What would happen if there is a shortage of soldiers in the amerifat military...

what would happen if there is a shortage of soldiers in the amerifat military? i just saw a video on youtube that recruiters are having a hard time getting people to sign up.

Attached: military recruiter.jpg (621x414, 34K)

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>Fighting for the jews.
Le based gen Z.

If we arent busy invading some shithole most of the US population cant even find on a map the draft wont be reinstated, so nothing really.

based and redpilled

Was it this video?

this one actually

No more shabbos goys for the Israeli Foreign Legion

>wearing your sunglasses on the back of the head like that
The US should get some Soviet style penal battallions already

The Military isn't really seen as a legitimate alternative to college anymore, the whole everyone needs to go to college or their a failure thing got way out of hand. Also, from the National Guard recruiters I've talked to it seems that alot of people don't like how the guard was used during the GWOT, and it scares some people away.

The problem is all the people coming back describing the incredible unprofessionalism of the army. Its practically a joke, you shouldn't be forced to serve with literal retards crying and shitting on everything.

I was wondering why I was seeing Army SOF ads on every YouTube video

>shortage of soldiers
>in the US military
kek did you miss that day in grade school?

Retards and women who don't keep up the standards.
The difference is we used to be proud of our military excellence and they've ruined it's reputation.

I started getting this one.

Attached: 9999650089807009521.gif (300x250, 37K)

>getting ads on jewtube
fuckin plebs

They would just have to offer a more competitive salary and give soldiers a better quality of life unlike currently where only redneck white trailer trash find it acceptable. Obviously this would mean we would have to cut down on troop numbers but that could be offset by hiring more fat black contractors where weight standards don't matter and shifting more roles to be reserve based.

I wonder why the CIA even bothers trying to recruit when they probably can create Agent 47 type people at a moments notice

So the draft is a possibility in the Canadian or Mexican invasion and not much more

What do you think happens? What do you think has BEEN happening? They just outsource the jobs to some shitty foreigners, WHICH THEY DO ALREADY. Seriously I have no problem with immigration per se, provided their are caps and minimums to meet, but what kind of retarded kike nation looks at some dude who wants to abandon their home country and fight for total strangers and says "yea that's my boi?" retarded

Now you get illegals who have military experience, nice

They would probably orchestrate things such that economic conditions for the lower classes worsen and job pickings become more scarce such that the requisite number of poor people with no other method of survival to turn to sign up out of desperation.

I would imagine, were numbers to drop low enough, they would simply instigate a war. Perhaps a jaunt back to Korea.

Attached: 1383339028639.jpg (160x160, 4K)

This is true

I've literally been trying to sign up for 5 months now in process and just reached the end. There is always a "shortage".

Lmao it took me 3 days to be in processing, and I ship out in 3 weeks

>some dude who wants to abandon their home country and fight for total strangers and says "yea that's my boi?"
They're called mercenaries and they've been used in most wars throughout history

Special forces already can't fill up positions.

The Army is shit. Join the USMC if you actually have a pair.

Rule #1 for recruiting to the secret agencies: Get normal people. Special people attract attention.

Rule #2: Get expendable people. The fewer connections they have, the fewer networks they are part of, the less likely they are to be missed when shit eventually happens. "Sorry, you are on your own. We can't afford to be seen to interfere. Good luck with those jihadi cell mates of yours. Maybe you should grow a beard or something."

And it NEVER turns out good when you use mercenaries, yet here we are

They'll just start offering huge ass signing bonuses. $80k bonus for 4 years in the Infantry is basically unlimited numbers. Just put that in a commercial and recruiters would run out of piss tests in 48 hours.


Draft of fatee's or we have ourselves our own FFL.

So much for a professional volunteer army better than conscripts right?

Don't fall for this. USMC is even more shit, you just get told how badass you are by other Marines while you get stuck forever as an E-3 at best and gotta eat w/e the Navy shits.

Fucking good. Fuck all ZOGbots. Militia and community defense or die, you welfare queen plebs

I remember in 2006 they wanted to open recruiting stations for the US Army in India, they'd enlist people in exchange for citizenship. It never came about, but 100% chance likely, they'd outsource recruitment like they outsource everywhere else.


