He was a lying piece of shit

He was a lying piece of shit.

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the same fucking thread.
every fucking day.

Be careful, kid
Don’t hurt yourself with all that edge

when people still worship a demonstrable liar, slanderer, sociopath, and murderer (if his claim of shooting people in Katrina has any grain of truth to it), the thread deserves to be created every day to expose his charlatan ass.

been out of the loop for a few days what did this fag do?

old news

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the movie isnt playing in theaters anymore, son. its time to move on.


ThAnK yOu FoR yOuR sErViCe! GoD bLeSs

so sad

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guy is burning in hell right now, just sayin

I take it you were there to witness it and have proof he lied, OP?

If you're going to be a blood hungry killer at least own up to it

Why the fuck do SEAL's act like complete cunts and then expect to be treated like heroes? At least have the balls to take pride in being a ruthless killing machine you faggot.

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I think he stole that parking space and shot the darkie in the parking lot.

So is Mark Luttrell...

I watched The Warfighters on History channel recently. The Army Rangers that rescued him even said that he had his chest rig on with full mags.

None of the Rangers had found or encountered any bodies of dead Talibans.

SEALs are liars.

Find me a "most kills" sniper in history who hasnt been known to fib a time or two.

>other taliban fighters would just leave their friend’s bodies where they lie for days
he’s still a liar but that doesn’t make you not a retard

>when you double down on your lie

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They're the biggest blow-hards too. When I was in an LRS unit, we trained with them on beach reconnaissance down in Eglin. They wouldn't shut up. And some of their tales were obvious bullshit. But what can you expect from the Navy?

My mother recently gifted me Lutrell's book, and I'm not even sure if I should bother reading it, knowing that he lied about so much of the shit that happened there

Uh yeah, no, there were like, fifty of them! No, probably a hundred, maybe two hundred! We didn't fuck up, we were overwhelmed.

I really can’t blame him. If my friends all died I would tell their family that they all went out in a blaze of glory with 200 kills each for god and apple pie too. It probably just snowballed out of control to the huge lie that it is now.

And then he decided to get fat.

No, the fat decided to get him.

welcome to 90% of vets

I fail to see what that has to do with anything though

Read it. It was before the movie came out and he became an even bigger ass

If the rangers are to be believed and he had all his full mags on him, what really happened was he and his team got ambushed then he noped the fuck out and hid.

Welcome to 90% of everyone.

Plus, tons of enlistees are Texans and I don't even need to say anything else.

>go from probably 6+ hours a day of physical labor and exercise to probably

>get shot at
>have no idea where rounds are coming from
>run to better cover and concealment
>still can’t see shit
>by the time you see enemies all your friends are dead
I’m not claiming to know what happened because he’s the only person that was there but I’ve been in enough situations to know that there’s a fine line between being a coward and just making sure you’re not shot out in the open for no reason

>6 hours a day of physical labor
pffffft hahaha please don’t comment on bullshit you have no idea about

>people still worship a demonstrable liar, slanderer, sociopath, and murderer

If that's your beef go tackle Islam.

SEAL that was killed by PTSD filled marine. Speshul Forces everyone!

The Joe Rogan podcast with Jesse Ventura actually made me feel really damn bad for Ventura. Chris was a fucking prick. Keyword WAS now we don't have to put up with him.

Yeah I know he should’ve heard him squeezing the trigger with his spidey sense and did a flying backwards spin kick to knock the gun out of his hand like you would’ve

>running around doing assorted bullshit isnt labor

Its not equal to a shit load of time in a constant physical labor job but it definitely is a long semi arduous job, according to the handful of seals ive met. Which ain't too uncommon here in the norfolk area.

He knew the marine had issues and put a fucking gun in his hand. Chris is a fucking dumbass.

I’m saying try 8 to 10 on a normal day of work and 18 to 20 doing field shit

>giving live firearms ro veterans that actually have PTSD and expecting not to get shot
I really doubt Chis had PTSD if he was that fucking retarded.
>shooting guns helps with PTSD and totally doesnt make it substantially worse.

I didnt know it was that bad, honestly the handful of seals ive met have completely down played it if its that much, which i dont doubt, One of my neighbors was a seal and finished his 20 last year. And he makes it seem pretty uneventful, mostly he actuallt had to take a decent amount of time off and recover fron a few surgeries because he was injured from some explosive, didn't go into much detail and I didn't ask.

i wish Cunt Eastwood had the balls to show show how much this guy hated muslims and enjoyed killing them. If that was the movie instead of some fake ass cry baby bitch PTSD RomCom then i would've bought the DVD.

I mean I cant fault him for enjoying killing shitskins, it's why I enlisted. I can fault him for being a massive cunt though.

Fuck Jwssie Venturas he hates our military, our nation, wished death on all soldiers of United States and even sided with hippies and pacifist fags so fuck him and his anti america shit. I am fucking glad his reputation is fucking ruined forever he deserves everything and I don't give a shit if kyle was lying about it hell I'm glad he did lie about it because seeing that prick's reputation in shambles brings joy to me.


Whatever his name is gay anyway

faggotry, not outright lies

Leave Chris "The Katrina Cleaner" Kyle alone

Jessie Ventura gave the great state of MN CCW you faggot

>Being this much of a kosher neocon
Let me guess, you have an ISRAEL FIRST sticker on back window too?

Reminder Chris Kyle shot children over copper wire


He's one of the few people who consistently want to stop American military fighting wars for the kikes in the Middle East and he's pro-gun. I don't give a shit about him being i libertardian pot smoker.
Also he played the best character in Predator so fuck you nigger.


i wouldn't blame him for telling their families that they went out in a blaze of glory
i certainly am going to blame him for writing a book about it though

I mainly just hate this faggot for making the punisher symbol even more insufferable. Anybody who claims to have been SF and does nothing but harps about it for book deals and gibs is guaranteed to be at least halfly full of shit

I think a more likely scenario is that Kyle was being a massive dick to said marine and got shot for his pains. Even if he did have PTSD why would he suddenly just start shooting other people at the range? Something had to trigger him into doing it.

This may sound stupid but he may have been making the damaged half-tard do some type of tryhard McNamara crossfit/target shooting hybrid drills and he snapped under stress

and that’s a good thing

Slackjawed faggot detected. Fuck off back to Jow Forumsguns or whatever boomer forum you’re visiting from.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

