/bag/ Body Armor General - The III/IV Supremacy Edition

The general for a proper discussion of body armor, including but not limited to the selection of proper threat levels, knowledge and issues with body armor standards and the industry, as well as emerging (and purposefully) forgotten technologies. Check image related for your primer and our approved list of plate vendors as well as blacklist of plate vendors.

Today, let's try to get Jow Forums on the right path with III/IV dual-rated plates as well as furthering the development of Polylithic Composites, our in-house provider-to-be of domestic LIBA.

Attached: bodyarmorgeneral.png (2416x1706, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Rust-Oleum-Automotive-248915-32-Ounce-Coating/dp/B0070S7U4Y/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1534635995&sr=8-4&keywords=rhino bed liner
amazon.com/3M-03584-Professional-Rubberized-Undercoating/dp/B002H9CMCQ/ref=sr_1_cc_5?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1534636002&sr=1-5-catcorr&keywords=rubber spray
amazon.com/Flex-Seal-Rubber-Sealant-Coating/dp/B00CD9FGNW/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1534636002&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=rubber spray

Predecessor thread:

reporting in

Welcome back friend. Let's make this thread a good one.


seems like it could be a good thread user. will watch.

Lets get this started, shall we?

As always, peripheral armor can be just as important, if not more important in some situation, than vitals armor. I've been in contact with the sales rep for an armor wholesaler who produces ballistic visors for GSG9, GIGN, etc. Anyway, this guy is an absolute lad and since he's a wholesaler the visors come at a very good price. Recommended for anybody who wants to protect their face.

pic related

Attached: ballistic-visor02.jpg (900x596, 48K)

So here's the objective list for today.
>Secure the supremacy of III/IV dual-rated plates.
>Conduct community research on M995/M993 old school inserts.
>Do further work on furthering PolyCom.

In the last two threads we managed to develop a source for the Alumina pellets as well as a theoretical design for the resin and other components. However, we were sidetracked by a debate on whether Aliexpress chinese pellets were of acceptable quality for ballistic work as well as AR500 shills trying to defend a company that is clearly not cut out for ballistic work and is relying on the youtube market. General rule of advice, if you aren't poor then keep out of steel plates. Modern NIJ 0101.06 plates are drop-tested to ensure a fall does not damage their ballistic qualities. Thus, modern ceramics will not just snap if you drop them too hard.

III/IV plates need to become more popular. The dual rating ensures that the plate, which is typically ICW NIJ-IIIA, is capable of withstanding six shots of 7.62x51mm M80 and capable of withstanding one shot of .30-06 M2AP or any of the 5.56x45mm in-between the threats. They're the perfect solution to Jow Forums's needs as long as they can be found somewhat affordably. There's no real reason besides obscurity and perhaps (some) cost that they have not become Jow Forums standard-issue.

The largest visor, the VB1, can be had for about $150 with scratch and fog protection.

The visors themselves comply with NIJ IIIA as well as the much better German standard.

Attached: VB1sdiagram.png (854x603, 83K)

A fair idea, considering how little protection you have under NIJ 0101.06 as per 7.6.1 permitting a 10x12" plate for instance to only have a ballistic strike face of 6x8". Two inches in from each edge does not need to be ballistic thanks to the NIJ's unacceptably permissive standard. Luckily, quality vendors do not thin out the edges. RMA does, and that's why they're shitlisted. Stay away from their plates, even if the Model 1189 can withstand 6-7 hits of .30-06 M2AP or M995 from some distance.

What increases the physical degree of your coverage is always good as long as your mobility is not significantly violated.

somehow I forgot to mention in my last 2 posts that the visors in question come from VEPLAS group.


Attached: visors2.jpg (665x441, 20K)

The visors abide by the German standard in addition to the NIJ one and thus are tested for edge shots

Attached: visorspecs.png (783x107, 6K)

Yeah, the source is probability useful.

So there's a fair disclaimer that about a third of our Approved Vendor List here won't deal to civilians directly. You'll need to either catch their plates surplus or resold if you're not LE.

Approved plate vendor list 2.0:
Velocity Systems
Chase Tactical
MARS / SBA (Only for LIBA)
Protective Products
Leading Technologies

calling to arms all armor anons

Attached: kevlar.jpg (386x289, 61K)

something to remember is that not all companies produce plates themselves

sometimes all that is required is tracking down the wholesaler, just like walrus is posting the wholesaler for MSA's visors

Of course. A few of those on the list are just brands of other vendors. Protech is owned by Safariland while Highcom and Chase Tactical sport much but not all of the same selection, including "AR1000" MIL-DTL-46100E plates.

