected


>Shit his the fan
>Hang out in prepared house for as long as possible
>help wont reach you in time
>need to leave the house and evacuate to better area.
>roads are fucked or gas stations in area are all out of commission
> better hoof it out
>fuck my back hurts, I'm soaking wet and so is all my shit
>fuck I'm cold
>fuck I'm running out of food
The end.

Got a metal frame hiking bag from amazon. On sale & had a coupon lowering it to $39.99. Pretty solid quality with a built in rain cover that covers my strapped on tent and stool chair. Survived without issues 4 hikes so far but I do travel light. Loved how it can be layed on back and opened that way.

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>some autistic fat sheepdog in full woodland camo will be digging a hole in the middle of the woods because the spainish banks caused a run on DB which killed the chinese bank and caused hyper inflation

This was immediately what I was thinking of. Like you can have a radio and med kits, but do you need to have it in camo pouches and shit?

>implying my poop hole won't branch off Into a poop foxhole
>implying my poop foxhole won't branch off Into a series of poop trenches
>implying i don't have moleman blood coursing through my veins
>implying i won't go UNNAGROUND and create a deep network of tunnels for miles on end
>implying i won't survive off salty salamanders for decades to come

Absolutely not.The "ultimate SHTF setup" would be a fortified bunker in the middle of nowhere, Stocked to the hilt with medical supplies, defenses, and five years worth of food and consumables and, of course, a renewable farm.. Airtight, numerous backup energy sources, supplied with filtered air, and staffed by 50 extremely loyal comrades. Hard to find, easy to defend, impervious to the elements, and sustainable.

The absolute worst situation I can imagine is being out in the backwoods, exposed to the elements, in a nylon tarp.

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Someone comes down with norovirus. Enjoy.

Oh, you're right. A backpack with a whisperlite will do the trick.

fpbp. bug-in is the ultimate setup. you literally can't beat having 250gal - 2000gal water cisterns, generators, solar, and a pantry of dry food all in a fortified position.

no. backpack is sufficient for bug-OUT, which should not last more than a few days until you resettle somewhere else. it's the apartment wagecuck's option.

I've come to realize two things regarding SHTF:
-I'm more fit than 99% of the population to survive considering hiking/backpacking/prepping is just second nature to me since I basically live next to the forest in the countryside.
-I actually WISH shit would hit the fan to cull the weak and remove people who have forgone the ways of our ancestors and decided to live in crowded cities, thus making the world a better place after it blows over.

I also believe it's best to survive alone or with a very very close male friend of equal strength and morals, never drag women or children into this they're useless and won't make it.
At this point everyone is a target especially since we've become such a multiculti shithole, ESPECIALLY since whites are no longer all racially aware like our ancestors used to be. Back in the days you could leave your door unlocked with nothing to be afraid of, but now even in white neighborhoods it's fucked up.

>more fit
>no women or children
>cant breed
MFW some faggot trying to start shit

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You'll breed with the remaining ones after it blows over, retard. Women will be submissive as hell without the security and welfare they get from the State.

right? bet this bitch doesn't even have an e-tool kill.

>i want SHTF to happen because it will kill off all the people who weak
>but then women will survive for me to have sex with despite being weak because???

Every year my Dad, my brother and the go camping and fishing in the wilderness. It's an eighteen hour drive up four wheel drive tracks to where we go, and we all share the various required stuff across our vehicles. Dad tows a boat on a trailer, and beneath the boat, duct taped to the chassis, every year, is Shirley.

Shirley the shit shovel.

Shirley has been in our famil for at least fifteen years, and the protocol is always the same- squeeze the roll of shit paper so it fits in the handle, and lean it against a tree. Wanna go shit? Grab Shirley- and if she's not there, the woods are occupado, dude.

>cups dangling off your bag
Fucking retard shit.

>no one should protect women
>the ones that are left
>he wants a 10:1 male to female population
Kek. Good luck, fuckstick. Im grabbing every female under 24 i can and teaching them to build things and grow food. Women provide, men protect. This is the true way of nature. Anything else and you're giving away resources.

