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Okay? It's almost like the media prints whatever will get a reaction of of viewers. I'm not even gonna bother trying to argue about the article because everyone on this site is so fucking autistic that a rational debate is next to impossible, especially on such a sensitive topic as this, but holy fuck realize that the "MUH US IS FUGGED" "MUH RUSSIA IS FUGGED" "MUH CHINA IS FUGGED" etc etc keep popping up every hour and nothing comes of it because it's all propaganda bullshit.

Over done thread that has been disproved a million times. By the way I love the taste of sage in on a herb crusted chicken cutlet.


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>opinion piece

US society couldn't survive another major war.
Look at our current demographic situatuon + the fat fucks + the anti-war sentiment after 15 years fucking around in the middle east.
The US would fracture even in a war with Iran.

I swear, this shit is either written by vatniks or US defense contractors

By what metric? Where could they possibly out gun us? Ancient Cold War hardware in storage? Weponized drunk drivers?

Maybe it's vatniks who fled Russia and went to work for US defence contractors, and twenty years later they're sick of being bullied at work by imperialist meanies.

Fuck off retardus


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yes damn those jews and their...praise for the russian army?

Wow, Russia so stronk. Much IMPRESSIVE.

To be honest tho, the drunken HIV-cases that is the current Russian demographics isnt much better.

Exactly what percentage of the russian population has HIV?

Yes, typical jew tactic...they're trying to convince the US that it cant fight russia in order to get the US to fight russia so that US troops will die for israel so that israel can have US troops die for it...

This isn't praise, it's meant to encourage more military spending and russia fear mongering.
The jew is technically right, though. Russia would win.

Dont remember, but its by far the highest percentage in europe, rivaling some african states

>According to experts, the total number of individuals with HIV (including those who are undiagnosed) was estimated in 2016 to be between 0.85 and 1.5 million[1] (the lower estimate is from the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation). Prevalence of HIV in adult people is between 0.8 and 1%.[2] According to the UN, Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world.[3] Approximately 95,000 Russians were diagnosed with HIV in 2015, and approximately 75,000 in the first nine months of 2016.[3]

>the total number of individuals with HIV (including those who are undiagnosed) was estimated in 2016 to be between 0.85 and 1.5 million[1] (the lower estimate is from the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation).
>the lower estimate is from the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

>Russian government lying through their teeth
Color me surprised

This. More people should read and absorb this. I hide all these type of threads. I only came in to this one to see why this thread keeps bumping and what type of kommando keeps getting baited by this shit.

>I love the taste of sage in on a herb crusted chicken cutlet.
Someone's been banned before. Happens to everybody eventually.

Assuming our enemy is stronger drives us to improve.

>the anti-war sentiment after 15 years fucking around in the middle east.

That anti-war sentiment only exists because the US was too good at killing Arabs, but not ruthless enough to completely crush the insurgency, leading to a slow bleed of morale and purpose.
If you give the people an enemy who is dangerous and powerful enough to send back lots of bodybags at once, then anti-war protestors will be getting beaten up in the streets.

people who actually think this war is a possibility are the lowest iq brainlets

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Oh no he didn't, I know thats not white face, is that dude in white face? Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!

>Russia will surpass African nations in AIDS cases

>Us hasn't focused on artillery since the 70's because it just drops bombs instead
What in thegoodgodamn we out gunned n'sheit

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How do you like your chicken then?

According to the article, he is showing concerns regarding the parity in electronic warfare capabilities and field artillery.


How did russia manage to become an african tier cpuntry from a superpower? coreuprion is literally killing that country


so it's literally nothing

Wasn't it always africa tier in terms of corruption?


MAD will end in 10 years or less.
The US will then be the only operational nuclear power when its 1000km missile systems become operational.
To prevent this Russia must find a way to disarm US missile systems or create nuclear weapon systems that can't be intercepted.
Russia is looking at first strike as an option to maintain their independence.
Something has to give, either Russia looses the ability to strike at the US or the US looses its missile systems.
Which do you think will happen?


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+50 rubles have been deposited to your account vlad

There is no need for weapons when you can already start a civil war with facebook memes

I'm making fun of the retard that wrote the article.

Salt, pepper, garlic, onion. Havarti cheese on top, tablespoon of homemade salsa over that. Put it in a lidded baking dish, toss it in the oven for 45 minutes at 350, done.


Holy shit pol is never wrong.