Memorable posts.

Attached: goodpost1.png (3399x483, 42K)

Another interesting piece of armor that /bag/ should take a look at is the Leguard tactical leg armor formerly made by Armour of America. This unique (and comfy) armor system is NIJ IIIA. The rights to the Leguard, according to the CEO of AoA, belong to a company that went under a few years ago. I am currently in contact with the CEO to try to determine who now holds the rights, and the fate of the Leguard going into the future.

Attached: leguard.jpg (627x825, 44K)

Is there any actual proof of a level 4 plate being penetrated by level 3 threats or are you just throwing a bunch of conjecture around. I have yet to see such a test.

your monitor is very wide

The idea is that level IV plates aren't rated for level III threats, and personally I wouldn't trust a plate to protect me from something it isn't rated for

believing otherwise is pretty rarted

The trick is that a Level IV plate is not required to be multi-hit against weaker threats, it only has to withstand a single harder threat. This permits armor vendors, many of whom are less than honorable, to design ceramics in such a way that they only provide reliable defense against one shot of .30-06 M2AP with sub-44mm BFD but will not pass the NIJ Level III test, which requires no less than six shots of 7.62x51mm M80 at less than 44mm total BFD. A certain IV taking six 7.62x51mm M80 rounds might not even be penetrated. The BFD might just get past 44mm and severely injure you. A plate exceeding 44mm BFD is a failed plate regardless, indicating another avenue in which a IV can fail the III test.

If you want proof, then you only need to ask yourself why there's over a dozen III/IV dual-rated models on the market - on the lists of well-respected vendors.

21:9 master race.

Goldfish guide to previous discussions.

Attached: cawknbawlz.png (857x1202, 1.25M)

Here's the primer on the above meme.

RMA is in last place because of their tiled ceramics, in the youtube arena at least, offering (on paper) very good multi-hit capacity. However, their plates are frequently equipped with undersized strike faces - resulting in their inability to stop edge shots even from weaker rounds. If you inspect their sheets, you'll also notice their plates, including their top dog M1189, having very high BFD of around 39-40mm. This is acceptable under lousy NIJ standards but nonetheless too high.
DragonSkin was on paper excellent armor but they brought an NIJ Level III model to the test against the ESAPI, where it failed against a single hit of .30-06 M2AP. The company failed to provide another sample and began pointing fingers despite the rapid onslaught of failures in the NIJ and elsewhere. Their glue was faulty, their armor was faulty, and the armor's ability was faulty.
Kryron was a design of Bourque Industries, a small-time outfit. The idea is to create an aluminum-carbon-nanotube mix that is both lighter and stronger than conventional ceramics. Bourque himself got a Super DUI however and went to jail, the company flopped, and Kryron today is owned by some chinese outfit.

LIBA was a design of MARS Armor and Mofet Etzion that is the only competent armor on this list, with Alumina pellets embedded in UHMWPE offering lightweight protection against 20-25 hits of .30-06 M2AP. Furthermore, the LIBA plates only weigh 6.5lb for a 10x12" and are standalone Level III/IV + SS109 rated, meaning they're ready to stop anything from Level III up to .30-06 M2AP many, many times. Mofet Etzion had a split and the design went into patent hell, but the patent expired only a few months ago and one of Jow Forums's own is trying to revive the concept with Polylithic Composites.

Daily reminder that AR500 Armor is shit.

>So there's a fair disclaimer that about a third of our Approved Vendor List here won't deal to civilians directly.
I intend to reformat this list during this thread with a few tentative additions.
Also, this is an interesting addition to the docs:
I am going to draw some highlights with page references for the various docs. (ie., V50 represents a 50/50 chance that the armor will fail a given test event)

Looking at the source of steel gives some interesting insight:

Notice how nice I am being? That is subject to change. If Steely Dan arrives and needs me to show him some attention then I will. If he can fuck off then we can tone that angle down a bit so we can get some other issues resolved.

Attached: armor.standards.so.far.png (680x476, 26K)

>Is there any actual proof of a level 4 plate being penetrated by level 3 threats
Read the docs. I would naturally infer that if a manufacturer could advertise a plate as being both 3 and 4 compliant that they would. This is basic business sense. L3 has its advantages and L4 has its own advantages. Notice that I did not say that any plate will automatically fail every time against a threat outside of its rating. It may or may not ever do so. The point is that the ratings themselves contain purposefully differentiated advantages.

