Best strategy/weapons for dealing with Alien?

No heavy weapons, just small arms, and strategy.


I will go first.
M249 with hollow point rounds.
M27 IAR with ditto for muh maneuverability

Am I the only one who is confused with how inaccurate and ineffective small arms are in the Alien franchise
(Yeah this is a larpfag thread, summer is almost over and I'm having one last hurrah)

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Shotguns have been shown to be effective

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God's Fist, aka .45 ACP

playing Slim Whitman's Indian Love Call


>M249 with hollow point rounds.
I feel like 556 wouldn't work on the carapace. At least go green tip.

I would be using fmj bullets and shotgun slugs. Those aliens have a pretty thick exoskeleton to penetrate. Also high capacity magazines cause it looks like they can take a lot of hits.

Slow fat and heavy.


how the fuck are you gonna deal with the Crushers/Chargers or other heavily armored bugs?, you need Armor Piercing Rounds to go through their carapace

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>M249 in 22 vermin

Go pig or go home.

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russian 12.7x55 assault rifle. its end game

I see your point but if your in a situation where your getting swarmed, form factor and manueveraility are essential, to rapidly transfer from target to target. Maybe .458 SOCOM?

An MG34 with a very, very long belt, stationary at the end of a hallway

Ar in .50 Beowulf at distance
P90 for close range with muh armor piercing

AVP-R showed that even 9mm will work on xenos, so you don't need any special ammo.

Hi, massive Alien fan here. First, AvP films are not cannon to either Alien or Predator film series, so the 9mm does not work. Also, the M41-A pulse rifle uses explosive tipped ammunition, yet still it takes multiple rounds to put a Xeno down. In addition, the shotgun in Alien: Isolation can not kill a Xenomorph. Basically what I’m saying is you would be hard pressed to kill a Xeno with modern weaponry.

*canon, pisscakes

>Somebody made what they believe to be a valid point, in order to contribute to the discussion of a topic that already isn't serious at all
>I know, I'll point out his typo and then insult him, with a shitty insult at that

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>Fully automatic hollow points
>Let's splash the creature whose very blood is lethally corrosive all over a large area.

Good way to sqaud wipe. Viable for holding a 'distant' perimeter but eventually that blood vapor is going to go airborne then it's bye bye eyeballs.

What you want is harpoons. Pin them down then Willie Pete.

What do you mean they're not canon? They have licenced characters in them.

>Would pay good money for a Judge Dredd VS Predator movie. Still have the comic.

In the second film blood is splashed on the marines and they suffer only bad scars and burns due to the "age of the creature" compared to the young ones super acid blood in the first film. Special care and preparation would be enough to avoid this in theory.

Be on an elevated position overlooking a flat area and have smart guns/MG's turrets.
It's that simple.

Flat area has high grass? Burn the grass down

Explosive tips are a pretty terrible option against something like a Xeno, though, you're not gonna get enough explosive into those little bullets to crack the shell, and since the bullet itself doesn't do it you may as well just be throwing firecrackers. I think the way to properly defeat the Xeno's armor would be to use some kind of exotic AP ammo with a lot of powder behind it, something crazy like 7.62 NATO necked down to 5.56 with a solid depleted uranium or tungsten projectile.

Won't they just zerg rush until you run out of ammo?

There was multiple kills done with a handgun in Aliens 2.

>Only bad scars and burns

Literally every character in Aliens who gets blood on them is debilitated or killed outright. And what the hell are you talking about, age of the creature?

There are some theories that alien blood acid reduces its potency with time, the older the alien is, the weaker its blood is basically. This theory is supported by an essay by James Cameron in response to some complaints of the film "Aliens" by fans.

Love the post user and hate to break it to you, but that was me correcting my own mistake. Photo saved tho.
Basically, it means that the characters in the film are not accurate representations of their respective counterparts from the films. It’s like if you started to take CNN as a legitimate info source for news on guns. It’s been altered for the sake of the films agenda.
My understanding of it was that it would lodge itself slightly inside the exoskeleton and then rupture, blasting open the Xenos armor. Could be wrong tho.

Something in .50 BMG

Hicks survived being splashed, given he died in the later movie,was still alive when he went into sleep state.

