Why the hate on Taurus?

I have pic related pistol. What did I do wrong? It seems to work fine for me. It's a compact .45acp that holds 10+1. DA/SA. Why all the hate on this thing?

Attached: mygun.jpg (722x600, 56K)

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>not a G2C
you fail

Bought mine back in 2008 before the G2 came out.

Because their guns like to go off for no reason. It has been reported in the Brazilian media a police officer was killed by his own firearm. IMBEL is the only proper arms company in Brazil.

Attached: M9 No.1.jpg (3552x2000, 1.96M)

I've got one as well, but in .40sw. Whats the point of the DA when theres no decocker? If theres a round in the chamber the trigger pull will always be SA.

Mostly because they're shit guns.

>t. owned a tracker

It was cheap.

what do you mean by that?

source please?

You mean the company in general or my specific case?

>barrel was canted left by 2 or 3 degrees from factory
>disgusting double action trigger
>rough machining
>had way way too much rotational play in the cylinder

Before you ask, I bought it from a friend whose live-in girlfriend was having a depressive episode and he didn't feel safe with a gun there. I paid him $100 and still felt like I got ripped off.