Is surplus soft body armor worth anything?

Can you be more specific?

Alright, feel free to ask if you need any help or advice. I'll read that standard and I'm all for it being included. Highlights are indeed nice!

Depends entirely on its age and condition.

Is there a definitive newfag guide for body armor? More than just plates and carriers, I mean. Something like this but not out of date.

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With how complex the subject is, it would be very difficult to create one. Here's a four step process.

>Find the NIJ 0101.06 standard.
>Figure out what threats you're going up against and whether the higher levels (IV+, III/IV, III+) are worth it.
>What's your budget both financially and weight-wise?
>Check out the approved vendor list and look for what you want.

Alternatively, we're all very happy to answer your questions.

Thanks. I'm basically looking for anything you guys would think is decent for your average militiaman. Most recommendations I come across are either gucci expensive or autismbux-tier with no middle ground. I'll take your suggestion, and any recs would be appreciated.

An average militiaman would likely enjoy the protection of a Level III+ insert. Multi-hit capacity combined with fair performance against threats like M193 and M855. However, due to the nature of SHTF you will probably want something like a Highcom or Chase Tactical AR1000 Level III+ insert. Make sure to stock up on replacement spall liner since the plate is steel. The advantages of a steel plate in your case should be pretty clear. You have excellent multi-hit capacity and you don't need to worry about a few hits ruining the plate. However, you need to be careful about blunt trauma. I recommend grabbing a trauma pad to load behind the plate, and wear the plate in a vest that has some ballistic protection of its own (IIIA preferred) for controlling fragmentation that gets past the spall liner. If you have the money, I would also get a set of Level III/IV ICW dual-rated plates for go-time in the event you're facing non-tungsten APs or serious hunting rifles.


AR1000 plates are both MIL-DTL-46100E and Armox class, so they're a solid upgrade from AR500 (the company) or AR500 (the steel that may or may not be the company's)

Can anyone tell me if knife-proof shirts are a meme? I like the idea of being knife proof, but hate wasting money.

Hesco level 4

Useful, especially considering ballistic armor is not required to be knife proof. There are specific vests used by correctional offers that are rated for spike and edged blade attacks. However, actual hard armor is obviously knife-proof. It might be a good idea, it might not be.

Hesco Level IV 4400 plates are cheap and rock solid choices, but they are under no obligation to match the multi-hit capacity of a Level III or Level III+ plate. Militiamen may need to go a long while without resupply, so steel plates may be useful to them moreso than a 2-4 shot ceramic.

So is this real? youtu.be/ioz23_X4NKo

It seems too good to be true.

My area of expertise is not really in correctional armor but I'd be willing to wager they're like the rest of the youtube arena. Now, I've never heard of them either so who knows, really.

*Gets hit by bullet spall*


amazon.com/Rust-Oleum-Automotive-248915-32-Ounce-Coating/dp/B0070S7U4Y/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1534635995&sr=8-4&keywords=rhino bed liner

amazon.com/3M-03584-Professional-Rubberized-Undercoating/dp/B002H9CMCQ/ref=sr_1_cc_5?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1534636002&sr=1-5-catcorr&keywords=rubber spray

amazon.com/Flex-Seal-Rubber-Sealant-Coating/dp/B00CD9FGNW/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1534636002&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=rubber spray

so from what I understand spall guard protective lining is actually Rhino Truck Bed Lining.
since I fucked up and ordered basic steel plates, can I add a layer of this to get similar results?
I just dont see how I could get enough layers on there.
the layers of rubber coating on a normal plate professionally done seem more than 1/2 think.
I doubt I could even get a 1/4 inch think coating out of any of the spray or roll on truck bed liners.

or should I just learn to live with small shrapnel in my arm and neck?

Attached: youessaayyyyyyy.jpg (800x601, 248K)

There is such a thing as spall liner I'm afraid. Besides, that's why I said you should put the plates in a IIIA vest.

You're correct in stating the spall guard is typically Rhino Liner, but professional applications are indeed going to get thicker than normal ones. Luckily, I recall Highcom sells anti-spall sleeves you can put the plate in to minimize fragmentation and save your ass!

spall liner plus the PC cordura eliminates that threat, fuck off with this stale meme

The only threat is stress from extra weight

Protip: multi hit capability is also a meme
You WILL NOT survive multiple hits with a high caliber weapon simply because it means you're getting lit the fuck up and your neck, pelvis, legs, and arms are also getting shot

Do those vendors sell to first responders?
Say you know someone who is the fire chief for a small town, could they purchase the plates for you?