Well dammit. I was just trying to shit on a shitposter for shitposting, but glad you enjoyed the pic. It's vintage (circa 2009 /b/)

Np, I gotchu. Would’ve done the same thing myself.

Might be a good idea to use traps, barriers, razor wire, etc

This is what barbed wire, machine gun emplacements and ammo dumps are there to prevent.

Remember, before WW1, bayonet charges were the default way to deal with fortified enemy forces. Modern defensive tactics allowed entrenched forces to kill people faster than they could rush the enemy lines, which is why so many people died in WW1 and why it took so long for either side to start mounting successful offensives (which required new forms of radio coordination with artillery, and the invention of the tank)

If people (or ayys) attempt to zerg your position, they don't have tanks, and you know what's coming and have time to prepare, you can wipe them out easily with a minimum of bother.

We don't know what kind though, unless it's hidden in some book in the EU somewhere.

Not canon

Noncanonical, and also contradicted by many other sources such as Alien: Isolation.

Any small arms would be fine. The issue for everyone who has engaged xenomorphs is not so much weaponry as it is the environment. Fighting such a creature in cramped buildings and corridors is a really bad idea, and plays entirely to their strengths. Ideally you would stake out a perimeter in a large clearing, so you can have very long firing lines. If you really have to clear buildings, then bring a lot of friends and stay together.

Before WW1, cannon fire was how you dealt with fortified positions.

Ever shot a 249?
In my experience they’ve been finicky at best.
If you’re going to larp larp right.
> use a PKM

>tough lucko bucko i detect a gamar arror

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armor piercing would get the job done. it would also put that fucker down quick.. nothing perforates like depleted uranium.

Was there really ever any question?

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the issue with aliens isnt that they are immune to rounds but that they are very fast, very stealthy, very good at using the terrain to move around, and very smart

even with the best guns, they will wipe you out unless you are juyst as fast at adapting to new situations that you find yourself in

When th Marines are holed up in Aliens and they get fucked by that massive wave they blow away so many aliens with their small arms so idk what you’re talking about. The only time people got fucked is when they got close. So you need weapons to keep them at a stand off and uplcose you are screwed without large volumes of continuous fire. A load out similar to SEAL units in Vietnam would be ideal.

Your mind.

Xenomorphs themselves are telepathic, they are hive minded to the queen or at times instinctively to "think" for themselves.. If you show no fear, and I mean literally think of anger towards it, they back down. They look at one who may be strong as a leader or queen.

Fuckin amateurs.

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>>>>Lets Rock

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I still want to see someone fire an mg42 for reals on a steadycam

Pic related with lots of machine guns for backup.

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But what if all I think is rape?

Epic xd

How do I upvote?

>Shotguns have been shown to be effective
Pfff, please, WHAT scifi enemy has been able to resist the good old pump action?

As a kid, I've even read a Terminator novel, where some soldiers used pump actions against Terminators and it punched right through their titaniom skeleton.

As counter Alien ops, these puppies should be more than enough.

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give each other the flu and touch every doorhandle

oh nvm i thought u meant aliens irl

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anything that fires M433 HEDP

>using explosives to spread acid blood everywhere

Yo an Alien would merk you if you only had a .45

>a blowtorch with a 3 foot range

Say hi to the aliens for me.

40mm Sodium hydroxide grenade

Pulse rifle not effective? Ripley hip sprayed a xeno during the coms room raid and waisted one in only a few shots. Honestly id take a full auto 10mm rifle against one. Even tho its not explosive its a good caliber and in a rifle you can spray the shit out of them.

Then you're in for a good time.

reminder that their blood is literally acid

donut shoot anything that has a high 'rip n tear' action.

high velocity fmj and just hose em

>please, WHAT scifi enemy has been able to resist the good old pump action?

These guys
>image related

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And this one!

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>Flamethrowers are a thing
>Explosive rounds are a thing
>Grenades and mines are a thing
>Napalm is a thing

Aliens irl would stand no chance as long as we know where they are. Find the building and just burn it to the ground or bomb/shoot them with a drone.

if the aliens are on earth, they will be laying eggs inside cities etc

They're both big on collateral damage.

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