If the SHTF situation is survivable by walking away from it with the week or so of food that you can carry on your back, then it's not a real SHTF situation. In fact I can't think of a single situation where you don't have enough time to drive out, but walking out isn't riskier than sheltering in place with a food stockpile or just straight up fatal.

Walk out:
You're fucked
You're fucked
>Flash flooding
You're fucked
>Rapidly spreading civil unrest
You're a target.
>Breakdown in food supply
You're fucked after a week.

Attached: Grocery-Stockpile-With-Coupons.jpg (2707x1889, 1.3M)

Because only the good ones will survive.

They'll backstab you and invite niggers into your bunker, soiboi.

>50 billion bottles of shampoo
ah yes, people's priority in SHTF will be staying squeaky clean - not long-shelf-life legumes, and 6 nbottles of shitty bbq sauce

this person will die early

That's just some jew who abuses coupons.

With what? The manly men doing manly things have all the guns
>invite niggers
What do you think the manly things are? We're not hanging drapes with all this rope!

>he thinks hygiene is a meme
How ya gunna eat when you aint got no teef, cleetus?

Because pussy pass.

"Women and children to the liferafts first"

>Not stockpiling condiments for SHTF.

Why bother having a stockpile if you're going to kill yourself within a few days?

Oh lord, the delusion in this post...

I hope this is bait.

>I also believe it's best to survive alone or with a very very close male friend of equal strength and morals, never drag women or children into this they're useless and won't make it.
This is the extraordinarily gay. It reads like some low rent homoerotic fan fiction.

this is a couponers stockpile through and through tho.
my sister gets like 7 boxes of cereal six bottles of shampoo and 17 tubes of thootpaste for like $4 and a coupon for $3 off on next purchase. didnt believe it till i saw it...

>I hope this is bait.

Nope. It's a legitimate incel power fantasy.

Enjoy your parasites.

>Not having both

If you don't have a bug out bag with a medkit and a shortwave that you take out for 100km at least once a year you're not gonna make it.

Lmao so you've never used either I take it.

That's the problem with these threads, seems like everyone is either got more money than brains or they make do with whatever but I never see anyone talking about putting their kits through any sort of testing. Everyone should be going out for at least a week once a year to keep themselves and their shit fresh in the mind plus it helps for consumable rotation and maintenance.

>dies of dysentery

You DUMB FAGGOT. Stop sidestepping the point that a fuckload of backpacking gear is superfluous to SHTF and vice versa.

Okay, I'll say it. Samefag.

>not having an ultra light poop trowel
Enjoy dying of poop borne disease while I shit in absolute luxury

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>poop borne disease
A shovel will do absolutely nothing for you.

My high speed low drag poopshovel weighs less than a single round for my rifle. I think I'll manage.

Burying poop keeps you from getting poop diseases, you dumb nigger.

Seriously, you're such a dumb nigger that actual wild niggers, in Africa, have a better grasp of this than you do. Even cats are smarter than you are. Cats!

Jesus Christ, I only come to understand how much of an idiot the Jow Forumsommando is when he doesn't understand why shovels are needed or starts talking about bunkers.

That is without even going into what the likely SHTF is. The Jow Forumsommando obviously think some kind of alien apocalypse is far more likely than an earthquake or wildfires. You know, things that actually happen to people and people die because of their unpreparedness on a regular basis.

Top SHTF tips - watch the new, have an alert system and know what zones are designated as safe for various scenarios like floods and earthquakes. Own a dual system GPS. Have a first aid kit in your house. Have a non-grid way to charge your phone. Have a ready bugout pack for a hike up to safety.

Everything else is ALIENS bullshit.

>Own a dual system GPS

The day you can't rely on GPS, you won't be able to rely on GLONASS, Ivan.

honestly this isn't really true for most situations. avoiding major population centers for a few days is much more valuable than a baofeng