Hello Jow Forumsomanndos I have recently just purchased my first handgun and I thought there would be nowhere better to...

Hello Jow Forumsomanndos I have recently just purchased my first handgun and I thought there would be nowhere better to come to on review and advice except right here on the lovely weapons board. My gun is a Raven Mp-25 .25mm auto. handgun with 6 round clip. I paid 100$ for that and 35 bullets. When I try to cock it manually, it doesn't want to load a bullet into the chamber. I got it to load like once or twice somehow but other than that it wont pull the round out of the clip. Any advice? There are more details that I will get into if thread doesnt 404
Pic related

Attached: Raven Mp 25.jpg (889x502, 69K)

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You’re a stupid nigger and won’t get help here

Fuck you faggot

Take the slide off and post a picture of the feed ramp. Also:
>This gun uses a magazine, not a clip
>It's .25 inch, not mm. 6.35mm if you want to use mm
>These guns are very simple
>Absolutely DO NOT dry fire a Raven. You'll btfo the firing pin

fIring pin is already a fucked ass home made replacement that the guy made. But i've dry fired it alot being stupid thank you for that

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Nice try, Daquan. Next time buy one legally instead of stealing grandma's saturday night special during your B&E.

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incoming feed ramp pic just have to take it on my phone

Pffffft. I have rewritten this response three times now. All of them were derogatory but also superfluous. By cocking, do you mean racking the slide back?

funny one faggot but no I bought this as my first gun because I already am slightly familar with it even though I'm a faggot who doesn't know shit about guns

They're available. Your gun might just need a cleaning and oiling but post a pic of the internals

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is this the right shit? I got it all in front of me so whatever I need to show I'll show

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I think the firing pin and striker spring are fucked but I dunno if thats what explains the chambering problems. (OP) here

Can you show a picture of the bottom of the slide? I'll be home in 20 minutes and I can compare it to one of mine. It looks fine though. Odds are you just need a new magazine but their 10 bucks from Phoenix phoenix-arms.com/products/raven-magazine


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Firing pin and striker pin are the same. They wouldn't affect feeding though unless they're stuck

Take it apart completely (trigger group, firing pin assembly, everything).

Inspect for rust or pitting in the metal surfaces.

Generously lube the internals and re-assemble.

Go to a range or other shooting environment and load a magazine.

Place magazine in your pistol and rack the slide.

Put the gun in your mouth and fucking shoot yourself for buying the Down Syndrome equivalent of a firearm. Please remember not to reproduce during any part of these instructions.

Op here also there's moar. I manually chambered a round and shot it to try and make it auto chamber the clip and it worked, but it didn't go in all the way the very back rim of the bullet got like stuck in the hole and i had to like push it the rest of the way to make it ready to fire again. Is that a normal defect of these guns or do I need to order new parts
(bottom of slide)

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look at that fucked up pin and spring thats what i'm saying (Op)

That's just what they look like.

I've got the same handgun, got it from my grandad when he passed away. Fun little toy, but get something a little more substantial. The Ruger LCP is always on sale for 170$ or so and is a vast improvement. Also have fun taking the whole thing apart to clean it

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Why not get an actually usable gun that you can learn and grow with, fucking nog

Here's the firing pin it's home made like I said.
Sidenote when I put it back in the pointed part is supposed to face the back of the gun right

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There should be two pointed parts with the longer part heading forward. I'd just buy a new mag and firing pin

I bought this gun illegally I'm 18 and cant carry a handie till I'm 21 so I got something small, concealable, and not too loud. I also sell drugs and do sketchy shit for the fun of it so I need some basic form of protection. I'm not expecting to get into real firefights.

I'm there other Raven guy. That's nothing to brag about. Consider a lifestyle change before you get legally and physically fucked in the ass.

aaaaand the memes are real once again. was literally about to start giving you a hand and troubleshooting feeding with the gun but congratulations, you proved the first post to be the best post.

stop shitting up the streets of this country, get an actual job, stop carrying illegally and evaluate your life choices. you are not in a good place and it's only going to get worse.

Before people come in screeching about degeneracy, that gun is better than nothing. If you know anyone who does Tooling or machining they might be able to help you as well

OP is a nigger

Man fuck ya'll I live at home, working my shitty job
selling weed. I've never had a gun before and I'm just trying to get this one in working order so I can protect myself.

I'll give you credit this is substantially more elaborate bait than Jow Forums usually falls for.

The funny part is when this isn't bait and I'm a real person looking for real advice

look, we respect defending yourself. we do. we don't respect giving drug dealers guns because that's never an "innocent man is attacked by a vicious killer" situation, and it always ends up with guns getting back into the hands of those who will use them to do harm to innocent people. your situation is what leads us to HAVE to carry.

but nobody here is going to be like "yeah, shit, sure mane let me get your ghetto blaster up and running". if they don't have a moral or logical issue with it then they should at least be able to understand that the firearms community needs to universally stand against criminal ownership of firearms because it bites us in the ass -every- single time, and is thrown at us in every fucking argument for gun control.

just re-evaluate your life choices dude. where will you be when you're 40?

Funniest part is you're not gonna get any more advice now that we know you're a literal nigger, good job op

Did Jamal give you a receipt? Maybe you can return it for store credit.