This. Tons of millennials and subsequently almost all gen Z-ers are apt enough with networking through the advances in technology today that certs, investing, and (as much as we all despise it) communistic living ie couch surfing, along with others are more than long term, sustainable alternatives to becoming a drone for the corporate jew (college) or the war jew (military). The new age of the blue collar is emerging. Welders, nurses, crypto brokers, mechanics, and tens of millions more jobs along with new, innovative, relevant college-less entrepreneurs will make tradition corporate and government pipelines obsolete.

The beast will soon be slain, my friends. Savor the anticipation of true freedom imminently among us. What a time to be alive

How about Rome and its fall, idiot?

>Wars won 0
Bubba plz.

I would love to join but I had medication for about 3 months.

> Canadians
Possible but the Michigan militia could beat them in a few hours.
> Mexicans
Aren't ever going to officially invade the US. If anything the US will send in troops to get a hold on the cartels that actual mount an effective resistance against the ZOG's puppet Mexican govt

Activision will crank out another Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and (((Hollywood))) will release an American Sniper 2.

The Z Man wrote about this recently: thezman.com/wordpress/?p=14873

It's well worth reading. Here are some excerpts:
>A regular feature of the news, going back decades, is how the military is struggling to meet its enlistment goals...

>For starters, the sorts of men excited about taking orders from a girl are not the sorts of men you want fighting your wars. That only works in Hollywood propaganda. That propaganda, however, has had an impact on the culture. As a result, a decreasing number of men are physically able to meet the minimum requirements. A boy who spent his formative years playing video games and being asked if he would prefer to wear a dress, is unlikely to have the ability to make it through basic, much less be a good soldier.

>Then you have the fact that white guys are starting to figure out that the government is their enemy, so signing up to fight for the government is not in their interests. Part of it is the fact that the public has figured out that the neocon response to 9/11 was a scam. They did not care about keeping the country safe from Islam. They only cared about keeping Israel safe from Islam. Importing millions of Muslims after 9/11 did not go unnoticed. A volunteer army relies on patriotism to fill the ranks. Fighting for strangers does not cut it...

>The response will be a greater reliance on high technology, but the cost of the robot warrior goes up faster than his effectiveness. No one bothers to notice that the space age war machine of the Unites States has been fought to a standstill by cave dwelling archaics in Afghanistan. Trillions have been spent trying to outsmart the locals and the graveyard of empires is going to win anyway. In the end, there is no replacement for human capital and there is no way to replace the premier human capital with cheap knockoffs from overseas.

> 0 ZOG declared wars won
Uh...uhm.... Okay? I fail to see how this is proves the effective capacity of militias against conventional militaries, especially when I have unnecessary examples like:
I mean I could go on. Would you like to know more, cunt nugget?

>it NEVER turns out good
Way to generalize, dipshit. Mercenaries have been used in just about every conflict ever. Relying on them too heavily is indeed a bad idea, but using them just to swell the ranks a bit was standard practice for millennia.

See above. Rome did not fall because they decided to hire mercs. They got fucked because they practically replaced their native military forces with hired foreigners.

Rome fell because they fucked too many boys in public bathhouses, you dumdum

Wrong. It never turns out well when you run out of other people's money to pay for your mercenaries. Checkm8 statistfags

>They got fucked because they practically replaced their native military forces with hired foreigners.
You're splitting hairs. Call it mercenaries, or call it foreigners fighting for your team for citizenship instead of dosh, either way it's asking for trouble. We are the Romans, and we'll reap the rewards soon enough.

>you are splitting hairs
No I'm not. The issue is that they relied too heavily on mercs. Machiavelli talks about mercenaries quite a bit in The Prince. His opinion is similar to mine. They can be useful as long as they are outnumbered and monitored by loyal enlisted men.

My recruiter acted just like a desperate little girl. I told him I wasn't sure about joining and I was gonna think about. This little bitch blew up my phone every fucken day! It just showed me how desperate they really are and it really put me off. So I told him I'd only join if he gave me a sign up bonus of one million dollars cash, he said he cant do that, so I said then dont fucken call me no more.

One day I realized that I've made more money as a Taco Bell store manager than I did in 4 years in the USMC. Join Taco Bell instead of the military, only took me 3 years to become store manager.