Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums
Just looking for some quick help. I need to make a suppressor for a pistol as quickly and easily as possible.
I plan to kill myself at the end of next month.
I lived a pretty good live so far but since 2008 I have lost everything, slowly. My family, friends, work, woman, and my pet have all left me or turned their backs on me.
I have tried to seek help but ever since this Incel narrative started to become a major narrative, everything been getting worse.
I have no one to talk to and everyone that was a friend or family have turned their back on me, so I am turning my back on the world

What do I need to make a suppressor, please help me.
I am doing everything I can to reduce the impact of my own suicide on the people around me in this apartment block.
My date is set, I know the times the people around me leave to go to work.
So as you can see in picture related, I have a cot to lay down on, a plastic tarp to wrap myself in to keep me from moving around violently, and to keep the shit and piss contained. I also have a large plastic container that I will be filling with water, just in case the bullet goes through, it will have the water to slow it down, preventing damage to the apartment. Hopefully the fluid and blood drains into that container as well.
Excuse me for going on and on, please, what can I do to create a suppressor to quieten the gunshot?

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Kill yourself with drugs or jumping in front of a train, don’t need another body for statistics.

>I lived a pretty good live so far but since 2008 I have lost everything, slowly. My family, friends, work, woman, and my pet have all left me or turned their backs on me.
You had a decade to invest in bitcoin, why didn't you invest in ethereum in 2015 or the crypto bullrun of 2017?

Gas yourself my dude.

>Fake and gay

Look I get it, its a meme.
But I am serious, I know you need washers, some steel pipe and some other things.
I'm just hoping for a blueprint of sorts.
Please, I don't care about bitcoin and other methods.
I don't even have a car or a garage to gas myself in or I would.

Trips don't lie my dude

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Why would we help you endager our right to own guns? You'll be dead you don't care. No.

Suicide is never the answer my dude. Call the suicide prevention hotline or something. There have been a few times in my life when the thought crossed my mind but it gets better.

Oh damn,
Didn’t even notice the get
Don’t be a gun statistic. Just exit bag with whippits.

If they left you, they aren’t worth it. If they don’t care, then move somewhere else and start a new life.

When I am dead.

Also, I'm Canadian, so its not like my death would affect you burgers rights. Only these dumb ass leafs that I live around but its not like they deserve this right.

>my pet have all left me or turned their backs on me
>tfw your pet turns its back on you
I fed you since you were a puppy you son if a bitch.
>just turns and trots away

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Do not kill yourself. Soon a civil war will start and it will not matter your family, work, woman and everything from the pre-war life. But you will have a chance to become an authoritative leader of a gang.

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If you aren’t willing to make changes to better your situation, it is your fault.

Yeah, I’m gonna second the exit bag. More peaceful, no mess, no chance of becoming a vegetable. A lot of gunshot to the head suicides end up in vegetables, and the deaths are often slow, nasty, and you might be conscious for it.

I'll take the bait in case you're actually wanting to blast yourself like a fool.
You just said yourself that you've got nothing to lose AND you have a gun. Clearly you have a kind heart, since you don't even want to bother your cunt neighbors with your suicide. So why not take these three characteristics: nothing to lose, gun, kindness, and turn them into something good?
What you ask?
Killing lowlifes, silly!
That's right, become an hero we deserve not through suicide, but through cleaning the streets of living scum for as long as you can, then merc yourself when you feel the police closing in, if you don't get popped by urban youths first.

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Why don't you do some good and kill some gungrabbing politician or an ATF agent first and kill yourself afterwards.

That would just make him another ‘gun nut’.

how much money you got left in the bank user?
how do you plan to spend your last month on earth?

also, dont do it fren, y-you know we love you right?

I don't want to hurt other people.

I'm not sure what exit bags are.
I'll look into it.

It is my fault, I should have been more aware of what I was doing in my youth to understand that it would only lead to a future that I am experiencing myself.

>Alex Jones watches tranny porn
I almost don't want to die just to see what comes of this, but other than that, I too have watched tranny porn.
Its shameful.

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Jump off a building with your hands cuffed and a blind fold. Have a note about Hillary and shit going on in your shoe. At least make it interesting

Op please read:
If you have made the decision to end your own life then please do it in a more humane manner.
A pistol shot to the head far from guarantees death, there is a good chance you could survive horribly disfigured or die in extreme agony whilst regreting your decisions.
Google: "Exit bag", essentially it's a form of painless suffocation where you inhale helium, get a crazy head-rush, pass out and die. This method reduces mess and probabliliy of hurting others greatly.

