Is there a more Jow Forums region in the US?

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That the chechnya of the US

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Meet it's western counter part, with particular emphasis on AZ, UT, WY, and MT

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>city dwellers
>very low firearms ownership rates
Yep, that's Jow Forums for ya

>high firearms ownership rates
>low violent crime
>no major cities
>lowest incidence of homosexuality in the US
>highest incidence of organized religion in the US
That's the anti-Jow Forums

There isn't a more inbred one.

Colorado, outside of Denver and Boulder, are Jow Forums as fuck. Sheriffs just laughed when they implemented the 15 round cap. Gun stores all over the state still sell new 30 rounders.

Colorado has left the cool kids club and is not coming back, and Nevada is looking like they'll be following them out.

In Arizona, you can be summarily executed for holding a BB gun, New Mexico keeps turning blue during presidential elections and Utah is full of Mormons.

So it comes down to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and maybe Utah depending on how much you hate Mormons.

I live there. It's wonderful.

I hope you didn't actually mean to reply to the OP.

Nah. There’s nothing better.
Hills and hollers a best.
Flatlanders get fucked.

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I've been led to believe Arizona more pro-2A than almost any state

That's a pretty SKS

You've never been west of illinois, have you?

It's pretty high up there, by laws alone AZ is more pro 2A than any other state in the lower 48 in both law and practice, Alaska might beat it though.


What does he mean by this?

The Appalachians are my favorite place in the country. I grew up in Virginia, and we had property in WV. The beauty of that region is hard to beat, and there is nothing bad about the gun laws unless you go too far north.

Colorado sucks, recommend moving to AZ

This is true, but happened, so we need to make fun of Arizonans for being cucks and not assassinating everyone involved.

>tfw you prefer cities to countryside and cold to heat, but every major city in the North is pushing gun control hard and you like guns

I used to think that Vermont, Oregon, Colorado and Washington would be exceptions. Then I learned that there are no exceptions.

Even many sheriffs in the greater denver area just laughed.
Californians need to fucking leave

well, as usual you have to stay away from the urban areas
t. glorious western slope fag

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I just want to ride the subway with a CC'd MAC 11 in a shoulder holster.

As far as I can tell, the only place in the US where this is lawful is the Philadelphia Metro, and that place smells like urine.

Maybe also Pittsburgh if you count their pitiful system as being a subway.

yes its wisconsin, michigan, minnesota, and go until you run out of montana


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nice commie gear hillfolk

pick one

NE Alabama is sort of Appalachia but anywhere else in the state isn't

idk, there are places in the Western US that are probably way more Jow Forums and less inbred than Cousinfuckistan.


srsly it really happened

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lol, the appalachians are flat as fuck, you're the flatlander

average elevation of my state is 5700ft above sea level

highest point in appalachia is 6684ft above sea level

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The North American cordillera is actually the 2nd highest region by average elevation and 2nd largest mountainous region on Earth so technically most other places in the world are relatively flat and low compared to us here in the mountain west. Only the Tibetan Plateau is a larger higher region on Earth. But in terms of highest overall elevation the North American cordillera is only 3rd highest in the world when including the Alaska range which is connected to the Rockies partially by the coastal ranges of BC and the PNW.
>t. 4,100 ft average elevation state reporting in (it's lower one in the group pls don't bully)

You'll have to remove the Shittsburgh area but yeah, sure, I believe it.

Appalachia is criminally under rated

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Hahahah no, even after the state preemption was passed, I promise
You the fat fuck philly cops will hassle you for OCing

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>lol, the appalachians are flat as fuck, you're the flatlander

>average elevation of my state is 5700ft above sea level

>highest point in appalachia is 6684ft above sea level
Do you store snacks in that empty space?

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>including Colorado and New Mexico
>not including the based Dakota’s

>highest incidence of organized religion in the US
>anti-Jow Forums

Welp, forgot my picture.

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>20% of that is Phoenix

Why is Nevada following them out? I though they were pro 2a, is it because of that fag who shot up that concert?

Why's all that gear so clean?

Many members are cristian and “worship” the cube. Jow Forums is highly religious

There is a state directly west of NV that is causing it, and they're moving in because it's cheaper to live there. Like how people from NY are moving to NC and SC, and naturally it'll become a blue state.

