What's your dream gun, user?
What's your dream gun, user?
This is my dream gun
that's a hard question, i'd have to actually think
go big or go home
It’s damnsure not slavshit.
Me little armalite
hmm after thinking i realized i really don't have one, guns are just pieces of metal and wood crafted together to make it fire a bullet, if it can do that well than that's it's worth, i don't have a dream gun just like i don't have a dream wrench or a dream fork.
You don’t lust for a gold left handed pastry fork?
Whatta uncouth fag
>hmm after thinking i realized i really don't have one, guns are just pieces of metal and wood crafted together to make it fire a bullet, if it can do that well than that's it's worth, i don't have a dream gun just like i don't have a dream wrench or a dream fork.
My LGS has three of these for sale. Can't remember all the manufacturers, but I know one of them is Sterling. Selling for like $1,100 if I remember right.
I guess a clone wouldnt be too hard to get, but full giggle would desired.
My brotha from anotha motha
All other answers are incorrect
Toss up between a Mateba 2006, A Mateba Unica 6, , or pic related.
that fork is more or less just a status symbol
perhaps that's what guns are in a way
Danish build quality, steam punk aesthetics, AK action.
Good choice user.
Probably just a full-auto MP5.
Because I´m a poorfag and I could actually afford to feed the damn thing and shoot it regulary.
I´d also love a LMG, preferably a M60.
This, definitely, or a WA2000
>i liek mgs
Full-giggle pic related.
I think you mean COD 4
A brace of these.
Maybe if I have some spare thousands some day.
>he doesn't dream of acquiring rare tableware
You will NEVER find the grail with that attitude.
Call me crazy but I think this thing looks great.
Hey, das my PS90
Will hopefully become an SBR soon within the next few months once I get my tax stamp.
Never ever ever
ok retard
We are hitting levels of assburger previously thought to be impossible
I'm living your dream
the AS Val is so fucking operator. Imagine what it would feel like seeing one in the wild, or better yet, operating one
>no appreciation for design and engineering
absolutely peasantry
Then fuck off my board
fal l1a1
I wonder where this thing is nowadays.
Got one with a SUIT on top of it last weekend for $798. Keep an eye open.
Get out of here Stalker!
No shit. What store?
Sooner Guns in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
im pretty sure i read somewhere that they destroyed it while retreating but im not 100% sure
I have alot of dream guns including most of the slavshit posted but this is my ultimate dream.
>tfw living in noguns country
Full retard stg 57 or sig amt
Thanks mate
I'll have this by the end of the year.
Otherwise my dream guns are unobtainable because I live in Cuck-land
>Wood stocked M-16
>Rocket/Grenade launchers
one day when I stop being a poorfag
If you were a mechanic you’d have dream tools. You know they have some wrenches that cost triple digits for a single wrench? I’ve seen tool sets go for the same price as a new Barrett m107.
>also you’re a fag
Typical poorfag with his justasgoodisms
>war winning
What war did the M1A ever win?
>war winning
>lost vietnam
>lost somalia
>lost myriad of other conflicts in vietnam
>desert storm saw almost no small arms use
>lost iraq afterwards
>lost afghanistan
>is losing syria
Literally the worst BR of all time.
So, so sexy
I saw a VSS in Moscow and was suprised by how small the receiver was, compare the guys hand in the picture to it
only real stalkers get the filename
among others
why is it special?
For killing dirty drunkards and thieves
pp status: diamond
Shame that the retard doesnt even know it's on safe.
My dream meme gun is a SPAS-12. It maybe a horrid piece of shit but it's just so iconic. It was in the very first movie I ever saw and I think it alone got me into guns.
My dream "practical" or "reasonable" gun is an MP5A3 or FAL.
>MP412 literally never ever
Fucking philistine
I have a simple taste in weaponry.
I think you mean bad, user
>beautiful Russian SKS
>bad taste
What's your dream gun, user?
>tfw could have bought one for cheaps i was born 5 years sooner
lord of get has spoken
For taking care of zombies and mutants
Far enough, those are pretty cool. I still don't know why you think SKS's are in bad taste though.
It's so ugly that it's beautiful.
they're fine, they're just not a dream gun to me.
This beauty
I just bought a beater Chinese SKS with a pinned barrel and no stock as well as a loose bayonet for $250. Not the prettiest to look at, but everything's functional. I'll buy a replacement bayonet and a wooden stock for it soon.
Anyone know where I can get an original stock for an SKS with a pinned barrel?
9mm piece of shit
9x39 master race
Guns can use computers?
He's Russian, give him a break.
It's a publicity /pr photo. Thats why he has safe on.
Just a decent AK. I have a PSA cheapo AR, cuz poor student fag