Here's your gun bro

Attached: 1519772158216.jpg (800x246, 25K)

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Needs some adjustable gas and some 'stendos

Attached: 1519868272170.jpg (480x292, 23K)

Can someone explain to me what the fuck I'm looking at here?

Attached: 480_DSC01327.jpg (480x272, 22K)

I think I'd rather have a Muzzlelite instead.

threads lookin based as fuck

Attached: 1534272033272.jpg (640x478, 86K)

Bullpup Mini 14.

Attached: 06c.png (500x376, 252K)

I want this

How do I make this?

I too would like to know, for learning purposes...

That'd look sick as fuck with wood furniture

Found this

there you're custom gun bro
$1100 pls

Attached: 1532519700803.jpg (1676x2984, 802K)

Wait a sec. The 1911 is mounted by the slide, so compression of the trigger then immediate decompression would result in the gun being flung forward each shot, and if string tension was just right, this would cause it to fire again, creating an uncontrollable 7 round burst of .45 upon actuation of the trigger. Neat.

That barrel tho

>that tube
I see HK is making lever actions now.

your a damn genius, if you put a hot enough load to feed when the receiver off the gun moves rather tan the slide you could have a bumpfire pistol

Attached: 1442022428036.gif (287x344, 72K)

It's a fucking tubegun with an AR FCG. If you can't figure that out then you shouldn't try to make one.

For what purpose?

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t. nogunz

>gun would be going forward
Retard detected

Bubba thread seems like a good place to ask.

I want to remove the stupid finger divider on my pistol grip from my AR to make it smooth. What's the best way to go about this? I don't want to have to buy another grip.

Sand paper. Try breathing through your nose every once in a while.

*sip* yup now that's a real man's bullpup

Attached: 1531626722534.jpg (749x800, 166K)

Dremel it down and sand or just buy an A1 grip you dolt.