Multi-hit capacity would also be useful for the plate actually being able to work for you still in separate engagements. Pic related would also like to have a word with you. Some plates have better coverage than others, and sometimes people are just fortunate enough to get shot only in their vitals, so it's best to be able to protect your vitals from more than one hit.

Attached: liba2.jpg (200x200, 8K)

A lot of these guys like Chase Tactical will deal directly to civilians. However, you can technically straw-buy plates off of people with more access than you, but that really depends on whether a fire chief and not a sworn law enforcement officer has special vendor access.

Anyone know what is GOST 6+? I know Russian levels go up to 6 but I have some from FORT that claim 6+

Attached: P1210705.jpg (3448x4592, 1.96M)

Pic related? What am I supposed to get out of a thumbnail of a plate with numbers scribbled on it fuckass

Nevermind, it is probably "6a" written as 6+

You're so blind that you cannot see the fifteen spots where the plate has been clearly shot over and over again? Here's the Lightfighter threat detailing the circumstances in which it was shot.

There is a GOST-6A rating that calls for protection from at least three hits of 7.62x54R B-32 API with at most 16mm BFD, but I have not heard of a GOST-6+. Within the GOST 50774-95 standard, the "A" indicates a rating slightly higher than the non-A rating, which is the complete opposite of how the A is treated on the NIJ scale.

Ahh so they might have access but depends on the vender.

That's correct. They might have access to some "reserve" plates not shown to regular civilians, at most. I don't think a small-town fire chief can get access to something like the ATT Model 4520 however. You need to be a federal agency to acquire those.

people, do you guys think Russian brand new AP ammo(7н37, 7н39) have abillity to penetrate through NIJ lvl 4 or SAPI?

Attached: 8947123.jpg (1548x1035, 194K)

Y'all sure are confident in your spall coating when it chips off after a couple hits of 308 in every test. Spoiler alert bedlining plates for never a good solution.

>1 extremely rare "incident" where someone supposedly lay completely still while being shot ONLY in the plate 15 times without thinking "HMM MAYBE I'D BETTER MOVE"
>no mention of what it was being "shot" with
>no proof whatsoever any of what was claimed even occurred

Apparently you're stupider than I originally though

My googlefu is shit so im gonna ask here, is any of the major currently fielded army (any nation)
actually ready to take any armor piercing rifle rounds?
(5.45 | 5.56 | 7.62x39 | .308)

Are there any helmets that can?

Very difficult to tell from what little information we have, but what we do have indicates that 7N39 beats GOST-4 (slightly below NIJ Level III) at 500 meters. 7N37 is a real beast however and according to some statements is capable of penetrating a frontal ESAPI plate, the person wearing that plate, and going all the way through and coming out the back ESAPI plate. I believe on the grounds of very odd timing that the XSAPI's secret threat rating however points to 7N37 quite nicely. The timing is too perfect.

Multi-hit capacity is not and will never be a meme. There's more to being shot than "just once" and getting "lit the fuck up".

Which is precisely why having steel plates in a Level IIIA vest with a anti-spall sleeve over the plate is the recommended and ideal solution.

M993 or M995 capable helmets are probably impossibly expensive with current technology but there are plates that can withstand those (XSAPI, Model 4520). 7N23 is current 7.62x39mm "AP" and it's a fairly "eh" threat.

Whooa, unless thats not Russian-typical bullshit, literally a fucking beast is itself. thanks for useful information, user

Armor anons. What am i looking at to stop multiple M855A1 hits?

The claims are coming from Ukrainians, not Russians. Seems to me the people with the track record of "WUNDERWAFFE!" would be the Russians, so this gives some legitimacy to the claims.
This is a good resource from the Ukrainian Civil War back in 2014 that details advancements in Russian armor-piercing technologies and body armor.

Remember, the GOST-BP6 12.7x108mm API armor sounds pretty sick but I have no faith in Russia's ability to mass produce that capability in a ceramic plate of traditionally acceptable weight.

I recommend a Level III/IV dual-rated ICW plate. It'll cover you from M61 7.62x51mm steel-core AP as well as M855A1 on the grounds that such a dual rating can handle anything up to .30-06 M2AP without sacrificing Level III capability as a normal Level IV does.

