
I've been in the army for 2 years. I still have 2 more to go. i am deeply unhappy with the lifestyle. The only thing about getting out though is I honestly don't know what I'll do.

I was just wondering, for those of you that did more than 1 term, did you regret it?

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You should go Pyle yourself for saving any pics of that mentally ill faggot. You obviously have a major malfunction yourself.

Take some pills and off yourself for fawning over a faggot.

Join the Marines.

Gomer Pyle is a character from the Andy Griffith Show you retarded zoomer. Also, kill LGBTQ+ people.

Did you never watch full metal jacket? Pvt Pyle shot himself in the head, like OP the faggot lover should do.

I did two enlistments. At my two year mark, I was loving life and re-enlisted (to a shitty strategic assignment, after which I quit).

You're not cut out for it. It's okay to admit this. Just quit before you get yourself into trouble and lose your GI Bill.

The name came from a character in a sitcom from 1962. Pic related is you.

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If you are unhappy with the lifestyle halfway through your first term of service, then you should not reenlist for a second term of service. You are not happy and you will not become happier by extending the contract to eight entire years. You should get out and use America's GI Bill to go to school for a subject that interests you (although my country has no GI Bill, I went to school to study geography simply because I wanted to do camping trips as part of studies--it does not have to be that you love biochemistry or whatever) and then get any job you can fall in to. In America, being a veteran of the American military helps a lot. You should not reenlist and because you will just continue to be sad if you do not like the military lifestyle. Why do that to yourself? Get out as soon as your term is up and take advantage of benefits like GI Bill. Make sure you don't get in trouble and lose it, as said.
What is that plate carrier? It looks kind of like a Condor product? Why would a soldier buy Condor products? Also, that administration pouch above the magazine elastic cord pouches. I've never seen anything like it. Is this something issued to troops or what? What is the designation if so?

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Is that rust behind the FSP?

Pvt pyle has been aninsult for a fuck up since pre zoomer times. Stop being a faggot like OP.

It's a Condor MOPC, privately bought. It's cheap.

OP should off himself like all trannies do once they realize they are freakshows

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Wow that faggot ladyboy can’t do anything right. Also some of the 82nd claim he’s a faggot antigun

Private Pyle is a retard who shot himself in Full metal jacket. I’m telling the faggot OP to do the same, kill yourself.

>be mentally ill faggot
>have retarded faggot views
Wow, checks out. Tranny should join the 40%

It looks too thick to be rust, considering that the rest of the gun is in good condition. I believe it may be a large piece of goo from the packing grease Russia uses to store metal equipment like weapons. The photo is from joint exercise of Russia's military that I am pretty sure was done with Vietnam's military?

Or mud, because nam

Look how cleanly the uniform, the Russian vest, and the rest of the gun are, though. Unless she poked the muzzle in mud, I don't think she has been in mud.

>oops dropped it

Honestly OP, reenlisting is for cucks with no direction/can't make it on the outside ...which isn't that hard with the gi bill. You've got two years. Figure out what you want to do and then gtfo.

I did my 4 years. Wasn't happy, but was successful. Got out, been doing my best since then. 8 years civilian and I realize there's no such thing as American culture, and friends and family are pretty much countable on one hand with missing fingers. I had no idea what I thought was waiting for me when I got out, but it wasn't a good choice and now I'm trying to get back in. Probably won't be able to but who knows.
If you get out, know exactly what you want from your girlfriend bill, and it better be a degree with a job at the end of it, so start doing some reading. Know where you want to go and why. Do not go home to parents or you'll be back at square 1.
Also, consider joining a different branch.

probably because pogs dont need gear that stands up to real abuse

chinese secret police wouldnt release a pic of a soldier with a rusty rifle

Ketchum posting should be a bannable offense