>I'm just trying to get this one in working order so I can protect myself
Yeah that's believable after
>do sketchy shit for the fun of it

An actual word of advice before I go back to making fun of you, this looks like you bought a passaround (i.e. you got fucked by someone who was trying to ditch an increasingly unreliable firearm that was almost certainly used in criminal activities) and you should wipe it clean and dispose of it ASAP.


if this is bait then this is some artisanal mastercraft bait, from the deepest depths of shitposting hell.

>Came for helpful gun advice
>Let slip one piece of my real life and a joke
>Instantly crucified

how about showing us the serial number? there was a batch of the MP25s that had a defective striker mechanism that caused the slide to hang up when feeding. if yours is in that range there's an upgrade part available for dead cheap on eBay to retrofit it to the new model

Yeah sure. You can buy a serviceable modern handgun legally or illegally for the price of an ounce of weed anywhere in the US. Ravens are virtually antique peices you would have to go well out of your way to find, and have a reputation you would have to have at least some knowledge of the gun community to be familiar with.

It somebody plays that close to cliche, it is fiction 100% of the time.

Ditch the toy, get a Glock.

you are a giant cunt dog.

OP, make sure the magazine is fully seated into the firearm. I have handled many Ravens and own many other Saturday Night Specials and if the magazine is not fully seated then it wont feed properly. Also just buy a parts kit off of eBay for like ten bucks if there are other parts that are a bit fucky.

Swear to god I hit a jackpot then bro I paid $100
for this bitch my friend posted it on his snapchat just trying to sell it


They finally got their shit together. Bookmarked

everyone should be able to own firearms user. Criminals are just a part of the population too.

Well I recieved links to buy a new firing pin and mag so hopefully that will fix the problem. Thanks Jow Forumsomanndos


I was wondering where the general lack of intelligence would lead us to, and look at that. Throw away the gun and rethink your life. People carry because of people like you.

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>I paid $100
For a gun that's $50 on Armslist. I'm still convinced this is bait.

All the money you're making from slinging is going to look like fucking pocket change when you are facing one or both of the following:

1) hospital bills from being blasted by Tyrone who bought a glock instead

2) bail, bond, lawyer's fees and the financial impact of not being able to get a proper job for the rest of your life due to a felony conviction for distribution and/or carrying and concealing a stolen gun (that doesn't even work right).

Grow the fuck up before you end up being another statistic. The only financially viable move you can make with that gun is to shoot yourself before you either catch a felony case or catch a bullet.

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I guarantee you know nothing of the environment I live and operate in. neither of those things are going to happen friend.

trying too hard now, bait is getting obvious. scale it back or you might start getting less (You)s

Was just about to say this, nobody's going to buy that line when the point of the firearm was self-defense.

What if guns just make me hard and the thought that I have a hidden lil death machine in my pocket that can kill every person in a room or car just gets me off?

Then I'd say that this is all confirmed as bait, especially since your way of going about that is to get a small capacity pocket gun in apparently terrible condition.

Thus said every cocky young dealer who hadn't gotten caught yet.

user, I've seen what happens when people like you get caught. You really don't want to be that guy who breaks down crying in the middle of court desperately begging the judge and his mother because he knows he's going to get hit in the ass again if he goes back in.

The last thing we need is more stupid niggers running around with illegal firearms. People like you are the reason that law abiding people like us need firearms. Rest assured OP, when you try to pull it on someone and it doesn't go off, theirs will.

lol "hidden lil death machine"

>.25 acp
>6 round capacity
>doesn't work

Nice try loser. I sincerely hope you try to use that on someone who wasn't a retard and bought an actual firearm.

Try to resell it for 120 and get a hipoint

I just want you to know, you're going to be a loser forever due to the choices you're currently making.

>Admitting to a felony over the internet

Well I'll tell ya something OP, your drug selling skills might be coming in handy in a little bit.

Fuck, I miss the days when phones still put GPS in the EXIFs. I guarantee this idiot isn't smart enough to remove it on his own.

Those toolmarks...

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good thread/10, very funny much laughs haha

>I'm never going to get arrested
Yeah I'm sure you're a criminal mastermind at 19 years old with your broken $100 Raven .25. The cops have never dealt with a criminal force like this.

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Just use it on yourself, and spare anyone else the trouble.

>selling weed
I knew a grower back in the day that I actually respected his firearm stance, he wouldn't carry when he was selling weed period, he always said if someone ever tried to rip him off he would just give his shit up, wasn't worth getting into a fire fight and dying over a few plants.
>stop dealing with niggers and you wont have a proiblem

>a drug dealing whitenog
>knowing someone who is a skilled toolist or machinist
Kek no

OP seems the type to post pictures of weed and 3 $20's folded several times publicly on his Facebook and then cry snitches get stitches.
>exif'd his pictures and notified the local PD

I didn't get any GPS data in the EXIF, wat?

>Bumping this shit thread

This thread harvested some of the only lulz I've had recently on this board, I don't really consider autistic shitposting about 10MM to be top memery

>Bought my first handgun
>It's a Raven Mp-25
Cool, user. What sort of drugs do you sell?

That's cool, user. What sort of drugs did your grandpa sell?