You guys know how the big issue with steel plates is spall, right?

Spall liner is good for this, but only for a few shots, especially if you are hit by a full size round (.30-06', x54r, .308, etc).

So you're back at square 1 - it's now to only heavier than the ceramic plate, but can only take about the same amount of hits as one before spall becomes and issue, going up through your soft chin area and into your brain. Not fun, and it doesn't look pretty.

What about making a slight little outward curve at the edge of every plate, so the spall deflects once if the liner does come off?
Also, this could make the liner less likely to come off, since the spall would get stuck around the curve area anyway...

just a thought. or thot. whichever you prefer.

The liner's tendency to detach from the plate is completely intentional so it can capture the whole projectile. The best idea, I find, is to put three rings of defense around the steel plate itself without having to worry about theoreticals.

1. The spall liner.
2. The anti-spall sleeve.
3. An NIJ-IIIA rated vest.

One of my action items is a baseline poorfag loadout. I will have it complete tonight. These are all lowest cost baseline items that meet our minimum quality standards.

Excellent. I look forward to seeing it.

Thanks, user. I'm writing a novel about east Ukraine conflict, and it would be very helpful.
and also, that BP6 I guess it is made for minor kind of soldier, like spetsnaz or assault engineer(aka Russian juggernaut.)

I have a hunch but I have no proof that the GOST-BP6 plates are meant for "Assault Sappers" running around in OVR-3SH and RATNIK-2 suits of heavy armor. Advancements in armor have resulted, according to some, in the introduction of counterpart penetrators like 5.56x45mm DM31 and 7.62x54R UKR Stiletto to give Ukrainian forces counterpart armor-piercing abilities to 7N39 and 7N37.

You made the best choice regarding the bedliner. I have seen mixed results. It is an interesting nigger rig but not what I would call a legitimate commercial solution. For the weight, money, and efficacy I would get a spall sleeve and maybe a few extra layers of Kevlar inside the front of it. A matching Kevlar pad for behind the steel is a good upgrade for later. IMO the bedliner is wasted money/weight.

>phil, take it down a notch. just spray it on the rain gutter.
>okay phil, go ahead and flex seal your level 4 plates. I dont care.

Attached: ITS GO TIME.jpg (2160x2160, 1.78M)

That's a lotta Jow Forums!

>that really depends on whether a fire chief and not a sworn law enforcement officer has special vendor access
Read their disclaimers. A lot of them just need a tax exempt qualification from some type of gov agency. The devil is in the details. Some are more thorough, of course.

>I cannot even into image titles

the world is Jow Forums
if k wasnt the most heavily monitored board on the chan we could talk more openly. but they keep an eye on the goys with guns here.

Attached: (((fellow))) rational white person.jpg (500x378, 51K)

I'm talking more than just sales, I'm talking about reserve plate models too. Some vendors do not list their entire selection on their websites, but keep some models in reserve and will obviously require more than just one point of ID to get them. Morgan Defense seems to be one, Protech is seemingly another, KDH does it a LOT, and I think Velocity Systems does too.

>You're so blind that you cannot see the fifteen spots
Cool your jets, senpai. The faggots will fade. We have the night ahead and I do not want you grumpy at the end like last time. Pic related.

Attached: berlioz.elixir.jpg (255x255, 7K)

Don't worry I'm equipped with coffee this time!

As does the ATF.

>approved vendor list
those federal gubment bootlickers are scum

buy your plates from

from the website
>These plates are manufactured right here in-house, using Mil-Spec DOD Certified A46100 Ballistic Armor Plate. These are 100% made in America Armor plates using 100% American made steel.

>At VRaptor ArmorWorks, LLC, we believe very strongly in the 2nd Amendment and the Rights of the People to Keep and Bear Arms. Unfortunately, there is a current political climate that wishes to destroy our 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. Personally, my worst nightmare would be to find out that I had sold armor to a police agency that was responsible for entering the home of a law-abiding US Citizen in order to confiscate that persons legally-purchased firearms or high capacity magazines. As a result, starting immediately, VRaptor ArmorWorks, LLC refuses to sell armor toANY Law Enforcement Officers or Government Officers/Agents living or working inside the state of New York or Colorado. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! I will sell armor to any and all law-abiding citizens in those states, as long as it is legal for you (as a resident of that state) to purchase body armor. If Obama gets his way on ANY new gun legislation that affects background checks, bans firearms, limits magazine capacity or creates higher taxes on guns or ammo or generally makes it more difficult in ANY way for a law-abiding citizen of the United States to purchase, own, store or sell a firearm, I will not sell this armor to ANY government employee. Period. These plates are proudly Made in the USA!

this nigger refuses to sell to government and LEO's
he only sells to civilians. he sells at cost. why?
because he fucking hates the government and loves the 2nd amendment.
how this guy isnt on the approved vendors list yet is beyond me.

