Someone redpill me on the AK5

Someone redpill me on the AK5.

Why does it look like what would happen if Stoner designed the FAL? Why do the Swedes like it? Is it similar to ARs?

Attached: ak5.jpg (2048x1367, 396K)

It looks like they hired a drunk FN engineer to draw the FNC blueprints on a napkin for them so they could make their own rifle.

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I mean it literally is a licensed FNC with a rail system and different furniture so

/thread I guess

I'm well aware. It still looks weird to me.

Someone redpill me on the AK5.

>Why does it look like what would happen if Stoner designed the FAL?
Its just a slightly modified FN FNC

>Why do the Swedes like it?
We dont anymore since all of them are worn out as fuck and jams these days

>Is it similar to ARs?
Yeah it handles similarly, but it feels a lot less plastic. More like a 556 AK.

Attached: sog.jpg (1920x1278, 393K)


Actual swedefag shows up, nice.

>Yeah it handles similarly, but it feels a lot less plastic. More like a 556 AK.

That's what I figured, sounds nice. Are there any semi-only variants produced for the civ market?

>Are there any semi-only variants produced for the civ market?

Nope, and since the EU gun ban is incomming we can probably say good bye to all of our ARs too.

Attached: Pia.jpg (705x425, 59K)

When I think about it, there was a black semi-auto variant produced in small numbers and used by the police for a few years.

Attached: Kombat.jpg (1024x682, 155K)

I'm a burgerfag so the chances of getting that are about the same as a military version lol

Considering all of them are scrapped today the military variant is probably more liekly. Also, if you could hurry the fuck up deciding what meme-cartridge will be NATOs next so we finally can replace this pice of shit...

CETME hopefully lol

Its average weight is more than other rifles.

But goddamn it's ergonomic...

Are you joking? The fat fucking handguard is too large and vertical grip it comes issued with is just shit. Also, for me the fire selector is located at an awkward position.

Some prefer larger handguards and some don't, depend entirely on their grip. The vertical grip is removable, and the fire selector feels weird on the right side and not the left.

If I enjoy handling one, isn't it all up to personal preference? Not everyone is you.

Don't you love how Europeans just lie on their belly and take it up the butt? Don't comply you fucknut.

And loose my job and go to jail for years? Not really worth it. Im not that huge of a gunnut.

>don't comply
You do realise that a .22 bolt action rifle has more red tape and controlls than nfa weapons do in the usa right?

>in jail
Kek more like a fine and one year house arrest if you have a real job.

No point tho considering how us and eu politics are different, so you're right. But we're not talking years in prison.

>Let me tell you about your country

Minimum penalty for a serious wepons crime was recently changed to 3 years in prison, due to the fact that ghetto kids run around with pistols and AKs these days. Owning an illegal AR wouldnt be treated any differently. There are even examples of this in the past here, where hunters and collectors has gone to jail for firearms they hasnt got the correct loicence for. Also, house arrest isnt really a thing here, its extremly rare

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About 10 years ago, there were ak5 bolt carrier groups with the round knob charging handle imported into the US. Know a small handful of guys got the various ak5C furniture imported too. The handguard and front sight behind the hardest piece to get. Aimpoint also sold a bunch of the Aimpoint CS red dots through midway 5 or 6 years ago.

A guy on arfcom detailed converting his FNC to an ak5C.

Pic related is one before the handguard and front sight was sourced and the receiver painted.

I’d say there are 5 or less FNCs converted to full AK5C facsimiles in the US. But they are here.

Attached: 23CB63F5-948E-4C33-9B85-73116973C91A.jpg (1200x900, 398K)

The new rear end combined with the old hand guard and long barrel is really sexy. Reminds me of the AK5CF

just put in an order w/your local slav gun-runner

a swedish guy on Jow Forums told me it was pretty good when he used it in the army

couldn't you just make it come with ten round magazines, make a semiauto only version, (semi autos convert to full autos are no good) and have it be legal under the eu firearms directive

>What cartridge?
Are you really this much of an ignorant faggot??