russia can beat the US and NATO in a european land war

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Go away vlad

>moments before this post

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Opinion* and wrong. If the US pulled out of nato, they could beat nato. Our military budget is more than their entire GDP

Opie you suck at trolling.
A great thread died for this shitty thread. Now let it ride into oblivion.

No way in hell would they even come close.

their equipment is better and they have numerical superiority. their doctrine has been proven and they havent lost a war in 2 decades. plus they have some of the best trained soldiers in the world. and they havent been corrupted by western degeneracy.

The US would annex Russia in a week or two.

I'd really rather not find out.

I find the overconfident idiots on both sides of this so historically ignorant it's not even funny. There are very few sureties in war beyond "young men die"


How the hell does a bunch of t-65s and t-72s compare to anything we have now? Unless we make our entire defense force out of Patton’s and Sheridan’s, maybe then we can reach a stalemate. Goddamnit I fell for bait, didn’t I?

Their 'equipment' is so good their SF use Western gear or copies of Western gear. Let's not forget that their thermals are so shit, they had to buy them from the French. Way to be vague about your epic may-mays. What equipment exactly? All of it? GTFO.

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have fun against T-14s and S-500s.
your steath garbage would be turned to mist.

Dont they have like three S-500s and didn’t they get cancelled?

Why the fuck do you even try with this bait?

in your dreams, fatty.

>> havent lost a war in 2 decades

Bitch im pretty sure anyone can go to the middle east and slay hajib with the military prowess of a cave man and then call it a war. Like what are you on

lmk when have more than 10 ivan
Ivan please be realistic our naval batteries alone will cripple you, let alone our drones , aircraft and armor.

Go fuck some HIV positive whore after you down some cheap vodka and cheap flesh eating heroin

I can believe they could beat NATO in anyway
Not America tho desu~

A great thread? Dont be fucking stupid.

Ok friend.

come on op you can do better

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By massive preemptive strike that combines both cyber-attacks on civilian infrastructure and black-ops operations against military communication systems. That might provide opening for a massive strike made by long range cruise missiles and short range ballistic missiles. Decision making process in Balt states and Poland can be literally turned off like light in a room. If Russian submarines succeed in their job to hunt down and kill both UK subs on patrol (don't forget that they don't have all 4 Vanguards in a sea, one or two at max), France and Germany may agree to reasonable Russian demands backed by threat of a nuclear escalation. Without nukes UK is out of a picture. French-German politicians would be in a choice between independence against US and new World order where EU can have equal part, or asking America to save them and be their slaves forever.

god i wish this would happen. then europe can finally be free again and tell american creaturas to go fuck themselves while europe returns the glory of its past thanks to based russia.

You’d be trading American dominance for Russian rule. Good luck with trying to get rid of our bases.

>posts family guy meme
>makes an oratageously impossible claim with no evidence
Gopnik how did you acquire internet in your Stalin-era apartment complex in Siberia?
How much does the kremlin pay you in vodka and potatoes to shit post on here?

> T-65

I'm sure you know tons about tanks...

Attached: cringe.jpg (310x250, 20K)

>t. cant even take down a building with fucking cruise missiles

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>haven't been corrupted by western degeneracy
>highest heroin usage rate Europe
>highest abortion rate in Europe
>Highest HIV rate in Europe
>prostitution rampant
>holocaust denial is illegal
I fell for bait didn't I