Attached: gatgatgatgat.gif (320x240, 1.62M)

He's missing a lot of things that should really be on the back of the plate. Otherwise we have no way to trace them back to a steel lot in the event of a failure. This is one of the reasons why Diamondback Tactical died.

My side plates from fort say 6a. My main sapi shaped ones say 6+. Must be new stuff.

I'll look into this. What can you tell me about these 6+ plates? What are they rated to stop? I have suspected for some time that there are additions to the 50774-95 GOST standard.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1050x784, 69K)

Any other resources? Web pages, listings, and what not?

I cannot find any information about them. They're sapi style, came with Gladiator-C armor. They're shaped to my body. I was told that they can stop 12.7x108

That would make them GOST-BP6 as per GOST 50774 ADD. 2014. How heavy is each plate?

Excellent find if what you say is true. This would confirm my hunch that they're in use with RATNIK-2 suits and so on.

>I was told that they can stop 12.7x108
does it have +8 END written on the back? what would make you think that?

GOST-BP6 would be their rating as of 2014 but they may be older model and predecessors to more modern plates.

>how this guy isnt on the approved vendors list yet is beyond me.
I was the first one here to find them. I already have a set in hand. I will be contacting them shortly. Though they have not yet been scandalized, they are making some of the same mistakes as DBT. They will likely make the full list and they will be placed on the poorfag loadout secondary list tonight.

ahhhhhhh informative user.
still doing gods work.

Thanx, not only is my googlefu terrible... i also cant write the whole post was meant to be about helmets.

"is any of the major currently fielded army helmets".

If you have something to add i would be thankful.

Unrelated is that russian 9x39 ammo actually good when it comes to armor penetration? If so how? Energy lvl are so low, how could a penetrator alone be that effective.

Is there a good website about Infantry armors/helmets?

Sectional density!

FAS has some, I have an Arma mod that has a lot, and there are a few other sources.

Recommended poorfag /bag/got Rigs:
Plate Carriers:

AWS OCPC (/bag/got Tier 1 poorfag rig)
>high quality clone of the LBT 6094
>double-stitched instead of triple
>1000D Cordura
>fairly full featured standard PC / available in several patterns
>sized to fit standard SAPI plates
>overbuilt and heavy duty but also heavy

Blackhawk! S.T.R.I.K.E. Plate Carrier (/bag/got Tier 2 poorfag rig)
>1000D Cordura
>available in several colors
>one size
>without any pouches, this PC has fairly clean lines and may double as a discreet carrier under a jacket
>minimalist and lightweight medium duty
>will accept full cut 10"x12" plates, SAPI Medium, SAPI Large


Hesco 4400-SH-SC-L
>Level IV 10"x12" Shooters Cut Stand Alone Single Curve Ceramic Composite

Highcom Guardian 4SAS7
>Level IV 10"x12" Shooters Cut Stand Alone Single Curve Ceramic Composite

The Protective Group, Inc. P4-6
>Level IV 10"x12" Full Cut Stand Alone Single Curve Ceramic Composite

Vraptor Armorworks
>SAPI Medium and Large Sizes
>6"x6" and 6"x8" side plates
>will custom cut
>Level III Single Curve MIL-A46100 DoD Certified Steel (not NIJ Certified)
>tentatively on approved list pending communication regarding traceability of steel

OK, /bag/gots - roast it. These are the lowest cost high quality options I could find. Recommend additions and subtractions and reformatting. I will contact the Vaceks next week regarding documenting the steel lots. We do not typically rec steel so this is a poorfag exception.

I already see that I dropped the part number for the Blawkhawk PC. I will include it next rev.

Attached: meine.gesichte.jpg (287x215, 13K)

Not bad at all. I don't mind steel if we declare the precautions required to eliminate spalling. An anti-spall sleeve is required but nonetheless does well. The 4SAS7 is a robust choice.

I like it.
there is nothing wrong with the list and we are the richer for having it.

I would add the chase tactical ARC PC to the poorfag carrier list as well.