>that's why when I moved out of NY I went to TN to avoid Jew Yorkers that turn states blue

Being on a high plateau with featureless prairies is not the same as being in an extremely mountainous if relatively low coastal range. Please fuck off cowboy

This. Caliniggers are fooding the state and ruining everything
>Those stupid "California Republic" hoodies everywhere.
>Shitty drivers
>"user, how can you be pro-gun after what happened at the festival last year?"

On the plus side, the amount of gun stores here seems to have doubled in the last 3 years. It will be a hard fight, but we're not beaten yet

I wish you guys luck. I just moved to the Middle Tennessee area and I will vote in every election to protect muh guns, because I know how shitty I felt when the SAFE Act happened, even though I voted against Cumhole.

McCreary county born and raised!

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It was 5 years ago, but is now full of full-commie atheists.

but he said CC'd carny not open OC'd

Texas is a meme, so much red tape in order to do 2A stuff yeah it's friendlier red tape, but it's still red tape

Appalachian residents are retarded inbred assholes, 80% of the population lives in major metro areas, there are fewer guns in all of Appalachia than in the state of Wyoming despite having 17x the population, it's got twice the minority population of the Western trifecta, and at least by state law is quite antigun.

I will not argue that the wilds are gorgeous, but that's /out/ not Jow Forums

I think it started with poorfags that took the "muh nugget" thing a little too far.

well the shot up concert didn't help none, but plenty of liberal as fuck commiefornians are moving to nevada because of the lack of income tax

>implying Alas/k/a isn't the most pro-RTKABA (right to keep and bear arms) state in the union.

>Jow Forums


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>that pic

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>Gun stores all over the state still sell new 30 rounders.
Bait, they’d get shut down quickly if they did

I am both confused an aroused by this picture.

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Official song of Appalachia

>literally the rustbelt

Ive lived in the hills my entire life. Your insult means nothing to me.

Im angry becuse I want to buy that beautiful piece of shit

no it's actually true, they just sell them disassembled.

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Poor, overwhelming lack of diversity, and thinks good gun laws magically makes otherwise economically struggling states worthwhile?

Yeah, sounds like Jow Forums.

You're right, but that isn't an ATF issue

>texas is garbage, full of beaners and there is no public land to shoot on

put a 20 round mag in her and take the bayonet off

>Maryland trying to include itself

Go away

>lack of diversity
Implying diversity magically makes a state worthwhile

I moved here specifically for the lack of diversity. Most people don't want to live around people that are racially foreign to them (unless, of course, you're black, because nobody wants to live around blacks)

You're absolutely right. You should definitely stay in your blue state and not move to my state and vote here. You'd hate it here. I promise you. Everything sucks, and you should stay right where you are. No question.

yes, it's called Alaska you turd licking lower 48ers

Fuck off. Western Maryland is firmly within Appalachia.

You're missing Missouri. We have more guns than people.

Not him but the North American Cordillera is the most mountainous and rugged geological formation on the continent and is about 3 times larger in land area than the Appalachians. High plateaus are on the eastern side of the Rockies with the Colorado Plateau as one exception, and some mountain valleys in the basin and range. There are tens of thousands of mountains peaks in these states (peaks not ranges), AZ alone (a lower one in the group) has 3,900 + mountain peaks alone ranging from 2,000 ft to 12,633 ft. The only larger continuous mountainous region on Earth is the Himalayas and its sub-ranges.

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that's not country roads. Hell even copperhead road would be better.

>actually listen to it
>its about incest
I'm fucking tired of coastal yuppies taking our music and making money off of it and then turning around to take a big shit on the area that made it.

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>Not owning land and being a city nigger


I was going to argue you with you until I read the last line. If I'm being completely honest, I'm a bigger fan of the outdoors than I am guns. I think one of the main reasons why I've gotten into guns as much as I have now is because I'm currently living innadesert with absolutely no natural beauty or anywhere to go hiking and camping, so guns are somewhat of a backup hobby. Of course they go pretty hand in hand, but I think overall you're right, Appalachian mountains are more of an /out/ paradise than Jow Forums.

I still don't think it's that bad for guns though.

Nigger I live on the western border of virginia. Have a sense of damn humor

As a transplant, I’d agree it’s pretty Jow Forums, I’d also have to agree that the mountains here are impressive and cool as fuck, but nothing compared to out West. Glad I moved here and brought more Red votes.

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