Death in battle is the only way into valhalla

I can get a tank of Nitrogen fairly easy.
So guess I'm going this route.
Sorry to trouble you Jow Forums.
Be well.

just shoot up a school or something. You're going to hell if you kill yourself, so just take as many people with you

I always thought freezing to death was more painless.

Exit bag you dingus.

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Nice trips but also don’t kill yourself my man. He who says “I’ve nothing left to live for” is simply lazy in setting new or different goals. Go start anew somewhere, find a new purpose in life, of find a worthy cause to live for. You don’t have to move to Thailand or anything but go somewhere else in the US and start over. It’s a shame so many are suggesting alternative methods rather than alternative results.

You got trips, so that’s a start. Don’t do it senpai. It could always be worse, don’t squander (what I assume) is a reasonably healthy body. There are parapalegic and quadrapegic people that grind it out despite a miserable existance. Things will get better for you if you only try.

>I don't want to hurt other people.
You must not be from around here

>I am doing everything I can to reduce the impact of my own suicide on the people around me in this apartment block.

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Guys I can't think clearly anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen OP, i'd like to start off by calling you a faggot, fake and gay

but suicide is never the option. It really isn't. Its obvious that you are a nice person, but taking a keltec to the head never helps. Death might seem as a relief to the pain, but you will never feel the relief that death brings. It might seem rough, but you have things in your life which you love, guns, child porn, idk what.

And the Jow Forumsube looks down upon those who kys with guns

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Don't kill yourself op. Use your life to make the world a better place

not op, but I'm another user an heroing soon. suicide is always an option. The last option, but still an option. I don't even have a bad life. I'm just tired of living. going day to day knowing nothing matters at the end. Why be tired and depressed all the time when i can just be at peace?
>And the Jow Forumsube looks down upon those who kys with guns
Wrong. This may be cringey but the most honorable warriors an heroed with the weapon they carried every day. Guns are there to kill. My gun will kill me.

Don't kill yourself. Ending your life is a waste. If you don't like your life, then give it to someone else. Find a way to live in service to those in need, or go serve a cause. Once you relinquish your worldly wants and quit living for yourself (which has thus far proven fruitless) you may eventually find peace, and maybe even happiness.

>honorable heroes an heroed
fake and gay, faggot

let me ask you this, have you seen someone die? spend time near a dead body? death might 'bring peace', but you won't enjoy the peace. You'll be dead, you wont feel relief, tranquility, and if there is an afterlife, you'll be going to hell. Life might be a tire, but it's the fight that matters. It's living and fighting everyday, and we need everyone for when that civil war hits. It might seem like a relentless drag, but pick up a hobby, work out, become something better. It isn't easy, but nothing ever is

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>killing yourself with a gun
>giving more ammo to the lefties
>entirely because you're stuck in middle-school tier nihilistic philosophy and are too lazy and intellectually stagnant to adopt a worthwhile (and correct) worldview

Just channel the middle schooler you're already acting like and cut yourself for attention.

If you absolutely must, don't shoot yourself. Also, nice trips.

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I have seen a lot of people die. I'm a trauma care nurse and do some hours working emt.
>and if there is an afterlife, you'll be going to hell
Proof? There are hundreds of religions all with their different cult rules. Prove with no shadow of a doubt yours is true or fuck off retard
> we need everyone for when that civil war hits
you reek of Jow Forums newfriend. I've been on Jow Forums for over a decade and every day there are "muh civil war" threads. It's nothing more than a fantasy.
>It might seem like a relentless drag, but pick up a hobby, work out, become something better. It isn't easy, but nothing ever is
I have many hobbies. I've been fit since I was 13. Sorry bucko, but depression isn't a mindset. Don't let the tards on tumblr who water down mental illness control your mind. You can treat cancer. Until it comes back worse than it was. same thing with depression. it always comes back. and worse every time. anybody who says you can do shit to get magically better doesn't have depression. they have sadness. massive difference. one being a human emotion and one being a mental illness

there could be zero gun deaths and the lefties would still be gunning for killing 2a. let our Jow Forumsommandos die with dignity with what they love.